Is it bad that I don't know the guile loop?

I’ve been playing guile for a month and a half now after dropping Bison. I started as a low silver Guile to now being a plat. The loop, in my opinion, is really hard. I’ve seen plats/diamonds and sometimes high golds doing the loop already and i’m just in my corner doing the simplest of combos. I still can’t hit the loop in practice mode as well. Is the loop essential? Does the loop mean that you’re a really good Guile? I feel like I suck for not being able to do it., hp, xx boom vtc, dash, hp, xx boom mp breakx4, CA does 534 damage. The basic loop in the tutorial thread does 575 damage. That’s only 41 more damage than a basic v-trigger combo. It’s nice to be able to do but isn’t 100 percent needed. Keep trying to learn it but don’t worry if you can’t get down.

I’m a platinum level guile and I still can’t do it. I’ve never been very coordinated when it comes to doing crazy long combos. Honestly, the reason I picked guile, remy, and other boom type characters is because they are more about spacing, footsies and reactions instead of big combos. It’s cool he can do loops now but just don’t forget guile has other strengths.

its worth learning, its hard at first but once you get it down guile become alot scarier in the corner since things like a throw bait or empty jump low can be turned into big damage and give you decent meter gain.