It just depends on what you mean by “worth it” imo.
If you want to use a character whose background or personality you like, then for sure it’s worth it. If you like using an underdog type character or a character whose playstyle you just happen to think is really interesting, then of course it’s worth it. If you want to win online or with friends or at small tournaments, then yeah, it’s probably worth it still.
If you intend to win SoCal Regionals next month against Justin Wong, Combofiend, Clockwork, Yipes, Floe, Filipino Champ, Viscant, Dios X, Noel Brown, KillerKai, Fanatiq, etc, then get outta here, of course it’s not worth it, and a lol at you for thinking it might have been.
If you intend to win Evo 2012 in July 2012, 8 months from now, then it’s pretty hard to know whether it’ll be worth it, that’s just too long from now and there’s no way to know what new technology or matchup mastery we’ll have by then (and I’m doing my best to build both), but… well, the strongest bet is that it won’t be.
Reasons I’m playing him, in order of importance: everyone expects me to, I think his playstyle is interesting, and I know that nowadays I’m no longer in physical condition to have a chance at winning majors. If I could still play, best believe I’d only play this dude for fun in casuals, can’t imagine he’d see daylight on my teams in tournament.