Introducing Project Kajitsu: USB-JAMMA Controller based on Raspberry Pi... Oh, and its free!

**What is Project Kajitsu?
Project Kajitsu (Kajitsu is Japanese for Berry) is the brain child of Mike Wolak and Jasen Hicks based on the $35 Raspberry Pi B+ Model. The goal was to use the Raspberry Pi with a custom Pi Hat / Linux kernel and turn 2 ordinary PS3 or XBOX360 controllers into 2 Discrete JAMMA compatible controllers. We succeeded.

Who did all of this and why?

All of the software, hardware, and testing associated with Project Kajitsu was done in house between Jasen and Mike. We undertook this project to bridge the gap between modern consoles and arcade games of the past. One of the fun benefits is that you can also control things like robots or other gadgets looking for 5V or 3.3V logic inputs!

Why the Raspberry Pi?

The Raspberry Pi B+ released in July 2014 opened the aperture on how much you can do with the Pi because of the expanded GPIO. It now has 40 pins instead of 26 with only a few being set aside for specific uses (power, ground, i2c, serial bus). This means we can use two controllers on the Pi and create enough discrete outputs for both Player 1 and 2 on a SuperGun. Think… only one device to handle two players!

What controllers are supported, and is there lag?

In the first release, RC12, Wired XBOX 360 and Wired PS3 Controllers are working with no no perceivable lag. With more testing and getting additional hardware other PCBs will be added in future releases. Our goal isn’t to use all the controllers on the market but the main ones. Want to tinker? We’ll be releasing the source files at a later date so the community can tinker and experiment.

**What about Bluetooth? **

Bluetooth is an awesome technology that adds a little bit of freedom to your gameplay. Unfortunately, initial testing has shown the pairing sequence isn’t as simple as the plug and play usb version and requires more testing and tinkering on our part before we add that functionality. When we do add it, PS3 and Wii controllers should work with Project Kajitsu.

Tell me more about this Linux you are running…

Our custom light weight Linux operating system image boots our USB-DISCRETE App in less than 3 seconds! Mike Wolak has fine tuned the Pi image to behave more like a high speed micro-controller vs. an underpowered desktop computer allowing nearly instantaneous startup times.

What/When can I download?

Today, you can download the BETA RC12 version of our Custom Linux Kernel and the EAGLE Board files associated with our two Project Kajitsu Pi Hats. Beta V0.1 is fully tested, V0.4 is being made for testing. Links are embedded in our original post here:

These files are provided as BETA files only. We are not responsible for any damage to your Pi, Pi-Hats, or SD Cards. We have used them with a lot of success so far. If you are interested in the schematic files for the Project Kajitsu Hats, we will make them available at a later date.

Part Lists:

3x 74HC245DW Buffers
2x 3.9K 0805 Resistors
1x 0805 LED
2x 1K 0805 Resistors
3x .1uF 0805 Capacitors
1x 100nF 0805 Capacitor
1x 0805 Diode
4x 3pin .100 headers
2x 12 position .100 screw terminals
1x 2 position .100 screw terminals
4x Jumpers

1x Raspberry Pi B+
1x Micro USB Cable and Wall Wort

Can I just buy this preassembled?

We are doing a small batch of boards right now and should be ready in October. Pricing is to be determined.



A couple of videos:

Bluetooth Proof of Concept (Still WIP)

Current Wired Rev:

When I saw these things come out I knew it’d only be a matter of time. Great work guys.

I don’t post up around here much anymore, but good fucking shit.

Thanks guys! Definitely a fun project and we have more versions coming out in the future and more controllers that will be supported too :smiley:

Very nice. Love the name for the project as well. :wink:

The main question is: when are you going to start offering tiny metal casings for this thing? :smiley:

Between you and @undamned‌ you guys are saving people so much work on SuperGuns.

This one looks more dedicated to Superguns, and looks even easier. Awesome to see all these projects coming together!

Ah, so that’s what you’ve been up to. Will certainly be the missing piece of the puzzle for your superguns. Are you going to build them in are just offer then as an add on?


These aren’t going to be offered in my SuperGuns, this was more of a “Let’s see what we can do with this and if it works, let people at it” project.

It was a fun challenge to take on and we’re proud of the results and the future software releases. Hopefully people find some good uses for it, if not, thats ok too because we learned a lot along the way :smiley:

We are considering making a few boards available as we get them in and test them. We haven’t decided if this will be a ready made solution via donation from our site

To be precise with language, since I wasn’t when I posted this, the lag is no perceivable lag. The JAMMA board is looking for an input every 16ms and the Project Kajitsu Hardware (basically, the Pi) is able to process much faster than this. With the current release there is a lot of headroom available for tweaks, so any system induced lag can be minimized.

what about making RPI based converters for ps3>360 and vice versa?

The pi doesn’t have a usb out. The hat our see now can take inputs and direct them as controls to say a mame box running on the pi :slight_smile:

I’m sure someone could use the GPIOs to make a USB out on the hat… Maybe.

[EDIT] - after doing some more research, going out over USB probably can’t happen. The chipset inside the pi most likely wont allow it.

Thanks for the support! Project Kajitsu made Link below:

Another demo of the possibilities of the board:

Mike did a great job with the writeup, so I’ll plagiarize his post:

Project Kajitsu’s Hardware has been transformed with Version 0.4. We have left the formal pi-hat spec for size behind us in lieu of a more user friendly DB15 version of the board. This version of the board offers the convenience of the the DB15 ports while maintaining the flexibility of the .100″ screw terminals (both are optional, but at least one should be installed). Additionally, we simplified this board making it an “out” board only, meaning you would only use it to convert PS3/XBOX360 controllers to discrete outputs on a +5V logic setup such as a SuperGun!

Changes include:

  1. Player 1/2 status indicator. The board will show which player has a USB controller plugged in.
  2. Removed the diode from the incoming +5V line as our initial testing showed brown-outs on the Raspberry Pi.
  3. Added DB15 ports for simplified SuperGun/NEO-GEO connections
  4. Removed the Logic Selector Jumpers. This is a +5V Logic Hat.
  5. Set the transceivers to be output permanently.
  6. Form factor change. It still mates to the Pi B+ properly.

The Official Full Project Kajitsu Demo

This demo was filmed using three cameras to catch all of the action in real time! We demonstrate the first party XB360 (Wireless), PS3, and Wiimote (bluetooth) support using the project with a custom built SuperGun. Enjoy!

Its been too long… but here’s the latest Kajitsu variant. Complete with a little metal touch!

New board features LEDs that indicate when P1 and P2 controllers are connected, can be completely powered from the DB15s. No more voltage drop from diodes on the +5V line of the DB15. Simplified the layout, this board works in one direction only. Still has the Serial connection available.

Project Kajitsu Update: Mike and I wanted a simple solution that didn’t require some fancy cable or hack job to connect to the screw terminals so we came up with the Kajitsu USB-Discrete only version. This only converts USB to Discrete at 5V logic. Its slimmed down but more user friendly. I have a few on hand soldered up and ready to ship if you want to one with no fuss.

We have bare boards available for $9.95 shipped and soldered boards available for $29.95 shipped, if you are interested.

Well Jasen, you have my complete and undivided attention. I think you are going to get a lot of my money this coming year, and little bit this year.
Keep up the excellent work and thanks for the updates. I and many others appreciate them. The quality of your work shows itself in every post, picture, and product.
Thanks homie. :slight_smile:

Thanks! PK is going to get some more cool stuff this coming year. Mike and I are working on a few new things that should make this even more fun/useful. The Pi is such a good platform to start with for the price, it seems very silly not to use it for as much as you can. I may even be making a few custom things for it :+1: