Is there STILL not a Dragon Ball thread? If so

I saw a YouTube comment saying he’s a tracer, I just figured it was trolling. Despite my general dislike of his writing, I respected his drawing ability. Now that is in question.

So whos the guy Goku is facin in Toyos drawing?

the irony since america had shit on american artists for tracing stuff out of japanese mangas. honestly its not a big deal to me…they are tracing the form, its not different then when an artist traces buildings or uses references.

I used to draw. Tracing someone elses’ work is a big deal. Looking at someone elses’ work as a reference is fine. Tracing is like singer using someone elses vocals and lip synching.

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Coulda been worse guys

It can always be worse.

A Yu-Gi-Oh protagonist. They must be arguing over who gets the last bottle of hair dye.

Were do you think they got Broly from? :wink:

My new favorite show

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Shitty new SRK closed the OG DBZ thread? That’s like cutting down a tree that’s been growing for hundreds of years… SMH.

Anyway, who’s playing Dragon Ball Legends on mobile?

I’m personally still all about Dokkan. Legends looks mad boring, and it doesn’t have a lot of content right now anyway. Maybe a year or two from now it’ll have a decent selection of characters

So here’s a question: Zamasu killed Gowasu and became Supreme Kai. Does that mean the U10 GoD lived or died?

Yep. Gowasu was life linked to elephant god.

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I need to rewatch that but wasn’t it future gowasu, as I’m pretty sure you see gowasu putting away a time ring at the end of the arc

If im not mistaken, Zamasu killed all the kais in the future, thus elimimating the GoDs from interfering in his plans. Thats why he got as far as he did

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But Zamasu quickly replaced him as Supreme Kai. If that momentary gap was enough to kill the GoD off permanently, how did Beerus live through Buu killing the original Supreme Kai?

(BTW I get that I’m asking for logic from the most confusing arc written by a dude who cares little for consistency. I’m just making casual convo)

There were multiple Supreme Kai’s at that point IIRC. Shin was the last one left.

The one Buu absorbed was his superior, along with the three other Kais who Buu killed. Makes me think he was the Supreme Kai.

Probably another case of Toriyama forgetting previous plot points then.

Guys, Shin and Goku finally went full heel turn

Also, can we talk about how Fusion of any kind has a worse track record than Spirit Bomb? It worked exactly once vs Janemba and every other time has either outright lost or timed out and been pointless.

Gotenks gets taken down by Buu and needs to be saved by Gohan

Vegito gets absorbed and leads to Kid Buu

Gogeta vs Omega Shenron times out

Vegito Blue times out vs Zamasu

Zamasu gets killed by Trunks because fusion ruined his immortality

Kale loses to UI Goku

The one time it ever actually worked as a last minute ass pull was vs Janemba. Even Spirit Bomb worked twice to kill outside movies (where its track record was much better)