I got my joystick a week ago, and at one time
I was contemplating that my joystick builder was being malicious
After a night of sleep, I’m less inclined to automatically blame. My brother says it’s me expecting too much.
Which of these things are reasonable throughout the cottage industry if fight stick makers?
Do enough joystick makers feel that going too much out of their comfort zone is a not thank you? Meaning is finding a prototype maker who really is willing to listen to redesign is fairly rare?
I heard a single-PCB hand made joystick costs around $200. Is that true?
Based on that figure is $500 for a replacement cost for a joystick described in sinistersticks.com too high, too low, or just right?
I told Stan I’d rather wait and pay more and make sure it’s done right than skimp and risk me messing up my own work. Assuming that’s true, is him not telling me to put my own glove over the db37 to prevent accidental desoldering via fingering, and telling me to glue gun the loose connectors between the Paradise Cthulhu and the Ethernet cable hard soldered in, considering we had an argument before, am I crazy to think the non-mebtioning of dummyproof features I need to add COULD BE (not necessarily automatically is) malicious?
One of the arguments was about RJ-45, he said he never successfully hooked up a multiconsole PCB. I gave the standard SRK advice (thank you DarkSakul as my major help/ devil’s advocate, as well as others here. DarkSakul was the most vocal one, so he’s singled out )of wire in left to right order and ignore colors. Just check that it’s not a crossover. He insisted on a color, and hooked up 2 multiconsoles, and failed both times in opposite ways. Stan wanted more evidence, so between SRK and independent research by me, I gave Stan evidence that, for the purposes of fight stick making, color doesn’t matter, only position and the fact it’s not a crossover. I even found a tool that’s perfect. It makes simple point to point testing for both signal integrity on all 9 wires and checking for crosssovers in one test. The less than $10 tool makes RJ-45 testing quicker for only the things that stick makers need, and nothing the $100+ testers have and are useless. He thanked me and gave me a free labor credit for time saved by the tester. So I taught him how to hook up an RJ45 multiconsole and why his previous efforts failed.
He wanted didn’t want to be liable for failed design on my part. That’s why it took many years of SRK answering questions, because checking three times certain facts is cheaper than working on it twice. Stan had no faith in the design, and was surprised it worked exactly how I described. He’s always second guessed my choices, and was debating hard about certain points until I convinced him why it can’t be a certain way (it foils one feature I wanted). Maybe should Stan question less about “better suggestions”?
I told him not to skimp on certain things but don’t throw away money either. When I told him UPS has a cubit foot flat rate package, he insisted it’s impossible because one dimension was greater than 12 inches. I said individual dimensions didn’t matter as long a LxWxH is less than 12^3 or 1728 cubic inches. Well it did fit under a cubic foot, and I saved money vs pay by weight, but had to pay for packing labor. Was it wrong to question the shipping?
He wouldn’t help me when I was afraid to open my joystick, fearing doing irreversible damage, and he texted “you figure it out”. If I said I was walking to add days and dollars to make it more user-friendly and dummy proof, is he hurting the situation by not giving a straight answer?
I understand I’m a handful, between multiple needs and inability to easily solder and build boxes well, who makes money over time and acquiring skill will take more time and money vs just hiring someone. But I thought why just solve it for me when I can solve it for multiple people? If Hori or someone else in the mass-produced stick business makes an easy ambi design, and has little compromise of slight ergonomic differences vs what’s gained, isn’t it worth it? I personally think it’s a waste if it were a good ambi design, and I diagnosed Beeshu’s downfall correctly, then there is an ambi market, but gets shouted down as a waste on SRK (I know there’s a difference between devil’s advocate contrary opinion, and serious contrary opinion.
I noticed when I proved something and DarkSakul says nothing, A) it’s part of his reputation to not apologize and B) I did not cower to the crowd for popularity’s sake. He forced me to defend my statements, and if his silence is a sign of “you got me” and maybe secretly likes it, but doesn’t accept difference for difference’s sake alone, then DarkSakul’s silence is the sweetest sound on the thread.