i was in training mode and had the cpu ryu on record/play throwing hadoukens and shinkuhadoukens while trying to roll cancel through them with kens hadouken. i got hit by a hadouken in the air and got knocked down and tech rolled into a shinkuhadouken and swore that i was holding back. so, to test it. i got hit by a few on purpose and tech rolled and noticed there is a part in the animation of tech rolling that you can’t block. should i consider not tech rolling when i’m in the corner during a match? haha.
i’m newbie at this game, i’ve played 3s and mvc2 for quite sometime and now i’m picking up cvs2. it’s not big here, so there isn’t really anyone to learn from around here. any tips on this game would help. thxN adv
Think of tech rolling the same as you should normal rolling…
…don’t do it randomly. If you random roll into your opponent, you’re probably gonna get punished. Likewise, if you tech roll when your opponent is close to you, you’re probably gonna get punished. Teching in the corner is usually not a good idea, under the assumption that your opponent is pretty much on top of you anyway. There’s a significant amount of recovery when you tech (as you’ve noticed from your training mode), so only do it when you can’t get punished AND when there’s a reason for it. It’s the same premise as delayed getup, you do it when you think there’s an advantage to be had (i.e. not getting crossed up, etc.), but if you do it EVERY time your opponent will adjust and fuck you up.
thanks for the advice.
Completely agree.