Is BlazBlue a good buy?

I like fighting games alot and saw this at bestbuy last time i was there but never heard about it until these forums i hear members mention it. Is it a good buy or should i pass?

if you like modern fighting games in the vein of Guilty Gear, Melty Blood, Arcana Heart, etc, i say that yeah, the game is really fun, interesting game mechanics and it will get a balance patch around december, plus is getting new characters
now if you only like games like sf with a more “classic” vein, then before dismissing it, rent it to try to see if you like it or not

Do know, though, that there are DLCs for this game, and that content can unlock characters, they’re about $7-$8, and only one is out right now, but the others are coming too.

Game mechanics are pretty easy to get used to, but when you play enough you’ll find a lot of intricate details per character, like every other fighting game, this one has depth.

You don’t have to buy it right now, you can buy it used for like… $30, and I saw the original BB for about $20 for a new one. Up to you, welcome to BlazeBlue.

Nice, i think im gonna get it and try to find the cheapest price. Is the original worth getting, or should i just jump to that continum shift(i believe thats the name)?

continuum shift is better imo and its the most recent so i suggest getting that one.

I’d say that if you end up liking CS’s story mode (yes, it has a STORY!) then you should pick up CT too, but you can always just watch CT’s story modes on YouTube…

Otherwise, not much reason to pick up CT still.

I actually just bought the game earlier today. It’s pretty much a Super Hi-Res Guilty Gear with a new name. It’s pretty fun and the graphics are really top notch. Unless you’re used to playing games Like MvC2 or Guilty Gear, you probably won’t like the game. Like suggested before, rent it and play and decide for yourself.

I think you’ll love it overall but if you want to be even decent at the game, you’ll need a lot of practice.

Im interested in buying BB too, how’s the netcode compared to SSF4?

It’s pretty hit or miss. For myself, it’s almost always really good or really bad. The unfortunate part right now is a -lot- of the quality players I was playing a lot with have stopped playing now, either because it’s getting old or they’re waiting for all the BBCS2 changes, or whatever. It’s a fun game, but online is fairly dry right now.

Ok, so if I want to get the newest version of blazblue, which one is it? Is continuum shift the new one, or is that the old one? This game looks really cool.

And also, where’s the best place to learn and discuss stuff about the game? Like basic to advanced.

Continuum Shift is the new one.

And for pretty much all the information you could ever wish for.