Is it possible to bold cancel on the the controller?

I use the ps3 controller. Is it possible to bold cancel teleport or volcano it? If so, can any of you tell me any controls to help me?

It is. You don’t need any special button binds. All you need is Square for :l:, Triangle for :m:, Circle for :h:, and X for :s:.


It’s the launcher button.

this might help this might not help considering i use the xbox pad, but i mapped s to be the x(square?) so essentially i just shifted all the buttons over 1 to the left which makes it easier to bold cancel cause you can just slide your hand to s and another attack to m which is a lot easier and a bit more comfortable for your wrist, but ive seen people do it with the default mapping

Ill share my honest opinion on this, Xbox pad sucks so much dick that you’re better off using the left analog stick. That’s what I did before I got my stick and it worked just fine.

well i do use the stick for fighting games i was talking the xbox controller in general

i play dante on controller. yes you can, i just use L+S.

you might get mad and stop trying then maybe comeback to it but you can BC on a analog/pad

I already know how to bold cancel now.

bold cancelling on pad is easy. once you learn it, it makes dante combos SUPER fun :smiley: