Hey guys.
I know there is a brook thread, but I don’t know how many back and forth messages this may take. So I wanted to keep it in its own thread.
I just got the Brook UFB. After looking inside my TE1, I have seen a bunch of wires that don’t have a place to be connected to the UFB. So her are my questions.
1.) On the TE1 PCB there is an extra cable for the USB called SGND. So it has 5v, D-, D+, GND, SGND. The brook PCB only has the V, D-, D+, GND. So what do I do with the SGND cable for the USB?
2.) I assume the 5v for the USB on the TE1 PCB is the same as the V on the UFB PCB, is that correct?
3.) The TE1 has the START and BACK buttons on the back of the case. The Brook UFB doesn’t have a BACK connection on it, but there is a SELECT available. Am I supposed to connect the BACK button on the TE1 to the SELECT on the Brook UFB?
4.) The wiring diagram for the Brook UFB has the HOME button sharing the ground with the START/SELECT. But on the TE1 the Home button is on the turbo button and LS/DP/RS mini PCB. So it doesn’t share a ground with the START/SELECT button. However on the turbo button and LS/DP/RS mini PCB there is a ground. Can I use that ground and the free ground connection on the Brook UFB when connecting the HOME button?
5.) On the turbo button and LS/DP/RS mini PCB, which connections do I use to connect it to the Brook UFB? There are clear points for the LEFT STICK and RIGHT STICK. But I don’t know which would be the DP connections as the Brook UFB shows it needs to cables for the DP connection.
6.) On the turbo button and LS/DP/RS mini PCB there are also a bunch of connections that have D designated before them. There is one for all the buttons as well as the bumper and trigger buttons. Can you tell me what these are for?
7.) The last question I have for now is if I should possibly just bypass the turbo button and LS/DP/RS mini PCB? I would like to use it, but there are so many connection points that it could get out of hand. There reason I want to use it is because I don’t have extra buttons for the Home button or the LS/DP/RS switch.
Alternatively, Could I just wire up the buttons and the joystick and leave the Home and LS/DP/RS switches disconnected? Or does the Brook UFB need all the buttons connected to work?
Thanks for the help guys. I have checked on Youtube and there are some installations videos but nothing with the Mad Catz TE1, which has a different mini PCB inside that the others don’t have.
Sorry for all the questions and wall of text.