Infiltration (not the Korean FG player)

This is just a quick reference list of the other characters MU threads against Cammy. Perhaps it could help to get into the mind of what other players are thinking of and trying to do against our beloved Cammy.

Alex - Matchup Thread -- Cammy

Balrog - "Smash Faces, Get Money." The Balrog/Boxer Matchup Thread

Birdie - Birdie Matchup Thread: Mash Potato!

Chun-Li - Chun Li Match-Ups Thread: Police Reports

Dhalsim - Matchup vs Cammy

F.A.N.G. - F.A.N.G. Match-Ups Thread

Guile - Cammy Match Up Thread

Ibuki - Fighting against the Ninja Glade: Ibuki Matchup Thread *11/5 Update*

Juri - SFV Juri matchups thread

Karin - Karin Match Up Thread: Oops! Sorry! Can I still play?

Ken - Ken Match-ups Thread: "Strong fighters such as yourself make it worth staying in shape!"

Laura - Matchup Thread -- Cammy

M. Bison - CAMMY Match Up Thread

Nash - CAMMY Matchup Thread

Necalli - Necalli Match-Ups Thread: Devour Strong Souls

R. Mika - Mika Matchup: Cammy

Rashid - Rashid Match-Ups Thread

Ryu - The Ryu Matchup Thread - Good Ol' Fundamentals

Urien - Matchup Thread -- Cammy

Vega - Vega Match-Ups Thread: I Only Understand the Pain of Being too Strong and Beautiful

Zangief - Matchup thread - cammy

Unfortunately, very few of these are neat and organized like the way @Maximiliano started all of our MU threads. So props to Max again.

Thank you. I can now delete an entire folder in my bookmarks and save this thread instead. If I could like this post twice, I would.