It looks like they made the character models bigger and/or the stages smaller. Now they just need to fix that weird looking bounce back(make it wall bounce or a normal ground bounce) and bring back the pig and I’ll play the game for two months.
I bet Goku wished he had armor when he got rekt by that pewpew laser.
Atrocitus with Dex-Star assist. I’m glad the cat is in the game in some capacity. I like they they shorten clashes. I hated how they would kill the pacing of a match.
You know, the more I hear about this customization system, the more I start to worry. I’m all for making a character look the way you want to, but with such a huge part of fighting games being match-ups and NRS seemingly focusing on how it will change how the characters play, it doesn’t seem good. Then again, it could just be the usual PR hyperbole and it ends up doing very little besides cosmic changes. Or ranked turns it off by default or something.
Milestone is just an imprint, the rights of the characters belong 100% to DC. Also, this is yet another alternate universe, they could add Milestone characters if they want, the same way they could add Rorschach or Kitana if they wanted. I don’t think they will, however.
I want Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle. He would fit perfectly in this game’s concept.
If it’s just small damage or defense buffs or the like, at least it won’t majorly affect the match-ups. And the first Injustice did have an option to turn off stage transitions and interactables, so maybe this one will have an option to turn off armor buffs like Soul Calibur II and III did with weapons. What I’m scared of are items that affect frame data and hit-/hurtboxes. Also, how much time will be spent on configurations. Or how they’re going to award you these items, seeing as how random drops that affect gameplay seem contrary to basic fighting game design, DLC will just become xTekken all over again, and locking them behind challenges forces me to grind out single player modes for stuff I need to play other people.
Oh god, this is going to be a complete clusterfuck, isn’t it?
Fucking hell. While I do admit that a lot of the innovations NRS come up with are pretty awesome, it feels like they come up with two bad ideas for every good one. And since I’m a petty motherfucker I will say that even though the style system in MKX was a good idea, I felt a lot of them ruined the character designs (like Quan-Chi’s stupid skeleton hands or the weird dragon staff for Kung Jin). Innovations are good, but it’s fine to stick with what works every now and then. Just tweak your existing formulas to make them feel new and fresh instead of tossing a bunch of new shit at the screen and seeing what sticks. I’m not saying Injustice should straight up use the character variation system from MKX, but they could’ve gone with something similar to that, especially since superheroes are all about distinct power sets.
With that said, if I get a decently handled Johnny Cage-ish Booster Gold (alternatively pre-New 52 Jaime Reyes), no fucks are given. WB will have my pre-order money.
@LiangHuBBB - there seems to be a growing debate on NRS’s use of old moves and animations from the 1st Injustice. Which side do you fall on? I never played the 1st - so I’m indifferent