Is the fade away hurricane kick put into a combo possible with Ryu in this video?

I can do the hurricane kick fade away with a hit connect but not with a crouching light kick before it. I’m playing the SFA for Xbox. This is the video where I saw it:


1:49-1:53 in the video it looks so sick I’ve seen a similar one like this recently with the new turbo hd remix with akuma doing it.

Was this video macro’d to achieve the combos or can anyone here do these? If so do you workout daily lmao cause I mean even for the fadeaway hurricane kick to hit connect without putting another kick before it is damn hard and I’m only able to do it in Turbo 1. Are there certain versions of super turbo that can only do these combos?

It’s possible, but you have to kara cancel your jump from an extra cr.Short. So after the cross-up, the exact command is:

down+Short, down+Short then IMMEDIATELY up/back, down, down/back, back+kick

Even though you only hit the opponent with one cr.Short, you have to press cr.Short twice - the second one is kara canceled into a jump. It’s hard, but possible.

I know this is asking alot but, would you be willing to take video of both that 3 hit combo plus a video of your joystick as your inputting it so I could see how fast we are talkin’ here. XD!!! BTW Thank you so much for answering my question!!! :smiley:

down+short, up/back~short, down, down/back, back+kick would be microscopically easier for an immensely difficult maneuver.

brain explodes

On that up/back I keep trying it but it’s coming out as a normal hurricane kick. Is it cause I’m getting the back registered first just slightly before the up input? Nevermind it’s cause I’m doing it to slow… Wow um that is really really fast :O!!! Well I’m still not sure about it still feels like it’s registering the up/back as just back.

I’m not sure if this would come out as a combo though since your waiting for your character to jump which everytime I try it this way the input is to late and the combo doesn’t come out.

Ok now tell me if I’m wrong here shouldn’t I be able to kara cancel any move into a jump and be able to see a frame of animation? If this is the case then my version this is impossible cause anything I try to cancel from a crouch into a jump be it any kick or punch I see no animation. I’m makin’ some progress though cause I can now do the fade away hurricane kick at turbo 4 yay go me! XD!!! Alright from reading another post I’ve read you should be able to hear a sound but I’m not able to hear a whoosh from trying to just kara cancel any move into a jump.