Iron Galaxy confirms Season 2 of KI will add 8 characters

Any news when season 2 comes out?

Date was said to be Nov 20ish.

We’ll have to wait until E3 for concrete info on characters and game info etc.

On a side note if Maya returns (which isn’t that likely for season 2 imo) and she stays white, making het more like Shanna the She Devil (Marvel) seems a good idea to me

Ugh, gods no

Somewhere out there, Frank Cho is smiling.

Season Two will be on Twitch’s official E3 stream.

I seriously hope Kim Wu will be shown

Good news indeed! I believe that season 2 will obviously consist of all the remaining old characters and a couple of new ones.

Damn have to wait till Wednesday for the stream…

TJ Combo confirmed for Season 2

Maya, Tusk and Kim Wu are terrible characters.

I liked Kim Wu and im sure IG will give her a nice makeover

I’m sure Maya and Kim Wu will get in just for being female. KI is a hugely a sausage fest

It ironically isn’t that much of a sausage fest. Especially considering it’s the only fighting game with a female reptile. It’ll be interesting to see if Iron Galaxy does anything to visually identify Riptor’s gender during the gameplay or story. The games IP back in 94/96 only had 13 standard characters and they were split between both games. So the game never got its fair chance to evolve and further diversify its roster.

So with Sadira added to the roster and the addition of ARIA to the story who is most likely also female, the game is coming along in the opposite gender rather nicely. If we get 3 or 4 more new characters in season 2 there would most likely be more females there also. The two male boss characters are more or less retconned from the storyline also.

If ARIA is female then she’s damn ugly and bald.

I’ve already stated that I want Maya to be a huge gigantic woman (sort of like the amazonians from Futurama) but I think it’d also be interesting if Tusk was a giant barbarian as well. Since they’re supposed to be an item in the story I think just it’d be entertaining to see this gargantuan couple having a quarrel every time they fight each other.

I thought Ban evades were against the rules

Here’s some footage from the XBox Live Stream today featuring TJ Combo

Or you could watch the full real thing here at the official xbox twitch page instead of supporting this spammer. Tired of seeing him spam his youtube channel everywhere.

… and it’s wrong of him to help spread current info to the masses? I mean, I couldn’t care less for the guy either, but at least he’s bringing KI info to those who are unaware.

Then give credit where it’s due and post the original video, instead of stealing video and linking to your own channel just to get traffic to your channel.

He stole it from somewhere so he obviously knew where it originated from.