Is T.Hawk competetive?

No, ******, i’m basing everything off the practice of holding forward the entire match.

every character is going to get worse as time goes on
but that doesn’t mean you can just shit all over t.hawk and start calling him a crappy character
this is the t.hawk forum and yet iam seeing a lot of negative comments towards the character

Well then u never played him in a serious tournament. You basically win until u run into a bad matchup and auto lose. Though SF has always been about the good and the bad matchups per character.

I think T.Hawk is way better than people are putting him out to be though. He’s just like Makoto. No one understands his meta game yet in this specific game so they just wanna write him off.

I think Hawk is competitive. But I feel his weaknesses and strengths are at extremes. His bad match ups… are REAAAAALLY bad, but at the same token, his good match ups are heavily in his favor.

I think Hawk will truly shine when played by players with strong fundamentals. Since I feel that his normals are his strong point, it’ll take a player with a phenomenal sense of space to really take Hawk into a higher echelon of tournament play.

T.Hawk is like 50x better than Makoto.

Not saying he’s extremely good, just that Makoto is awful.

Makoto’s kara grab has bad priority, and she’s reeeeealy limited at getting past projectile traps and doesn’t have good armor breaking options. Oh and she’s really really awful on wakeup.

T.Hawk at least has really godly command grabs and his EX Condor Spire DOES bypass fireballs. Condor Dive is also a good zoning option, although unsafe on block. He is still kinda limited on wakeup (I don’t think his EX moves give him invincibility nor does his Ultra?), although his command grab at least is there to help break some pressure.

T.Hawk imo might be better than Zangief. His main disadvantages to Zangief are…slightly worse Ultras, doesn’t build meter for free quite as easily, and that’s really it. Everything else is about equal if not slightly better, particularly his options around fireball traps are slightly better and his command grab I think has more range. Oh yeah and better anti-air.

You don’t need cagey tourny play to find this out. All you had to do is use Hawk from release day and continue using him. (*It took about two days!)

Nowhere near to the extent ‘IV’ is. Only the Ryu match-up in ST comes close imo, and even that spampart could be escaladed with some nous. Some match-ups in ‘IV’ seem near-broken where the result is 90% the match-up.

Yes. But you also find strengths - something Twinky seems to have only in an aesthetic sense.


SFIV, lamentively some might argue, is all about ‘safe’ moves and Ultra combo-ability - Hawk lacks both, thus he’s teabaging fodder.

One of my biggest ‘wtf pet peeves’ with the character is why Crapcom, in the infinite idiocy, thought he’d be soooooooooo OP if you could FADC his Tomahawk?! :wtf:
I mean, it would have made his U2 so much more viable a choice, not to mention give him something to use his meter on, other than his come-hit-me ‘wingless spire’. A close 2nd on this list is the tardy active hit-box on said pseudo AA Ultra… :coffee:

T.hawk forum - full of people who have no idea what theyre talking.

Alot of the character forums have most of the people trying to figure out why they are so crappy. I think this is all a problem with the players. People really need to get over the fact that there are some characters in SF4 that just rule. It has always been like that in any fighting game that has existed. To different extremes of course but people really need to get off that whole “Why doesn’t my character have xx, My character sucks because his xx needs 2 less frames” See forums:

T. Hawk

People really need to get over the whole Combo + Ultra = Good character. While it might be true it would be sort of lame for everyone in the game to have the same gameplay with different move priorities. I feel T.Hawk plays as he should, YES of course he could be made better and some ish with his moveset is lame but really when it comes to winning it is all in experience and using the moves you have available to your best ability per situation. If you can read and block in combination with knowing your moveset you should be able to compete fairly well on a tourney level. The dificulty in wining the tourneys will depend on your character but if you cant get over the fact of thats how the game is then tier whore and pick someone JUST because they are god tier.

Until then just forget about the options you DON’T have and focus on what your character CAN do and learn to execute your strategy better. People are so linear with their, “I need to get in and combo” strats, “If I can’t combo i’ve already lost”. Mind games and reading more powerful than you think and they come from the player, not the character.

Sorry to be so long winded but I am really tired of these “is my character good?” threads since the release of SF4. No your character is not good, but win anyways. That is the Saikyo mentality.

Quit being a pussy and come up with a counter argument then. No one cares about your prima donna bullshit.

It always amazes me how people like you can not only spend so many words saying absolutely nothing, but that you actually think you’ve said something deep too when in reality all you did was sidestep everything that’s actually been brought up and offered nothing of value yourself. Especially since no one said anything about being able to combo or combo into ultra. Good job, Corky!

this thread (and most of the hawk forum) should be closed, if not deleted. There is no useful information (gridman’s statement is, unfortunately, becoming more and more correct as the number of posts increase in each thread), the entire premise of this thread is ridiculous and indicative of the problem pervading this sub-forum, and now the trolls have started in. This is a waste of time and effort.

Lol you think I sound deep? Thanks! Im bored at work and I read these forums, half these threads for all the char forums I read say the same thing. Honestly, I would’nt even be here if I didn’t be infront of a PC 9 hours a day. If you read what I was replying to youd know that I wasn’t trying to dispute anyone or anything, i am simply just typing in the thread that already had no information in a thread that didn’t need to exist.

Crimson has the right point is all im sayin, this is T.Hawk thread and half the post are trying to explain why and how he isn’t good. So much negativity, when downfalls are only natural. Since there is no actual content worth anything in this thread, what exactly am I sidestepping?

Im a long winded person and flattered that you took the time to read all of it because I honsetly dont expect anyone to. Just ignore my post as many have. Sorry for putting to many letters infront of your eyes.

I have. Ive given plenty of strats as I’ve gone along through random posts in this thread. Everyone continues to say that hawk is garbage because they are using shenanigans and gimmicks which dont work consistently. They continue to get punished for using condor spire magically which means they are either A. REALLY predictable with it (especially ex, and its happened to me too) or B. Using it at point blank which is a god awful idea. Also sick of hearing complaints about u2 not hitting. You’re reacting REALLY late and/or at the end of their jump. If they jump towards you or back and youve buffered one motion, and youre still whiffing, you have awful reaction time. Plus the ultra isnt so much about hitting it as it is taking away one of their options. Backdash and up back simply does not beat hawk because he has a lot to stop it on reaction. Read: on reaction. This does not mean option select. Stop being retarded and falling into patterns, mix up and footsies are hawks biggest and best tools. Get some footsies and stop being so predictable

I would like to fill in the STRONGLY AGREE bubble on my scantron sheet. Use a number 2 pencil and make your marks dark.

Seriously, I read this whole thread looking for helpful information but its just people arguing about if he’s good or bad. If I wanted to play a good character I’d be in the Ryu forums, but I’d like to play T Hawk. I know he’s not great, but I just want to find out what he CAN do. Lets work on that.

None of which has anything to do with anything i’ve said. You just keep yammering about footsies like you’re the only person to figure out that’s his strong point. The fuck is wrong with you?

I wonder how that managed to happen in a thread where the point is to argue if he’s good or bad. Nice catch, sherlock.

GG reading comprehension.

I didn’t say it. GG.

Anyways, go somewhere bruh. I got no beef with you.

And then Jagger you go and complain that so and so beats hawk so bad because this gimmicky shit doesnt work or that you cant get around fireballs. Member what you said about DJ? Footsies helps there bro.

i never said he was garbage…i actually put him above gief… hmmm. but! i wanna duel some thawks! who wants to fight me?!like asap! grrrrr

I’m thinking T. Hawk is going to be absolutely viable for competition.

He has trouble with fireballs, yes, but he can deal with them by neutral jumping, forward jumping, diving, EX spire, FA absorb. All stated by others before.

His specials aren’t really for damage, I just use them to move around. Dive armor breaking catches a few people by surprise too.

You can’t punish a blocked blanka ball but you can beat it with your normals. Block a few then punch him square in his green jaw. Unless you took about 10 or so balls, chip damage isn’t going to be any where as much as what he just took from one hit. Also if I remember someone said that T.Hawk can punish a vertical ball even if he gets hit or something. Not too sure.

People saying T. Hawk has no wake up option, lets not forget you can’t hover over him and stay on the ground. The threat of 360 takes away things they can do to you on wake up.

His bad match ups are for when they have a life lead, other wise Akuma trying to dive in because you caught him with a single Cr.MK or St.HK can be punished for 1/3 of his health. the funny thing is I use HP throw so it puts us far apart, then I chill at the other side of the screen and neutral jump/threaten to dive if he does anything but warm my feet with fire balls. Also good luck catching T. Hawk if he jumps over and dives to the other end of the screen, for a grappler he can play run away really good.

Just one casuals opinion.

Every character is tourney viable, you dont think justin wong or daigo could go win a SF4 tourney with dan?