Interest Check : Japanese Exclusive HRAP 3

I think I can get my hand on one of these. Would anyone be interested in it? Don’t wanna get it if not. Let me know!

Depends on how much you’d be selling it for. If we’re talking HRAP3 SA price, then I’d be interested.

Kinda interested, but since that one has just a Sanwa stick and Hori buttons, I’m not sure I want to pay HRAP3 SA price for HRAP3 Amazon…

I’d sell it for $100 even shipped and can ship it right away. How is that?

i’d buy it, what’s your paypal?

I’d hit it. :smiley:

PM sent. networkingyuppy - If he falls through, should I let you know?

That won’t be necessary because I wish I had the funds to jump in on an opportunity like this. :frowning:
It’s such a good deal though.

you got pics of it? And what’s the condition?


PM Replied

Pics added.

So, the stock buttons are HORI?

That is right.
Sanwa JLF Joystick and Hori Buttons.

Oh. I think I’ll keep my sights set on the SA. D;

what’s the reason for the 2nd pic? is there something wrong with the corner? can’t make anything out.

and like others said; what’s the functionality condition? everything working?

if it’s all good and other dude falls through i’ll pick it up.

I have one D:<

Hey Som,

You play Tekken right? I think we might a while back.

Anyway, I posted the pics at an obscene hour and didn’t explain anything. The stick is in very good shape. I used it playing Tekken yesterday and it worked awesome. I personally guaranteed it to work on arrival. The case is in very good condition aside from a scratch on the case which I tried to show in the second picture. But the scratch is right on the corner and is too small to show in the picture. I actually tried with 2 different cameras and neither was able to pick it up. Even so, I will take $10 off just to be fair. But again, very good condition. Quick disconnects so you can change any of the parts easily.

I am still waiting to hear from the first gentleman to see what he is going to do. I will let you know if it falls through. Thanks a lot!

Opps, almost forgot.

The lock washer mod was done on this also so you can get inside the stick without having to open it from the bottom. You will be able to open it from the top if you have any standard flat head screw driver.

Yeah, I play tekken. I’ve gone to NEC once a while back. might have been then.

I was interested in this because I have the hrap1 which has a similar setup which I actually prefer because I feel like I can beat up on the buttons more.

^You kinda cant. The stock buttons kinda suck lol. You’re probably better off swapping them for something you CAN beat up. And damn they only go for 100$?