Is it safe to say that HDR did NOT replace ST for good, as intended?

That’s because ST-heads know that ST is the superior game.

Yeah, I know that this isn’t a VS thread but I still think that this is the major reason why certain people prefer ST over HDR.

Aww, your feelings are still hurt.

Don’t flatter yourself.

Too bad both games are terrible and require no skill at all, thats why I play smash…

This has to be an example where sarcasm doesn’t come across in text right? Someone please tell me this is a joke…

The Smash portion makes me think this is a joke post, but comments like these are probably the only thing HDR and ST heads will unite against.



Then why post what you did? To paraphrase: “What is not a part of us, does not bother us.”

This thread has no redeeming qualities.