I don’t know if there is a general thread or topic about this already, but if there is please point me to it, thx.
So SF4 has all the input short cuts/ leniency/ tricks that it has, I was wondering if such things exist in mvc3 also.
so does things like
auto correct
input shortcuts(i know that to some extent they are gone, but you never know)
dropped inputs(or when it does/doesn’t happen)
is it possible to call in assists during a normal attack?
None that I know of. I’ll just do a little talk about Raging Demon inputs I guess. Demon needs all 5 inputs to be separate (can’t combine buttons ie pushing :l: + doesn’t register the jabs) and changing from forward to down-forward to input your forward motion (like when karaing the overhead 3s style) it doesn’t work cause of the way MVC3 handles multiple directions so you gotta go back to neutral ie for an overhead kara demon you want to be inputting :f: + ~ :l: :l: (neutral) :f: ~ :h:
Maybe the last :f: ~ can be inputted on the same frame I’ve never tested that for any raging demon. Also as a tip I set the :3p: button as just so I can do a descending piano for my demons rather than ascending as I (and most others) find that easier.
Also the input window between each button press is pretty wide, I’m sure it’s much longer than in SSF4.
A friend of mine also said a little lenience trick with Iron Man is that when doing fly/unfly combos when you want to unfly if you go :qcb: + :s: + or whatever normal it will come out in the first frame. I tried with Sent and it didn’t work though.
And I guess most will know about X-23’s Mirage Feint cancels which can be done by holding :s: down and then just doing the normal feint (:qcb: + any normal) and holding that normal down for 2 or more frames. This makes an easier way to cancel all her normals. And as a combo I’ve manged to go :h: cancel :h: cancel… for 8 hits into launch.
cant you do a shortcut for some special xx hyper setups.
Im pretty sure Ive done :qcf::atk: xx :atk::atk: and that canceled there :qcf:Hyper out of there :qcf:special.
Maybe its air specific or combo specific or maybe it got patched, but I remember doing this during week 1.
I have definitely had this happen. I’ve even accidentally DHC’d too, just by pressing the two attacks. I’ve even tested this with my hand off the stick for the second hyper and the DHC still works. Kinda annoying if you ask me
For the hulk when i try to do Gamma Wave I will Charge back press H then f+H. I have a problem OTG-ing with gama wave if i dont do this. I miss the timing for the f+H for some reason? Bad execution is most likely.
for the dake of argument. Input lenancy comes into play if you use :qcf::uf::atk: for a special that only requires :qcf::atk: I use this to ‘follow through’ and ensure that my move comes out.
Related; Tk’ing specials would be another for of input leniancy
I have an observation about dragon punch inputs versus quarter-circles that is important to keep in mind.
:f::d::df: is a dp’s normal input.
Both those inputs will be taken as dps.
That will register as a qcf. If you want to do a dp move, you have to be sure to avoid that, but alternatively, if you want to cancel a forward command normal into a qcf move, that is the best way to input the move to be sure you get it and not a dp move (off the top of my head pretty important for Phoenix, probably some other characters too). I dunno how this interacts with hcf inputs since none of the characters I play have one of those (most half circles in this game seem to be hcb anyway).
Another input I see fudged too often is Magneto’s unique Magnetic Blast input (in air :u::uf::f:). It’s just an upside down quarter-circle so hypothetically it should be no harder for you to do than a quarter-circle, especially since there’s zero input overlap with anything else (you don’t have upside down dragon punches or half circles!). If you want to do a Magnetic Blast out of a neutral or backward (super) jump just roll to forward using your jump input, and it’s really easy. If you want to use a Magnetic Blast out of a forward (super) jump, I find the best way is to roll back to :ub: and then roll forward. It results in this goofy looking input: :uf::u::ub::u::uf::f:, but that is actually all one flowing motion and never requires the quick gymnatics of resetting to neutral and then doing the input “properly”, and being able to do the input fast is very important since you really need to be able to get a Magnetic Blast out at the peak of a normal jump as Magneto. If you are using an octo-gate instead of a square gate you can probably just roll back to :u: instead of :ub: and do it more quickly and easily, but I’m used to a square gate where it’s faster to just slam into that corner.
I’m not sure if this is considered input short cut, but if you do qcf with a button, then (not so) quickly press another button, the system will also do qcf with the second button press as well. Sometimes it’s really useful, such as when you want to combo ryu’s srk into his level 3, you just do dp B and press 3 punches quickly (not plink speed for sure, maybe 3 or so frame) and the level 3 will come out (his mission 10 makes use of that, and it’s a pretty neat corner combo too).
Other times it annoys the hell out of me, when you use magneto and do his C ADF C loop (or variations of it), and you want to end it with fly cancel (qcb S) then air C, if you press C too fast, he’ll do hyper grav instead…