Is The Netcode Broken Now?

Jesus man it’s nothing but doom and gloom with these threads your making.

I can speak for myself here, I play on a regular comcast xfinity internet connection.

Friday I ran random select ranked all night from about 5PM to 630 AM.
Out of all the matches I ran about 5 or 6 dropped due to lag
About 10 additional matches were choppy at one point or another.

Every other match ran smooth, many of which were outside the US

KI netcode is still good.

People are looking for things to complain about.

Between this and your Sabrewulf nerf threads I don’t know which is worse.

Between the Guides, News, Breakdowns, Previews, Match Vids… oh yeah… everything I post is "bad news’. Open your eyes bud.

The de-sync video with DSP is probably related to this. The game (as it was?) would allow players to finish a match while completely de-synchronized.
While this might be a rare case, it still exposes the fact that the game will allow the two parties to experience different games. This means that no one experiences lag and everything goes fine, as long as the connections are good enough.
If they solved this problem in the update everyone will see more lag and a few people won’t end up playing de-synced games.

Netcode has been perfect for me still except for some rare cases where other people I fight will have laggy connections.

The net code seems pretty good on my end as we’ll, given the handful of games that end up being choppy. I’ve never had a game actually drop right in the middle of a match. Perhaps bad luck dude?