Is the effort of playing Phoenix Wright REALLLY worth it?

Yes it is worth it. Because it’s fucking Phoenix Wright.

But seriously though, turnabout mode is huge for him and his team. Pretty much anytime I get turnabout (which is becoming more and more often) I win. I’m having great success with Wright

And comon man…it’s barley even day three. The way people assess characters these days (especially pre-release or right after release) can be such a bummer.

yeah i never touched phoenix in vanilla but i wanted to pick up wright in this game.

and all i have to say is it is so awesome to see the opponent run to the corner in fear of wright and his assist in turnabout. just the presence of him forces the opponent to watch every single move they do. today i punished an akuma who thought would be safe playing keep away and all i had to do was let him think that and once i decided to punish i just DHCed into Ace Attorney and won the game. i believe he’s worth it.

I was playing Wright since launch and while I do feel the risk is definitely worth the pay off the fact is its still a risk. It’s been said before but you just have to put in so much effort to play him and the pressure is excruciating. Honestly I don’t think he will be viablemin top level play since popular characters like Vergil, Wesker, and Strider just dominate him, combined with the fact that once you lose even one member of your team your entire game plan falls apart. I really hope I’m wrong as I love this character to death but lets face it, top players are looking for the easiest dirtiest way to win which leaves little room for people to find the correct technology for wright outside of character specialists.

I can’t tell if he’s interesting or just a gimmick. I’m leaning towards the latter but I feel that he’s worth playing because if you get Press The Witness in Turnabout, you basically win the game. 240,000+ damage, more invincible than Haggar Lariat (without gaining red life), and has a wall bounce. Not to mention, unlike Haggar in anchor, he’s a very serious threat. With the right assists, i.e. Shopping Cart, Plasma Beam, it’s not too tough to get the evidence. TACing isn’t a bad plan to get to turn about either. Get evidence, tag out, TAC 2/3 chance of turnabout, not that bad at all.

Also don’t forget guys, this is like day 2, there will be Wright technology that will only make him better, and no matter what, that assist will be the best assist in the game.

Wright becomes better than Gold Hsien Ko assist in turnabout.
And if he’s snapped in… he’s still a problem with evidence projectiles and that gdlk Ace Attorney. Press a button? Character down.

Instead of simply using a hyper to get to Gold Hsien Ko and tag out… it’s getting evidence and objection, ± tagging out.
Will definitely be a niche character as time goes on because he takes work, and a drop of luck.

I’ve been dead set towards playing as Phoenix Wright since I first heard he was leaked. I knew I had to make a team around him but I didn’t think I’d have to change so drastically. I sucked it up though and made a team that I think would benefit Wright best. He’s going to be well worth the effort IF you actually put in the effort. Don’t give up!

I play PW and I’m 35-15 online. I use PW/Chris/Ammy and PW/RR/Chris. But its seems that the former does better. If I’m up against a teleporter I just switch PW out before the match starts. If I take the opponent out I swap PW back in and let him collect evidence. Once he gets evidence I swap him out for Chris or Ammy and go for a TAC (usually up since thats the least common choice) into obection into a random TAC into another partner. Then play keepaway with Chris and spam the invincible assist. Another thing I could do is Ammy’s Slowdown super and either DHC into Maya Super or Raw tag PW in and collect evidence that way.

Honestly its hella fun for me to play PW and I want to make him good (if he isn’t already).

there was some guy who was blowing people up with PW at a tournament, but he never started on point…when he came in he always had about 3 meters…

If you’re not willing to offer high risk for high reward, you shouldn’t be playing MvC3 to begin with. That’s the entire concept of the game.

I’ve been making very good use of Wright so far. It really isn’t that hard to go Turnabout, but even without it, he’s not that bad.

Investigation is a bit tough to work with, but it’s possible to make it work. Trial, on the other hand, is actually pretty awesome once you get good grasp on his strange combos. IMO, Press the Witness is one of the best moves in the game to use mid-combo.

Now, I’ll admit that I do get the occasional large stack of food/false evidence when I’m in Investigation, but he has ways of staying alive while he’s out there.

Yes because look at how all determined you are. So as long as everyone dose not lose that then hes gonna end up viable.

Man, I don’t know. I REALLY like Nick and his Ace Attorney games but I use a Saturn controller, so my buttons would have to be this:

Normally, B is L+M+H, and A is Partner 1 + Partner 2.
It’d be impossible to claw the controller to press C and X on a Saturn controller in a real match.
Really wish the gave evidence gathering different inputs =(

At first I thought PW was difficult to use, but after 50 matches, I’m seeing a lot of POTENTIAL. Getting turn about is really fun now, and once its done, switch him out, and with Thor on point and Hsien-Ko in rimukon, I get the revolving door of death with two invincible assists alternating, I try not to do that though because I actually got a rage quit from it.

And if my point character is KO’d, Pheonix jumps out in turn about mode with an invincible assist for back up. And if he’s the last character, turn about mode is still something to fear, especially if he has the knife evidence, which shoots out a stream of triple projectiles.

I’m already winning matches with him, and still haven’t fully learned his BnB combos yet.

If you’re serious, you could try this:

Setting S to a shoulder button allows you to do S+L, S+M, S+H easily, as well as L+M+H and S to activate Xfactor. The rest doesn’t matter so much, just that S is on a shoulder.

He’s a luck character.
Playing skilfully and getting 3 evidence checks off doesn’t mean you get into not-shit mode.
Random chance needs to be thrown away for more required evidence for turnabout.

I’m fairly certain Capcom made him a luck character on purpose.

Too Many People are whining and complaining that wright’s garbage…of course he’s worth the effort!
i don’t care what anyone says once you get into turnabout mode it’s usually game over unless you screw up somehow…(like for example tagging in wright at the worst possible time)his press the witness assist becomes a tool of destruction in TM and as long as you keep at least one other character alive with wright as an assist you’ll most likely win

he’s like dark phoenix without any of the crazy stuff…where as she just needed 5 bars to go beast mode on you
mister wright needs evidence and due to the random factor it could take a long time or it could just take a few seconds at the start of the match to get everything you need

but rest assured once you get all that and land objection! you’re opponent will hate you’re guts

Phoenix Wright is a very good character by design, it just takes a little more effort on your part to get wins. He’s not a braindead rushdown like most of the cast. His design forces you to play defensively against the many dangerous mix ups in the game.

I’ve been playing Wright since the game came out last week, and so far, he’s my favorite character. I play Wright, Sentinel, Wesker in that order. When things don’t go well with gathering evidence, and Wright dies early, Sentinel and Wesker are my plan B, and are more than capable of sweeping the other person’s 3 characters without Wright.

If I do manage to get Wright into TM, I immediately hard tag in whoever’s in the 3rd slot and proceed to badger the witness :slight_smile: The way I look at it, if you can get Wright in TM, all you have to do to win is kill the other player’s first two characters, a feat made much easier by having Wright as an assist in TM. Once I get them down to thier anchor character, whoever it maybe, or however much life they have left, I hard tag Wright before the last character comes in and basically win the game right there. Phoenix Wright destroys anchors with very little effort or thought process. All you have to do is spam pointy fingers on the ground and in the air. Any pointy finger to Xfactor to level 3 super kills pretty much anybody with full health, and if they turtle up I just throw them into xfactor into level 3.

It just depends on what you mean by “worth it” imo.

If you want to use a character whose background or personality you like, then for sure it’s worth it. If you like using an underdog type character or a character whose playstyle you just happen to think is really interesting, then of course it’s worth it. If you want to win online or with friends or at small tournaments, then yeah, it’s probably worth it still.

If you intend to win SoCal Regionals next month against Justin Wong, Combofiend, Clockwork, Yipes, Floe, Filipino Champ, Viscant, Dios X, Noel Brown, KillerKai, Fanatiq, etc, then get outta here, of course it’s not worth it, and a lol at you for thinking it might have been.

If you intend to win Evo 2012 in July 2012, 8 months from now, then it’s pretty hard to know whether it’ll be worth it, that’s just too long from now and there’s no way to know what new technology or matchup mastery we’ll have by then (and I’m doing my best to build both), but… well, the strongest bet is that it won’t be.

Reasons I’m playing him, in order of importance: everyone expects me to, I think his playstyle is interesting, and I know that nowadays I’m no longer in physical condition to have a chance at winning majors. If I could still play, best believe I’d only play this dude for fun in casuals, can’t imagine he’d see daylight on my teams in tournament.

Not as dumb as using the word technology in this instance. I think the word you mean is technique; strategy, method maybe.

Back to the topic.

I like Phoenix Wright’s moveset. He’s definitely one of the most unique characters in the game. I’ve been trying to learn how to play with him, and so far, it seems as if one needs to have extremely quick reflexes, and a precise compliment of characters as well as assist choices in order to compete with him on any level. He doesn’t strike me as one of those characters that you can launch an all-out offensive with; as such with Wesker, Dante, Zero, etc. However, he does have a lot of potential (think Dhalsim in SFA3) if you put in the extra practice and use him with an intermediate type approach.

“Technology” or “tech” is a term used by the FG community to describe techniques, set-ups or combos that are good.