Input problems with keyboards?

When it comes to some games, I’ve noticed that there seems to be wierd problems. I for one have a custom x-arcade. If you guys aren’t familiar with the x-arcades, they use keyboard inputs instead of being recognized as a joystick.

Now, I checked to see if the buttons are registering when I press them and in fact they do. I have no problems pulling pretty much most moves in most fighters I have. However there are a few moves in a few fighting games that just work like a quarter of the time. I plugged in my PS3 controller to see if it was the game or my skill and in fact I was able to pull these moves no problem. This holds true for the various emulators I tried it on.

I’m not exactly to sure with the problem. Either it is too many inputs to take in for a keyboard or what. None the less, I was wondering if anybody would have an idea of what I should do. I know this all might be confusing and horribly explained so I’d be more than glad to answer any questions regarding my problem.

If it is acting as a keyboard that will be a large problem for your fighting games. To my knowledge of keyboards, most can only handle three inputs at a time max. So if using your stick you are trying to hit a diagonal, 2 inputs, and a P+K, now 4 inputs, you will not be able to do so because of the restrictions of the keyboard.

It may be possible for you to play because I believe 3 inputs should be the max you would use in fighters regularly, changing stances with Gen or bursting in Guilty Gear, you could play normally in most cases, but any extra joystick movement adding a diagonal etc will cause the computer to drop inputs.

This is limited knowledge but I do believe that the 3 input max is true of most keyboards I have used, anyone else may feel free to correct anything I have falsely stated.

It varies from keyboard to keyboard. Most of the cheap ones do indeed have a 3 button limit, but my current one lets me press up to 5 at once depending on which keys they are. For gaming keyboards you often see them bigging up the number of simultaneous keypresses they’ll recognise.

I’d have thought the X-Arcade sticks would have high end keyboard controllers inside them so it may be your motherboard’s PS/2 port, but I have no idea if that’s possible or not. You could find out by trying on other PCs with different motherboards.

For one, I can tell you my keyboard is efin’ old and it has seen some horrid days. However, let us look at an EX move for a second. Something like QCB+A+B. Is that not three inputs? Or should we get even more technical and say that while the A and B buttons are pressed, you are still in the QCB motion, causing a void in button presses… this hurts my head. I’m just hoping it really is the PC and not the stick because I’m planning on getting SFIV for the PS3 and if I have a problem with EX moves… I’m screwed.

Oh and if it matters, I connected my X-Arcade to my computer VIA USB and not PS/2. I can always try that but I can’t imagine what that might do (if not make it even worse?)

I didn’t realise they do USB :amazed: (kind of obvious really…)

USB is usually vastly superior for this kind of thing. Using PS/2 is worth a try anyway - the more combinations of alternative ports/systems you can try it with, the easier it’ll be to figure out if it’s the stick’s fault.

Sorry I completely glossed over the fact you have PS3, is that what you’re having the problem with?

I don’t know if the same problem occurs on the PS3 since I don’t really have any fighting games I can try this out on for consoles. I also just heard it might be the fault of the stock PCB in the X-arcade so I’m about to look into that too.