Is the CE worth it?


Get the $45 + free shipping deal on NewEgg as that ends today. The preorder gems will not do anything for you, and you can be sure that they will easily be replaceable. The gem situation with retailer exclusives is nothing but a sham… Also, the CE is garbage, you get a worthless paper arcade cabinet and a different cover for the game. Only CE worth having is the Japanese version as that has an artbook.

I was thinking that but are you sure I won’t have to buy gems later on to have the “full” set? Also, what was the code for that deal again?

^ Promo: EMCYTZT1116

There are going to be hundreds of gems that will replace everything offered in the beginning, and everything now is probably going to be offered at a cheap price as DLC in a month or two after the game is released. Are you actually trying to collect every single one of them in the style of Pokemon? ._. Eventually people will discover that there are only a select few gems that actually are useful, thus putting an end to the proposed “infinite combinations.”

Alright. I’m convinced. Thank you oh Vonderful one.

Hundreds? I don’t even think there are 100 gems total in the game without DLC.

Here’s a link to some actual information instead of people making things up.,_explained

But do the extra ones matter?!

We couldn’t tell you until someone plays the release disc.
Short answer: likely yes (there will probably be one that’s desireable and all the rest crap). But is it worth it?

//bias: too many collector’s edition products with game releases.
For $10 more, if you’re going to buy DLC anyway, may as well get the CE with a nicer looking box and accessories.
Any more than that, then I’d wait for DLC.

Ya know what? Screw the CE. This discount is way too good to pass up. Freaking gems…

And why are you wasting your time in this section of the forum?

i fucking guess so, i guess because im getting it from amazon, its going to only cost retail for me, you know $10 giftcard, so idk wtf to tell you…a

Everybody knows that I already have this game on preorder. I can’t mess around on a forum?

get the standard, play your characters, the best gems will soon be discovered on these forums. If you need to buy a pack to complete the set then do it. If not you dont have to buy anything else.

buy the gem packs for 2.99 and get the same thing that is in the CE version.
I’m getting it for the Udon comic book and nifty arcade cabinet bank – sorry I think they are cool.

The comic is the only thing I really feel I’m missing out on but it wasn’t worth losing thay sweet Newegg deal.

Heh, funny that I’m deciding this now. The store by me says I get the art book, which would be sweet (I have a feeling the details are wrong, isn’t it only Japan that gets the art book)? Now I also have to decide which console I want it on too. Obviously those 5 DLCs won’t be used in tournaments, but may be fun outside of it. However XBL > PSN when it comes to online and community. In the end I’ll probably get it on both, when the price really drops, but I’m not buying two CEs straight away. OH THE CHOICESSSS!!!

Now that there’s no Newegg sale the Ce is a no brainer.

Yeah, probably. I saw more offers but I wasn’t really interested since I was hella busy with things and didn’t think I even had time for games, they’re gone too. I guess I MIGHT be returning… to… to… PSN!

I sort of want it. It’s just icing on the cake. I like to collect stuff in general.

Me too, even if I never ever touch it again. I like to say that I have it.