Is T.Hawk competetive?

As other have said, there DOES seem to be a disproportionate amount of negativity in the T. Hawk forums. Some people like to keep on and keep on and keep on saying that he sucks and outline why he sucks. But I don’t think anyone here as deluded themselves into thinking that he’s top tier. He may not even be be mid tier, or upper-low tier. Hell, he may be absolute bottom tier (I doubt it, FWIW I think he’ll probably be in the lower half of the “tier list,” but in the upper part of that lower half) but we’re supposed to gather here to make the most of what he DOES have and find ways AROUND these weaknesses.

And maybe after the game’s been out a while Capcom wil release a balance patch (why that isn’t considered standard operating procedure, I’ll never know). And then T. Hawk will get a safer or cancellable dive, a DP he can FADC, and about 15 frames knocked off his Condor Spire startup.

Basically, I think some people are focussing on the problem and some people are focussing on the solution. I choose to be in the latter category.

This^ is a product of the on-line gaming phenomenon - overly ‘balanced’ games.

Many devs go out of their way to try make ‘weak’ characters strong and ‘strong’ characters weak, for in their minds this is how you make a balanced fight-game, and thus, an evenly availed character roster. But what ends up happening is that big, slower characters end up useless at higher play levels and the well-rounded Ryu-types become god-like, as the latter are inherently immune from this ‘balancing’. The usage ratio of Ryus and Kens evidences this clearly.

Crapcoms’ conception of balancing is moving health and stun sliders to and fro and allowing every get-out-of-jail-free-move in the game be mashable by the n00iest of casuals. The problem with this is that health and stun deplete irrevocably, but an auto-correcting :df: :df: + :p: is ever-present . And in this particular case, that Hawk has no ‘Shoryuken’ to compliment his 1100hp.

Back before SNK contracted the terminal disease know as ‘Playmore’, they demonstrated that characters designs didn’t need be drone-like to make each of them effective in their own ways. Not everyone needed an flying uppercut nor a spammable projectile. But because many of the characters of these games took some nous to master, this fight-game design philosophy couldn’t by default make the transition to this era dominated by casual gaming.


We won’t ever see a balance patch, sadly.

Also I don’t think Hawk is really that bad - he’s the best he’s ever been. He was REALLY terrible in SSF2, ST, and HDR.

But there’s some headscratchingly stupid stuff in his design as well. If his specials didn’t suck so bad in terms of recovery, startup, unsafeness, etc. he’d be a really good character.

As is he’s about mid tier but I sincerely doubt you’ll see him beating any of the top tier characters in tourneys

Sure. But first we all need to whine a whole lot about anyone acknowledging that he has weaknesses in the first place.

edit: stream got taken down FAST

lmao this kid said huggybear

Don’t be so sure dude.

Right now I think Hawk is the worst of the new characters and probably bottom 5 in the game. I’m not at all convinced that this is the best Hawk has been relative to the rest of the cast, I think O Hawk may have been relatively better. In general I think this game seems really well balanced, so him being low tier doesn’t mean he’s not competitive. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him get some top 8s. But I think he’s got some hard matchups and as the game evolves I don’t really know that he’s gonna get a lot better. I’m leaving Hawk and everyone I know who considered maining him at first is giving up on him as well. I leave open the possibility that someone could make him good, and I’d like to see it. But meh. Pretty much done lurking on the Hawk forum.

I don’t think we’ll ever see a balance patch is because the arcade version is very costly to update.
You basically need a technician to go to every arcade, open it up, and update the ROM.

It wouldn’t make sense for Capcom to have different versions of the game in and out of arcade parlors. This would ruin their tournament scene.

Makoto and Hakan are definitely worse then T Hawk, and I’d call it a tossup between him and Guy.

And if there is a balance patch, it would be based off arcade mode revisions since that would be the cheapest implementation.

Better than unoiled Hakan? Maybe. I like unoiled Hakan’s buttons and footsies more, and they’re about the same as far as combos and damage output goes, although Hawk has better wakeup and mixups. But oiled Hakan mght end up #1 in the game, so that bumps Hakan overall. I dropped Hawk (and Zangief) in favor of Hakan (and Dhalsim). I know it’s common to say Makoto doesn’t seem good, but wait until you see everything she has, she’s actually a much more complex character than she seems at first. Again, I’d love to see Hawk get good too, I just haven’t yet and I kind of doubt that he’ll ever get there.

Hawk bottom 5? Hardly. Hakan bottom 5? Almost for sure.

Just because you cant option select everything with Hawk like you can with Gief doesnt mean shit. Hes a reactionary character. He has next to no option selects but my god you are all acting like this character is useless and can do nothing against EVERYTHING. Talk about laying down and giving up

Stipulate your reasons.

Hyperbole is you.

Seriously, man - you’ve had the opportunity to read the reasons as to why everyone who is asserting that Hawk is garbage, is asserting it.

You are not arguing against them (against us); you are merely asseting that you “feel” he is good.

Once again, why is he good?

The other side has posited numerous reasons which cumulate into his being ass.

He has non-existent wake up.

The overwhelming majority of his better moves have massive recovery and are easily punishable by pretty much anyone.

And they can be punished as they are executed - a la air throw mitigating any relevance Spire might have in such matchups.

Characters with great zoning - such as Guile and Dee-Jay chip him into itty-bitty bits whilst he tries (in vain against any moderately competent player) to get inside.

Even a hoppy Makoto makes Hawk’s life bloody hell.

So far, the best way to play Hawk seems to be to get a lead, and then mad turtle up and hope to out-poke the competition, and that just plain sucks for any character - let alone him, given his design.

Well no one has seen a Hakan who takes advantage of all of his tricks and has a real strategy yet. That’s going to take a while. I don’t know if you’ve been keeping track of him, but oiled Hakan has [media=youtube]T3LPDv2sVKc"]some very, very strong [URL=“”[/media]. Imo oiled Hakan is in the running for top tier, the only question is whether he gets dragged down too much by unoiled Hakan. In any case, Hakan has a lot of growing to do, I’m sure I didn’t find all his tricks in just the first two weeks. And while again I’d like to be surprised, I don’t really see Hawk growing all that much.

I haven’t looked into option selecting almost at all for the new characters, so that’s not why I don’t think highly of Hawk. Option selects are just tools like anything else, and some characters can take advantage of them better than others. If it’s true that Hawk doesn’t work well with option selects (and that would surprise me, to be honest), then, well, that’s just another area of his game that’s lacking.

Anyway, no need to get upset. I wanted Hawk to be good too. I’ll stop bothering you guys.

No, no - you’re spot on, David.

Don’t let people getting butt-hurt detract from your willingness to post in here.

As the T.Hawk Saying Goes…

Well everyone, as the man himself said once in A3 , “If you listen, you can hear the sounds of victory…” . I think only time will decide what happens to Hawk, who knows.

These two contrasting ideas aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.

I totally understand where Gridman is coming from, I’ve seen him play some hype matches against high level players and come out the victor. Hawk can win. I’ve been upping my Hawk game a lot and trying to find anything and everything I can with him. He has good normals that contribute to a solid spacing game that can be outright intimidating, he’s mobile, he can punish hard, I like his backdash, and an untechable knockdown can lead into some scary stuff. I can also buffer spd/720 off of about 8 different normals to try and keep showing my opponents new things.

I also agree with UltraDavid that Hawk isn’t very deep. Once you get that knockdown hawk doesn’t have a bevy of options to him. Your best, non-shenanigan, safe options are actually just one option that only changes whether they block or not (corssup splash). Those 8 different normals used as buffers… yeah they all lose to the same things. I also agree that Hawk is gonna have some terrible, throw the stick at the tv kind of matchups that may severely hamstring him. However, there are 35 characters in the game… these things happen and if gridman can beat lucky D’s dhalsim there is some hope. But maybe the more they play the less the tick into 360/720 isn’t gonna work? it may be safe to assume this, it might not be.

In the end, not every character may need to be especially deep. I’m sure people can think of some examples of a character that didn’t have a lot of options but could really hold their own with… you know, fundamentals and conditioning your opponent-- I think Hawk has enough tools (big range spd, ex spire,, etc) to win by using those two concepts. He can capitalize on his opponents errors (or if Guy crouches… man I feel bad for him). I also think that’s a hard playstyle for a lot of people these days–thus the complaining.

On the complaining subject. let’s discuss.
“omg, ____ is such a sucky move”. There’s a lot in here so let’s unpack this. This may be true in some situations, but not all–this is the case for most every move in the game. Example: Shoryuken’s are great but they aren’t always the answer. All of Hawk’s moves have specific uses. They are good at those things. They suck in other situations. It is up to us as players to figure it out.
Spire Sucks–ranting about how spire is unsafe on hit means you are doing the wrong one. There are 3 normals and one EX. Please get used to their ranges and attributes. Yes hawk’s moves have slow startup and some big recovery. He’s also the largest character in the damn game. This isn’t tekken and he isn’t Bob (we have rufus for that category). I think Hawk’s great normals, that stuff tons of things, contributed to this–think of it as a balancing act. Personally, if I have to choose (and most characters do–let’s not dwell on the exceptions ok people?) I’d take the badass normals.
His DP Sucks–pretty much, but so do Guy’s Tatsus. And like them, they each have a specific job. You are probably using them incorrectly and way too much. They have specific uses. Become aware of them. Be judicious with your use of them. You don’t need this move outside of combos, a telegraphed poke (and you have better options to beat that) and on wakeup for EX to beat pressure/escape with EX Dive. If you play smart, you really don’t need to be spamming specials. This is a playstyle issue. You have normals to use as AA options. And they rock. Please get used to cl.MP, cr.HP, thrust peak, and st.RH and the ranges they are good for.
Dive is Unsafe/loses to other moves–yep. Hawk is tied for most life in the game and does big damage. If there was no risk to Dive that would just be dumb. And not a lot of specials are safe on block (projectiles aside) from the whole cast. Also, in case you haven’t noticed, lots of stuff trades in this game. That is the structure within which we must work. Lots of moves lose to other moves too–and there are a lot of moves in this game. Let’s throw out the term “balance” and just move on. As it is, Dive can cross people up, you can cancel j.jab into it (even jumping backwards!), it breaks focus, and you can cover a ton of screen and bait reversals with a safe dive after a fierce typhoon. So, again, you are overusing/using it incorrectly. It is a tool for punishing/conditioning/baiting. It isn’t a go-to.
Hawk has no wake up game!–Totally, outside of EX DP you are screwed if they time things correctly. However, everybody can block. Please learn to do so. There is no guard break system in this game. Why aren’t you blocking? “But then chip damage!”–you have the highest health in the game. I think you can take it. “But then i get thrown!!!”–you should be option select teching all day. Just cause you can’t react to throw techs or you allowed yourself to eat a walkup throw isn’t hawk’s fault.

I think this covers most of the complaints. In my view, Hawk is much better in action than on paper. His tools make him very effective at very important aspects of the game. We have to be strong players to be strong with hawk. He isn’t simple and, at the same time, he isn’t deep. His complexity comes from the proper usage of his toolset and the ability to read and react to each situation with the proper tool. let’s keep it civil and move this forum forward, guys.

Although its an early tier list, its kind of funny that hakan was thrown in D tier and hawk in B+, no?

that list looks suspicious. it says hawk only has the ONLY 7-3 matchup in the game and it’s blanka. it also says guile is 5-5 and sim is 5.5-4.5. I’m liking how small the spread is, but it seems unable to admit that there will be (as a sheer consequence of the number of characters) more than one 7-3 matchup (it says sim has two 6.5-3.5 matchups against abel and rufus and gief has one of those against akuma and that’s it). I recommend we disregard this for now and get back on the constructive road.

Sim isnt as bad as I once thought. Get a life lead on juri and she cant do shit. Akuma is tough when you have no meter. Blanka and Guile are definitely 7-3. Sagat is 6-4. Rufus isnt bad, Ibuki isnt bad and a solid ken is 5-5, maybe 5.5-4.5 kens favor. just off the top of my head.

Also - I was giving everyone I played last night that godly advice this forum says kills T.hawk of “hold up back” or “back dash” and well, it didnt really work out. Keep that anti hawk advice coming pros!

You’re not bothering anyone.

I think Hawk is fundamentally weak and these problems involve his tools - but I don’t think he’s one of the worst characters.

At top level play he might be too easy to stuff, just like at top level play (according to you) Zangief vs Dhalsim is fairly even.

But for the masses Dhalsim gets absolutely raped by Zangief because it’s just too hard to play perfectly at any skill level other than pro, and in this case I think Hawk is far from horrible because he does good damage, has a lot of health, and isn’t completely devoid of mixups.

O.Hawk really had nothing but the throw loop, right? I don’t think thats very solid gameplay…so thats why I think Hawk is the best he’s ever been.

Also, we’ll never see a balance patch. JP devs are a lot different than US devs and honestly they don’t seem to care that much - they make odd choices for balancing (like nerfing Rose’s sweep…why?) I doubt they could give two shits about tweaking super any further - they already left in strange things like how unsafe condor spire is on hit from all but max range.

Speaking of spire - yeah the move is good when used properly but it shouldn’t require that much spacing to use a special move - special moves being unsafe on hit is a pretty dumb concept in general. Notice they didn’t do anything to make Vega’s sky high claw suck any less either.