Is it worth learning Cody with a pad?

I noticed going thru the trials level 12 not really meant for a pad. Is he worth learning with a pad?

I’d say cody is one of the most pad friendly characters ingame. execution wise.

Just get used to using shoulder buttons for bonk, and you’ll be fine.

Yeah he’s all quarter circle motions, no half circles, no DP motion… Great normal anti-airs… Pretty pad friendly. Negative edge reversals are hard on stick too so I can’t imagine it’s too much worse on pad.

With stick i can charge ex-zonk with mp and hp, and keep 2 fingers over lp+lk, so i can choose in the last moment if i will block and tech the throw, or release the EX-bingo.

With pad you can’t do this, and this helps a lot in wakeups. The rest is usually “the same” (with quite more difficult links and so, but it is the same).

Shouldn’t there be a PAX stick sale coming up about now?

hey I use cody w/ a pad and execute just fine. just gotta squeeze the fingers in tight for the buttons.

This is my personal opinion and experience.
Anyone who wants to get really good with any character should use sticks. Its more common sense and intuitive to be able to use your wrist for motions, and have all 5 fingers available for the 6 buttons.
Can I execute the same combo’s and links on pad? Of course I can, but I’m more prone to miss certain links and cody’s mk~lp+lk kara throw is unusable during a match. Plus when you’re storing ex zonk its a headache trying to hit confirm into it because I have no other finger to use.

So in essence pad vs stick is the same as asking yourself a thumb and 3 fingers vs a wrist and 5 fingers.
Take your left thumb and dash back and forward in sequence real fast and then compare that to using your wrist and whole hand.
You can get good using a pistol in a war, but it just makes more sense to use a rifle.
Thank you =)

I would partially disagree with the above statement :slight_smile:

Each medium (pad or stick) has its own pros and cons.

I use a PS3 Pad to play Cody and so far I don’t think there is nothing you can’t do using a pad. Of course “correct” button maping is essential.

For example:
You can keep every button as it is (default) and change only two buttons: L1 and L2

  • I bind medium punch to L1 (medium punch is also in triangle button). This helps in utilizing zonk.
  • And L2 may not be used at all. But If you are using karas for example, you can always bind throw (lp+lk) in L2. Or you can bind 3xPunches here in case you can’t press R1+L1+square simultaneously.

With this button binding setup you can almost do anything afaik.
P-linking is a bit frustrating on a pad, but then again so it is on a stick…

I’ve played on ps3 pad and actually learned cody on ps3 pad, but I made the switch to sticks because its ridiculous to even have to do all those set ups to play. Ps3 pad is far superior than the 360’s, but still its inferior to a stick (for street fighter). The only con with using a stick is two things. Price and practice.
I understand the reason people don’t make that switch is because you may not want to shell out extra money on a controller that you can only use for fighting games (not entirely true but yeah…). Another is the fact that you’re accustomed to using the pad and find it unnecessary to put in practice to learn a new control scheme (even though it doesn’t take long at all).

I highly doubt you’ve learned sticks if you say P-linking is also frustrating on a stick. I can do vega’s cr.lp>cr.lp>cr.lp>cr.lp> roughly 80% of the time on sticks, I can do cody’s f+mp>>cr.hp/ almost 95% of the time because I’m using sticks (without lag).
Was it hard at first? Of course, but p-linking was designed for stick use (you just put 2 fingers on two buttons and press one a little earlier) All it takes is some muscle memory and you don’t have to worry about setting up your pad so you can frustrate yourself with p-linking.

Whenever I’m playing online on endless I’m always asked, “Are you using sticks?” There’s a reason why some 90+ percent of all top level players are using sticks. Just put two and two together for anyone who’s reading this. I tell everyone I encounter that if you really want to take the game seriously you’re going to have to get a stick, its only a 50 dollar investment.

On a side note… Whenever I’m watching my replays against higher ranked people that I’ve won against, I immediately can spot whether or not they’re using sticks or pad on the input. For the pad users they’re inputs are so limited, they’re pressing only 2 buttons at most and not once during their combo links did they use p-link (not like they needed it). I mean shit I give them props for getting that rank with pad, but I can see its limiting them.

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

As I said, I partially disagreed with you, because you do have a valid point.
Noone can deny that.

I just mentioned my personal opinion on a specific question and I still support it.

(I will just answer to a few things only not to be misunderstood, because as I already said, you are not saying something wrong)

Regarding this matter, I actually did the opposite. I didn’t change anything at all when I started learning Cody, because I made my button maping from the begining (not that it is something too complicated though).

Yes, there ARE these people, I agree.
However, there is also another category of players that can use both ways (pad and stick) and be just as good with both of them. Or players that can be better when using a pad than a stick. I’ve seen that.

I mostly mentioned P-linking because I have a problem performing links when I play on various TVs with lag (mostly 1 frame links). However, it’s an entirely different matter on a lagless TV. If you have practiced the timing countless times, then sometimes P-linking is not even necessary. Also, I used the word “frustrating”, I didn’t say “impossible”. However, I can see that P-linking with stick is easier because of the way your fingers are placed above the buttons. Using this with a pad needs more practice, but again it’s not impossible.

No, there is not A reason…there are SOME reasons.

  • The first one is more or less what you said: Using stick makes some things easier, while the same things may be harder on a pad (although there are some pad players that can prove both of us wrong).
  • The second reason is that most top level players are…Japanese players. Well, Japanese players…do not use pads. They have their arcade scene. They imidiatelly start using sticks from the start. Most of them have never played fighting games with a pad. Japanese players are not the best because they use sticks, they are the best because of their competition and scene.
  • And the third reason is that other top level players (US or EU players etc) that use sticks are mostly 23 to 25+ years old. This probably means that they used to play arcades also when they were younger and probably learned using a stick before they even touch a pad.

In the latest tournaments the past couple years, I have noticed more and more pad players emerging here and there, placing very high in MANY of them. Most of them are newer/younger players.

Plinking is stupid easy

My execution sucks, i still can’t do it consistently even though i try to practice it every day :sad:

EDIT: On a happier note, cr.LP, cr.LP, cr.LKxxCU/RK = so easy i almost never miss it so i don’t need plinking anyway…

You really don’t need to plink a lot of Codys links. Even his 1 framers can be pretty easy without plinking.

I exclusively plink 1 framers and even then I don’t plink all 1 frame links.
I dont like plinking especially into cancelable moves because it changes the entire timing of the combo. You’re moving more fingers around.

Really the more you play the more you’ll get a feel of link timing. When you link a move you’re doing a move as soon as the previous one recovers. Whiff the move you want to link from then mash jab as it recovers. As soon as his jab comes out you’ll know at what point the previous move has recovered. This is the time when you link to the next move.

So now when you’re hitting your opponent as the first move is recovering you wait until that point you know he has recovered(from the previous exercise) and you press the next button. Obviously you want to learn the timing with your hands not your eyes but I feel it starts with your eyes.

Try linking his standing close mp to his crouching jab. When you get that try linking to his off of When you start getting that try from his to his c.hp. This is the 1 frame link and your final destinaton(it’s okay to plink this one if you want to).

I’m not saying plinking is bad I’m just saying it’s easier to learn without it and then come back to it if you feel you’re not hiting links enough. Some people will say learn it now so that you always know how to do it and all of your links will be easier right from the get go. That MIGHT be a good way I can agree with the logic of it but, it’s not the way I did it and I don’t think I’m at a disadvantage because of it.

It’s takes time but, one day you’ll just start hitting and you wont know what changed. What changed is that you got used to the timing that you couldnt see before.

As far as the topic is concerned:

It’s really hard to link on a pad(compared to a stick) because it takes more time for your thumb to press the button all the way down on to the pressure pad than for your finger to slap a plunger onto a sensitive microswitch. It is possible though, I know a pad player that can link some crazy shit all day. I can link on a pad because I know the timing but, I still say it’s harder because the timing is different.

No, it is not.

Linking, plinking, piano-ing (lol), option selects, crouch tech, fadc dash ultra…
…they are not easy, they are not for casuals.
They may be easy for “hardcore gamers” or “tournament level players”, but there is a wall between the two worlds.

It may be “easy” to parry in sf3, but it is not to parry a chun li super, 100% every time you try, and do it under pressure.

I am not a great player, and more than half of the people reading this forums can beat me for sure, but in my locals i’m close of being the best, because none of us do such things.

I don’t need hard links or hard dombos if none of my friends do, we are “even”, but reading this forums i have quite a better understanding and knoledge about the game, and that allows me to win more vs my friends, without “hard to do stuff”.

I mean:
I can’t do hk rufian fadc ultra 1, i can’t do it with any character, i mean, i don’t even try to do it in a match because i will fail for sure.

But thanks to this forums i can do ex rocks into ultra 2… or hk rufian anti air and ultra2 for the dust damage… and i’ve won a lot of matches with that.

If i learn how to link with ryu from cr.lp into big damage, i will force my friends to learn that too, or stop playing vs me, because i will win even more games… and i don’t want that, because i play only with them, and i don’t want to put effort or time in sf4 because i will never go to any big tournament.

The point is that there are a few things that are considered “basic stuff for competitive play”, and they are not meant to be done in a control pad.
You sure can be competitive with a control pad, but it won’t be so easy as with a controller, and with some characters, it can be threatening, because there are some things that you won’t be able to do.
You can live without that and be ok, but even when a yuri player without storing fireballs can be a good yuri, it is harder (and you can’t store fireballs with a control pad and keep attacking).

Kelter Skelter,
That’s exactly what I’m implying, 1 frame links with a pad is just more difficult compared to sticks. However I’ve used p-linking and negative edge inconjuction to pull of 1 frame combos, but it requires a rhythm so to speak.

f+mp, short wait then (mp+lp) for the close medium punch and instantly (down hp+mp), but i’m holding these two buttons down. If I’ve planned to end it with hp criminal I negative edge the hp I’m holding down with my ring figner. If I want to use lp criminal upper for ex criminal upper I leave the two fingers down and hit lp with my index. If I want to use a ruffian kick, I hold the hp+mp and use the lower part of my finger to hit any kick (in my case hk ruffian for fadc). I’m able to pull that off almost all the time on my friends, but I do miss it online at times(I blame lag so I don’t even bother attempting them anymore).

However its pretty consistent. It requires some muscle memory and finger dexterity that I’d be unable to do on pad. Instead on pad I’m forced to time it which I can say for a fact is harder to do unless I’m in practice mode. Even then its inconsistent enough to be unusable (why attempt something you can’t rely on). For the people who are good with pad I give them props, but I still think from the bottom of my heart if they just learned to use sticks they’d be much more better.

I happened to like gouken and i have played him with pad until the ssf4 (and my stick) arrived.
Gouken don’t have any link, ther are all chains, and usually i don’t need to fadc nothing, all usable combos can be done with only one ex… etc. He is a very “pad friendly” character to use.

But to store a bingo punch with Cody while keep on attacking or defending is not possible on pad (without weird finger placement that hurt your game), so to play Cody with pad there are some things you just can’t do.

Plinking is easy. You hit 1 button then another one right after it.

It’s possible to miss the plink but, plinking isn’t hard.

Playing on both, Cody feels just about the same on Pad as he does on stick. I think the only things that change are preferences in terms of where you want to Zonk from in my experience. Even then, it’s entirely possible to play him the same. And you can plink on a pad. Absolutely.

Pads, of course, also change depending on whether you’re using a shoulder button pad or a face button pad. Claw method’s probably better on a face pad. In my opinion, though, you’re halfway to a stick already on something like that, so you might as well go all the way, unless you prefer the pad feel.

Wouldnt it be better to set the L1 to Light punch instead of medium?