Interview with Chinatown Fair manager and CTF event announcement

Deadly Bison Entertainment caught up with the manager Lonnie from Chinatown fair to discuss the future of Chinatown fair, the history of Chinatown fair and what the community needs to do to keep CTF as a hub for the fighting game community.

Here is a link to the video.


Deadly Bison Entertainment also would like to announce the first scheduled event at CTF will be Monday June 4th from 8pm-12am - The event will be streamed at - we have already confirmed CTF legends will be in attendance. It will be $10 admission - but you will get a $20 game card for all other games. Fighting games will be unlimited. Expect prize giveaways and a ton of money matches.

Here is the flyer for the event - Please support this and help us keep CTF as a home for the FGC.

MvC2 is coming back? I cried. I literally cried just now. And i don’t give a fuck.

Get KOF98 back and its OVER.

This place is no longer dodokaka. I would get everyone to play in a fucking fruit ninja tournament if it means more space for fighting games.

Talk about stepping your game up. This place may have a future after all.

That place is most likely gonna be trash. After meeting him, the place will have no future with him in charge.

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He should also get this. Imma be in there for MvC2 no doubt, but only if i see people playin it though. I wish arcsys released P4U in the US, with how big it is in Japan, i think the Americans(including latin and south) will follow suit. Its a really unique game and that is what adds to it’s charm

K real shit… who the fuck is gonna play there? The guy doesn’t seem to fond of the fgc…

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Well, the people that used to hang around CTF were… questionable.

This event on June 4th will be a MvC3 tournament? or what?

yo im not dissing this guy or anything, but i can barely fuckin understand him. its like he has trouble talking.

It wont be a tourney this time, it will be casuals with prize giveaways. Were putting together some money matches and prizes for longest win streaks right now.

So when is this place going to have a functional MvC2 cab?

Sorry I’m not sure. He just said it will take a little while. I expect it to be there before the event.

I hope the new CTF finds a good balance. Once I heard birthday parties for families, I can imagine the wackiness that will happen if the FGC is also around getting hyped. It could be good street education for the kids though. :slight_smile:

The red flag here is that he hopes to put up a wall, in order to separate the FGC from the rest of its target demographic. So basically he wants to profit from the FGC by putting a few nominal games that he hopes we’ll play, while keeping us away from their family-friendly environment. Not impressed until he actually follows through on his word.

You’ve never been to ctf have you? The people that used to hang out there WERE undesirable. From the cosplayers, to the thugs, drug dealers, and childish adults, i shook my head a couple of times witnessing some of this shit seriously.

Oh, I get that. I feel like he’s trying to run a fine line between wanting the old guard to come back, while maintaining a family-friendly environment. There’s going to be some struggle with this, unless he can somehow manage to ONLY get the ‘classier’ FGC players to come back to the new CTF. I understand what he’s doing, but it’s not going to be easy to have the best of both worlds without some conflict.

Those undesirable people you mentioned weren’t part of the fgc there anyway.

Oh lord, now you guys have both Next Level AND Chinatown Fair?

That is some serious shit. If there could be some CvS2 and ST there too, it would be complete.

ST scene is already starting up at Next Level. They have a few regulars going there, but they could always use more players and more tourney support.