Is it me or is ST becoming bit more popular?

I’ve noticed on Kaillera that people are playing ST a bit more now. I’m one of them, ST Ryu, and on speed setting 3, it’s fun.

Anyone else noticed this or can support my theory?

Yeah, i’ve also noticed a rise in ST and sf2 on kaillera. I think its to do with the recent run of sf2 tournaments that have been going on. I know a large european ST tournament is nearing the end, there was also a CE tournament a month or 2 ago. I’ve been running CE tournaments. Jion Wansu is even running an ST tournament on kaillera.

But ST has also been on the rise elsewhere, in the UK next month will be a 32 man AE tournament. And in the near future, ST ranking battles will begin, which is really gonna be big i think.

I can’t help but think the reason for the recent growth in ST is due somewhat to AE. AE helped bridge that gap between the cps1 and cps2 sf2 players. Many people would probably say ssf2 killed sf2 when it originally came out and as a result ST suffered has many had left the scene by then. But with the millions of people who own xboxs and ps2s, many people from way back who enjoyed ww,ce,hf probably picked this up, and in turn got to taste ST.

More importantly though ST is now on the 2 most popular consoles, albeit not in its purest form, it is still much more avaliable considering previously you would have to own a dreamcast, psone(yeh you can play it on ps2, but still hard to find the game and would undoubtfully have to be 2nd hand), saturn.

Further still, you can play it online on the xbox, so you’ll never be starved of some comp and play from the comfort of your home. Also being packaged with 3s, probably helped to convert new school players over to the good side of SF

Evolution and other major tournaments around the world which run ST or AE, has helped tremedously, proving to players that this game is still be taken seriously, even after 12 years.

My guess is that it’s balanced, and we’re dying for quality 2D fighters. What’s new? Well… GGX, which just doesn’t cut it for some, such as myself. My love of ST is many: It’s a great game, it’s balanced, and nostalgia. Balance helps a ton. What game, beyond VF is more balanced than this? MAYBE Vampire Savior?

ST’s not really amazingly balanced or anything, but the damage setting is so high that it’s easy to make a comeback no matter who you’re using.
Besides, it’s ST, it’s always been popular. This is ‘the’ original fighting game.
The game can be extremely frustrating to play if both players’ pings aren’t below 60 though. In a game where one good combo can be enough to do you in, you can’t afford to get crossed up or something because it lagged, and jump-ins/tick throws become retarded. Especially with people like Vega.

I play ‘Sim as my main, and the second anyone sees me pick him, they run to Chun’ or Vega, and then try to jump/throw me to death. They try the same thing with Blanka as well, but he’s really not much of a threat to Dhalsim.
I’ve learned to deal with it, but it gets old real quick.

You think ST coming in arcade-perfect form in the next Capcom Classics Collection has to do with it too? DO you think it will continue to rise because of it?

I was lucky enough to play that version, it is very nice. David Sirlin has been busting his ass to make that game and from what I see its coming out real good. Lets hope its out soon, been waiting for ST Aracade Version for the longest. Just wanna say we finally got our own ST forum. Sweet!

  • Alex

I personally think it’s becoming more popular, i think it’s cos of more people dicovering MAMe and the latest PS2 releases, and that download for XboX live is gonna bring a few players with it too…

i love this game. can’t wait for that ps2 arcade port sirlin is working on.

Off topic: Alex, love the avatar. I know you asked to have one made just a bit ago… it’s tops.

i’ve got a feeling a lotta people don’t know about this forum yet…we need an announcement in fgd :confused:

A_Wolfe, I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting or playing you yet but congrats on your big win and that avatar is just incredible. Who made that?

Kyokugi, I play on Mame sometimes. I go under the name unbeatlievable (used to be immortal). Just warning you in case we ever play, Vega & Chun-Li have always been my two favorites since WW & CE so if we play and I pick back & forth between them, so don’t think it’s because I’m trying to counter or anything. Some people just like them no matter who they match up against.

lol same here… Chun and Vega

I’ve been playing Hyper Fighting on zbattle for awhile now. Can’t get MAME roms to work right for some reason. Only a few of them. But yeah SF2 is crazy good and it’s quickly replacing 3S as my favorite game. Can’t wait for the arcade perfect PS2 port to come out.

You gotta download all the roms for that certain game. For example, if you wanna play Super Turbo, you gotta download all the different versions of Super Turbo… Asia,World,US etc

Same with some other games probably.

Amen to that. Also, another problem was that the nearest arcade to my hometown back when ssf2 was released didn’t bother to get the fucking game, or ST. So after HF, I was sorta forced to move onto other fighters since, well, I was too young to drive to any out of town arcades. Sadness :frowning:

Not true at all.
All you need is the Super Street Fighter 2 ROM first since ST was just an upgrade of a pre-existing game.
The only version of ST that you need is (World).
Sort of like how you need the MK3 ROM before you can play UMK3.

I love ST

Ohh, didn’t know.

Amen to that! Maybe my favorite 2D fighter ever.

Hey, everyone sign this petition to get Super Turbo on Xbox 360 Live…