Ironmans Instant Overhead Set-ups

Basic idea is to sj lk on the way up vs a crouching opponent, when that hits you cancel into airdash downforward lk,lk fp or lk,lp,lk = death

now for me at least, this shit is really hard to do but it’s really been useful for landing hits with ironguy.

after any blockstun based series ironman does not have many guaranteed follow-up chances so it’s also uncommon to be this close to somone safely…

anytime i get them pinned inbeween doom and ironman i go for it, if i can scare them with my priority by counterhitting well, people tend to freeze up, usually ironmans only chances:rofl:

I suck with the char and i’m just looking for players with some experience using this tactic or any variations they’ve come up with.

dojo discussion begin

Extremely useful and deadly, no matter how hard it is to do. it can setup an infinite, put more pressure on the opponent, extremely quick, making it somewhat safe. works great against cyc, wonders against capcomAAA…but psy can mess u up.

Also try this…sj lk (overhead), AD fwd (crossover), sj lk, mk, hp…land.

IM gotta TON of tricks, post what u know, with enough knowledge, he can compete

it’s a crossover, so it doesnt necessarily COMBO, but it messes up the opponents’ blocking. if u got Doom AAA, doom will hold them down, and IM will be on the otherside…u’ll get block damage, and if he doesn’t block, u getta INF.

U can do the samething with a kneedive, if ur attacking from the air as well. except after the kneedive, use flight mode to cancel the lag, and attack. Against Sent, there’s really nothing he can do.

Also, try this…instead of using the “lk overhead” after doom AAA, use it after a jumpin/or smartbombs. most times opponents try to go Low after jumpins, so u can mix it up with the overhead setup.

ex) jumpin hk, cr lk
ex) jumpin hk, sj lk overhead

thanks for the reply, outside of counterhits and low short here and there, this is the only way i can open people up so with some more practice i’ll post more.

sj. LK, wait a bit, addf, neutral or u+HK crossup… can IM’s HKs be blocked low like his fierces?

if you mean his j. u hk then no its an overhead and pops them up for an easy infinite set up.

well just from using j lk with strider for overhead, i can tell you the biggest obstacle is characters who have small sprites when ducking. youre going to have a much much easier time hitting cable with this than storm. with that said, i would say practice on storm which will be the most difficult target in real matches (shes shorter than cyc). if you can hit her with overheads with any consistancy than you will get bigger characters like mag, cable , commando, cyc easily. good luck :wasted:

IM’s HK CANNOT be blocked low as jumpins or SJs. but in flight mode, it can. in fact, all of his attacks in flightmode NOT including his divekick can be block LOW (pretty gay)…actually…can some1 try it against a human? the CPU blocks it in training mode

Also, i tried that up+HK crossup yesterday and it didnt crossup (unless i’m doing it wrong). even if it did, i dont recommend it at all anyway. the double lk crossup is faster.

BUT, a neat trick with jumping up+HK is…

jump, AD D (or d/f), up+hk (whiff)…then go for a crouching short. opponent might try to block high…so combo cr. short to an inf

If you pin with doom you can easily sj (wait a bit so you can dash to the other side) Ddf , . its funny cuz i tend to catch people from time to time because the Hk is so slow they block high but then crouch cuz of the delay on the hk. Im not saying it will work all the time but it does work .

I have an idea. Do that combo, then expand it. I’ll give you an idea…

sj lk, ad df, lk, mp, mk dash lk, hk, [UB/U],+hp, ad df, lp, UB+hp, infinite, proton cannon or snap.

NOW he’s dead.

Also, if you can sj cancell the dmp, that also results in death off this and you don’t have to use the launch u/ub hp, ad df lp, ub hp thing to get the infinite.