I didn’t see anybody else trying to make this topic and we need a place to discuss the game without always making a chat room.
Below is a list of notable links that show some really strong Injustice players. Others is streams where you’ll learn more about the game.
http://www.twitch.tv/injusticelive - You’ll hear top players and testers and general FGC people talking about all the current goings on in the game here. Great for people trying to learn more about the game.
Notable Player Channels
http://www.twitch.tv/au_im_digimon - Another high level MK9 player you’ll often find working on combos with various characters. Often complaining about MK9 needing another Patch
http://www.twitch.tv/perfectlegend - Two time MK9 Evo champ who also happens to be a Tester. If nothing else you’ll she
http://www.twitch.tv/nycfurby - Arturo Sabin’s Stream. Excellent Injustice play here, always open to talking to chat. Also a Tester, that helps.
http://www.twitch.tv/medina4life - Representing the Midwest ( North ) always solid NRS player and normally hosts casuals on Thurs
http://www.twitch.tv/fgtvlive/old - F.Champ and friends blowing it up in Injustice and other fighters. People come here for gameplay but stay for the trolling. Not my thing but many love it.
Tournament Streams
http://www.twitch.tv/teamsp00ky - Kings of Poverty Stream, Usually the main stream for most Tournaments. Sabin, NerdJosh, Min,etc
http://www.twitch.tv/torontotoptiers - Up and coming Canadian tournament Streaming Injustice and other games.
http://www.twitch.tv/offcast - Great guy always streaming Injustice and supporting NRS games and side streams at big tourneys.
http://www.twitch.tv//leveluplive - One of the biggest Weekly’s around featuring West coast finest
24/7 Lobbies ( Best for Character Variation)
http://www.twitch.tv/pandaxgaming2 - 24/7 Injustice lobby gameplay. For when you wanna see what other people are doing while a tournament isn’t on.
http://www.twitch.tv/pjs_winning - Midwestern based Stream, Open 24/7 Injustice Lobby very useful for finding out what other players are using and what to expect.
I’m SURE I missed some names and stream so by all means PM me and I WILL RESPOND hopefully I’ll be able to edit the post immediately if not it will be soon. Let me know if you have any suggestions because I haven’t made a thread like this before and am just trying to help.
Let me know guys thanks!