Is Filia a good Solo?

I’m trying to find a good solo character (i’m not very good with assists and could never use a 2 or 3 player team effectively) Do you think Filia is a good solo? From what I’ve seen, she seems middle of the road average all around.

I feel like shes lacking a solo actually… No safe hitconfirms/blockstrings.

Valentine’s a pretty good solo.

disagree. I can turn a LP hitconfirm into 3000+ damage in a 1v1. 1v whatever the damage is even higher. She has great hitconfirms and I do play her solo

I main her solo. She seems all right solo. But I really haven’t played much with anyone else.

did you check the frame data? If you try to attack with your combo and you string gets blocked, its guaranteed punish unless you have a reactions of a god and can hitconfirm from just 2 lights.

Wait is there frame data out? And if is unsafe why was that part of the tutorial???

IMO there won’t be any good solos, everyone’s always better with the right assist and dmg doesn’t seem just for solochars lately

I’m pretty sure c.lp and are plus on block. I have pretty fast reactions and If those three don’t land then I dont follow through with the combo. I can use 1 super in the combo thats starts with c.lp or I can use 4 supers. and I can do it without setting off the infinite protector.

I’m also still working on squeezing in a 5th super :stuck_out_tongue:

cr.MK -10 on block.

Welp, there it is.

Idk what to tell you then because nobody EVER punishes it and I’ve played A LOT of people. It could also be that they don’t know when it ends and don’t react in time. There is probably also the fear of a hairball followup which can hurt

now is a good time to be salty about lack of training mode dummy options

minus 10? Can anyone verify that? Maybe lk Hairball is safe on block - otherwise gotta roll out those assists. is a good time to throw one anyway.

There is no such thing as a good solo.

sad thing is that I don’t think any of the hairballs are safe on block. Hence my stance.

I can confirm off of 2 c.LPs just fine … Problem is that it’s not a low.

Most of my confirms come from jump-ins anyway. Go for c.LP x 2 for pressure strings, combo if you confirm. If you screw up or they block just go for the throw. ;p

air hairball is safe

Filia can be a good solo. I solo Filia sometimes.

Just to clarify, air hairballs are safe if you finish in the air, if you do heavy and go to the ground its the same as all the ground hairballs.

And if they are not punishing, that means they don’t know. TRUST ME ON THIS. YOU CAN GET PUNISHED ON REACTION. Try playing against a cerebella, they will diamond drop you for free unless you cancel into dp. But that is unsafe in itself soooo yeah. You can also cancel into l.ringlet spire, and that protects you against quite a few attacks because of her hurtbox, but they can throw you out of that…

Fillia needs an assist to keep pressure, particularily after I’ve been playing solo Fillia, not to much success simply because I can’t hitconfirm off of lp lp lk lol (and dropping combos, but anyways…) If I could, I would be very happy lol. But that’s not even good because c.lp doesn’t hit low, so who in the world is going to get hit by it unless your baiting stuff?

Fillia needs an assist. Your playing marvel not guilty gear.

I feel like we have the same philosophy in selecting characters since I always see you in the same character forums… and I’m also solo-ing filia.

This is my thought process

She can open people up by her damn self. She’s great at it. She doesn’t need an assist for that. She can frame trap, has sick high-low stuff, air dash, cancelable ground dash, can change her jump arc, a throw that can potentially hurt from anywhere on screen, drill loops and other things that not everyone has discovered yet. You played Abel so I know you can hit confirm off of a couple pokes.

She doesn’t zone (unless you have life lead and spam drill/ jhp) so doesn’t need an assist to keep opponents off of her. The three viable purposes I can see another character having is
1- giving her time to regen health while they do some damage themselves.
2- I suppose she could help keep pressure up if the opponent push blocks well but you just play a little smarter if they are. No going ham.
3- To get in on zoners. But really the two best zoners in the game can punish an assist used for that purpose on reaction and there’s nothing filia can do about it

I feel like I watch characters like peacock with double assist and get the impression that something like that needs to exist for filia. But the more I think about it, the more I realize that there isn’t really anything that will make her offense seem as insurmountable as their defense (which is actually beatable)

:’(. Hurts my soul.