Is the key to Rolento being random?

I’m playing Rolento now, and I love him. My main thing is just to go crazy with high-low mixups and try to force the opponent to jump in so I jump roll back and hit them with the level 3 Booby Trap.

But am I playing him the right way?

What are his worst matchups?

Is there anyone he has to play a special way against?

actually its the complete opposite, you are suppose to think one step ahead of the opponent since you are in control 95% of the time.

he can run and he can rushdown so learn when to rush and when to run.

his worst matchup is blanka and morrigan.

Okay, thanks.

I can understand Blanka. Why Morrigan?

one knock down = lots of life…

and her zoning works pretty well against him too…

his gets stuffed by her running moves a lot too.

basically he needs meter to win the fight unless you can manage to run away the whole fight and somehow land a few random hits.