Is it theoretically possible to do a safe jump and then input a 720 motion with a certain timing and negative edge it such that you’ll only get the super or block?
I’d imagine so, since you can negative edge supers. It’d be easy to get a 720 motion going during a jump and you can end the 720 at or :db: to block. It’d just be a timing issue, which wouldn’t be hard if you piano.
The main thing I’m wondering is if it’s even possible, what you would have to do to avoid getting a whiffed 360.
Ah, I never thought about the 360 whiffing…I forgot gief’s 360 has a whiff animation, lol.
It’s possible. FAB’s input duration for each of its directions (~14) is more lenient than SPD’s (~9) so as long as you space out one of the inputs (if it’s a starting input, take care not to repeat it at the end again) and negative edge P, then you’ll get a safe super with no whiff.
It can’t be easy (and might possibly not work every time if input duration randomness plays into effect) but it’s available as an expert tool. Anyway, I’m glad you all are considering more of how ST’s input system can be stretched to really show off character potential.
As Dee Jay Easy Holes pointed out, Gief actually only needs the main (U, D, L, R) directions to get his super and regular SPD out. Something similar to Claw/Guile’s super. It is not really helpful without cheat tools, though, but by the fact that the commands are not as strict as hadoukens, shoryukens and similar moves, which will require certain inputs.
Edit: due to the FAB range being shorter (same as shotos, right?), I suppose it would demand some very specific setups, which most likely would risk eating a reversal throw at least once, during the process, against most characters.
I don’t think most people try to go for reversal throws on a gief that safejumps you.
If you’re able to negate edge piano along the reversal frame, you’ll also mitigate that chance.
Is it common knowledge that the reason that the defender in a tick throw has a 1f advantage in throwing because the defender can actually throw while in blockstun on the last frame of blockstun and that this is only possible if the attacker is holding back or forward on that frame?
I do if I block high as a charge character…it’s basically the only thing you can do if you didn’t take the hit to keep the charge =/.
In a situation where a character can’t reversal out of the super, gief can just do the safe jump into super normally and piano normally to mostly beat out a reversal throw. Trying to negative edge and do a fancy option select in that situation would be kinda pointless.
I don’t really even know if that option select is practical since it’s difficult to test if you’d even be doing it correctly.
I messed around with it some more and I am convinced that the gief 720 option select is practically executable and has practical setups and works similarly to t-hawk negative edge option selects. The key is just to input the 720 and just hold the ending input for a bit and then negative edge release. You want to input the 720 such that the negative edge release will coincide w/ your opponent being throwable. The timing actually seems fairly lenient to avoid getting green hands or spds on negative edge since the super input window for the 720 is much larger and the input system will “forget” the input attempts for regular spd or green hand. It seems best if you start the 720 motion by briefly returning to neutral on the stick beforehand. This seems to reset something in ST’s input detection. Otherwise, you seem to randomly have a much narrower input window for the 720.
You have to remember that the gief super range is only the range of shoto throws. You really only get an opportunity off a close knockdown or a fairly close jump. Otherwise you should mostly just do safe far lk ticks. You can’t use safe far lk ticks to do a super option select since the super doesn’t have enough range.
These are the obvious main setups.
Setup 1) into super beginning and ending in 4. You can safe jump into this and end w/ 4 upon landing. Perfectly executed a safe jump should be an unescapable and safe option select except if your opponent also has a super command throw.
Setup 2) Crossup splash, close lk. It seems really wonky to reliably get out a 720 right after a crossup splash. Going to neutral and then ticking from the close lk seems a lot more reliable.
Setup 3) Meaty or cr.lp into super beginning and ending at 1. Probably very useful vs deejay (and maybe claw?) since their reversals will whiff over the meaty attack at the right range and you can safely option select super them afterwards. The main downside is you have to be close enough for them to be able to reversal throw you.
Im not understanding how this is bypassing a reversal DP vs your whiff animation. I R Slow
Gief super has no whiff animation.
You negative edge so you won’t get a normal (like t-hawk).
You input the 720 so that the tail end where you hold back or down-back coincides with your opponent being throwable and so that you’ve been holding back or down-back for a bit.
If you back or down-back for a bit after a 720 and then input a punch, you won’t get a green hand or 360 whiff.
You can verify that this works by first doing the input w/ a jump-in lk into super ending in back.
Then, try it w/ the exact same timing but jump-in w/ the lk so that the opponent will be outside of super range when you land. If you do the correct timing, gief will do nothing when you negative edge.
It seems to work best when you put the stick in neutral briefly before the 720.
The easiest input off a jump is probably 86248624.
If you think about it, this works similarly to a t-hawk 720 tick. It is possible to input a 720 and negative edge it so fast that t-hawk will actually get a dp when the opponent isn’t throwable. To avoid this, you slow down the 720 motion so that the input detection for the dp will “time out” while still getting the 720 option select.