" Is That A New SPRITE? " Morrigan Thread

any tips for hitting her loops? it’s just j.A and shell kick? I do have to jump cancel or jump at an angle?

I’m using f.B bbq jA shell kick,im lucky to get 2 reps but most of the time they just flip over reseting the combo meter! :arazz:

morr corner loop setup.

100% on kara

You do not have to jump at an angle unless you think your too far away for the j.A to hit. The j.A and the shell kick do not push you back at all so if they are both hitting then just jump straight up and j. A -> shell kick repeat.

I can’t really give any tips for landing the infinite though. Just a lot of practice really. After a while you’ll start to see where you should delay your timings slightly to keep the character at about the same height. If you are messing up though I would just say to make sure you are hitting that j.A as soon as you leave the ground. Sry I couldn’t be more helpful, but maybe someone else can give you more on timing specific stuf?

EDIT - also I would just like to add that my favorite way to hit this loop right now is the forward B -> call assist -> infinite. Works well with Ryu and Chun assists anyway.

Yea i tried her infinite, its somehow tougher than most of my custom combos. But yea does anyone know how long i’d take to give the opponent enough bars to burst?

Best way to hit this loop is just walk up and burst and j.a infinite imo.

Gotta try abusing mega crash some time… XD

Basically dont rush in without at least 3 bars of energy that way if you miss and get caught you can wait till she builds up enough for you to mega crush.

just to say a thing or 2 about her normals…

5B, 2B, and J.B some good priority on opponents if they’re not right in your face. Like if they’re doing a jump in on you and don’t quite end up on top of you, 5B can beat it or you can just jump up and j.B them yourself which you can get another B in and DP or C for a KD

5C also works very well against jump ins and IAD

as for the dash…I like to do that and j.c.A or B which can cross up (I believe B can anyway). jc.C usually misses them and goes over them which leads you into getting your ass handed to you…it could be used as a tick into the command throw though if you gauge your distance with the dash right.

Does this infinite work on Roll and Joe?

I tried on them last week and couldn’t get it to work at all. Maybe others have had better luck?

This is probably old but it seems that the giants can be thrown w/ Vector Drain.

yes they can, and it looks hilarious.

Negative edging her command throw seems pretty good. You can up cancel a dash C, hold C and do the HCB motion and release C, happens REALLY fast and even if the j.C hits them, the command throw will combo off of it.

Infinite is pretty easy off of a burst. That’s the easiest setup I see for it. Just rtsd in the corner and then if they hit you, start the infinite up.

Works off of karas assist too if comboed with dash j.B.

This is stupid as hell but if you don’t have baroque you can do an air move comboed into mega crash in the corner into infinite…

Oh also you can baroque her ground fireball for rushdown if you have a TINY bit of red life. GUNFLAME.

Combos in to 2C + assist go in to the infinite fairly easily with a couple of characters. I tried Chun and Doronjo, but I’m sure Megaman, Ryu, Alex, and some more would work as well. Just have to watch your pushback so the 2C doesn’t whiff. Like if you’re dashing in, don’t chain in to a ground 2a2b2c, just do 2b2c.

So I think I found a new, full screen infinite… I flicked through but only seen mention to what I assume is the drill infinite? I might have missed it but in that case, oh well. Anyway, here you go…

66 > 8+B repeat

I got two reps, with this particular “attack” having so much range and being so low to the ground, I don’t see why it wont go on forever. It’s pretty hard to time, my main problem is hitting up and B at the same time, so with that timing down it should be pretty easy. People will learn anything these days so the execution shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

Reasonably low damage I guess, but it’s applications could be pretty useful. Being a “tri jump infinite” it’s both a combo and a useful rushdown patern. I tried against the advanced guard dummy and it seemed to stay in good enough proximity so that the pushback is almost useless. I can’t really test much more now, am on pad because it’s late and sticks make loads of noise, but I’m going to work on my execution and see how many reps can actually be done tommorow because I’m interested to see if it can carry to the corner and what kind of damage/scaling it’ll do…

If you hold your attack as you dash and press up, you can get an up cancel pretty easy. Try it with that.

I’m doing it as fast as I can and I’m not getting it. Dunno if a normal human could do this.

I got four reps earlier, it is very difficult though. Just have to land the j.B as low as possible and initiate the next one right away. Right now I’d probably place it on a difficulty lower than that of Joe’s Voomerang infinite, but yeah it is extremely difficult to do without practice… I’ll get some in later and try and put a little (LQ) video up.

Edit: So I had a mess around earlier for a half an hour or so and recorded a video. Don’t expect much from it, please excuse the BS I only recorded this to show it can be done. I am getting more consistant though, a flashier vid can come later… :slight_smile:

This works on all characters (as far as I’ve tested) standing or crouching, except for pixies (Roll/Joe) or giants (PTX/Lightan). I honestly believe people could make use of this if they practiced, granted it’s no Iron Man infinite, but it’s taking as much effort as it took for me to learn the ROM, so I honestly believe it can be done…

Could be potentially sick. Corner to corner infinite into drill infinite…

Yeah man, especially since you could do things like this for a reset:

66~8+B x n > 66~8+C (whiff) > 2B > A+P (BRQ) > 66~8+B x n > etc

If they’re holding back hoping you miss time it, they should eat this kind of trickery. You could probably Barouque anywhere you want actually, but the mix-up potential is still there for added damage.

I can honestly see this bitch being up top…

Ehhh her damage still sucks though and I really doubt anyone will be able to do that infinite consistently in a tournament. I mean, maybe there’s some execution freak out there but it just doesn’t seem possible to keep it going for long enough to get any REAL damage out of it.

this is roughly the same difficulty as storm’s trijump roundhouse infinite in marvel; getting between 3 and 5 reps is pretty reasonable, any more after that is not practical/worth it imo (fwiw, my personal best was 13 reps after playing around with it for about an hour. i averaged about 3-4)

for reference, it takes about 10 reps to get from the center of the stage to the corner

however, jump cancelling the dash here gives her an overhead that i honestly think is faster than magneto trijump short. she doesn’t have all that crazy cross ups hit and dash under stuff and 1 frame low short like magneto, but i think at least the overhead is faster

this is a good find, and i can potentially see this (jump cancelled morrigan dash, not so much the infinite) as being a game-changer down the line when people start mastering it. there’s a ton of things you can do with this that look pretty impossible to block on reaction

also since she can do the same thing with her backdash you can do some pretty gross stuff if people tech roll in your direction to get out of the corner

also, from a trijump morrigan can do 2B then verify into 3C or 2C -> baroque in the corner

good find. makes my estimation of morrigan shoot way up