Is there any Dragonball z boudokai FAn onwii?

hello, iam a fighting game fan and I am planning on buying a wii just for boudokai to fight the best and the fastest player in one ( if not one) of the fastest game to date ( beside sft turbo speed 10)
I am waiting for the strong ( be nice to me)

I be there with you so dont worry. It should be very cool im bringing some of my friends along.

ill play ya when it comes out.

Ill be on there for sure!

when does it come out again so i know to get it and play that day/night

Dec 3rd for wii. :confused:

The wait is killing me.Good thing galaxy is here until then.I’ll be down to play btw.

Help me out a bit. If your into the tenkaichi series, Please sign up here!

Haha, I’ve bought for the PS2 as well just to have an edge. Good luck guys.

i will still kill you ahahahahaha cough cough

i hear the online play for this is hella slow

The lag is enough to make a grown man cry. This why im just now getting the tears out of my eyes. Im sorry third strike i will never leave you again.

until they get better servers up for it to cut back on the lag im not buyin it since i sold me last one cuz i beat it and had no one else to play and i aint tryin to do that again no matter how much unlockables are in it.

the lag is really bad. wow go figure…

Guess its offline play for me!

you’re serious!? The offline play is slow? :(…augh…come onnnnnnn dammit! THIS WAS A FUCKING PERFECT OPPORTUNITY…THIS GAME SCREAMS ONLINE! Guess we’ll have to wait till tenkai 4…sigh

this is non sense, i have been waiting for 4 months and the online play is not good, I guess I will still have to haunt king fighter neo wave, Tekken dark resurrection online and have my @$%$*# kicked on SF3 impact and Cap vs SNK.

Complete fucking letdown… Man this makes me lose faith in anything atari does anymore

I get a decent connection every so often

3007 6621 6654

I can understand if no one even bothers though :stuck_out_tongue:

yo imma huge dbz fan…and be dieing for 1 dbz game to be online on a console …looking for good challeges once i learn tenkaichi 3…havent got it yet stores all out…n beside i jsut hooke du pmy wii so how does this code thig work btw…and does the regular controller work wit dbz…iam not really feeling the whole nunchuck thing…and ddhow does the game play anyway with the nunchuck and remote…holla back asap peeps n Happy new years

you can use the controller i hear but online is slow like said so im still debating.