Inexpensive source for Korean sticks?

I want to try out a Korean style stick. However, buying a Saulabi from eTokki or Play-Asia will run about $80-90 with shipping. The consensus seems to be that the stock stick is bad, so buying a replacement would add another $20 plus shipping for parts. I’m really not too keen on spending $120-130 just to try one out. Are there any other options?

After some google searches, and finding out there also a movie of the same name (Saulabi).
You are stuck trying to get the stick from import shops or import websites, I found one Saulabi PS2 stick on ebay, but there still a day left before serious bidding will begin.

I saw that stick on ebay, but it’s PS2, so I’d also need a lag-free converter to use it on my PS3.

Check out SRK’s converter comparability thread. If you going to order a new Korean stick later from eToki any ways, you may as well grab their PS2 to USb adapter, its one of the better rated ps2 to usb adapter out their

There’s a modded authentic saulabi in the trading post. Grab that one. Saves you having to pay for the arcade parts and labor.


Funnier still, the PS2 Saulabi sticks reportedly do not work well with PS2-to-PS3 converters.

What about buying a stick from and modding it into an SE/TE by yourself?

IIRC all you need is a a good drill bit to help remove the universal mounting plate, and a grinding tool to extend the hole to 35mm.

As far as I know the PS2 Saulabi doesn’t work with any PS2 to PS3 converter. Does work quite well with PS2 to 360 converters though…

Well, if you have a TE stick you can order a replacement panel from

You can mount a Fanta in it.

Then there’s this

But the shipping alone will run you 55 dollars.

Overall I think the point is, as long as there are costly international shipping, Korean sticks are a small niche area of the joystick SRK scene. And Japanese and American/Euro style parts being more common. I was thinking maybe with that PS2 Saulabi, someone could mod it with a different board and make it PS3 compatible, Cthulhu, PS360 or some other board.

This looks like a good option. I might buy one when he finishes the HRAP panels.

I’ll check into this too.

As long as you don’t mind that it’s thick plexi then 'The Cleaner’already makes K-stick replacement panels for HRAPs.

just purchase a cheap hrap case T5 and put Korean stick in it thats what I did and it worked out well there is a tutorial thread on here it pretty simple make the hole larger and remove the mounting plate

If you’re ok with a PS1 stick, and using the Inpin for a converter

Saulabi SPS-1000 Vibration Stick - eBay (item 220738555307 end time Feb-22-11 06:40:41 PST)

$25 + $6 shipping off ebay.

Or you can do what I did, drop the stock board, put in a Cthulhu, and have a ball. I also went further down the extreme road and dual modded it for 360, but that’s not a must.

Good luck finding one for cheap though, it’s tough. I had wanted one for a while, but the shipping was a turnoff. Waited until I was in Korea and bought one while I was there. Really happy I did, that is my tournament stick now. Took it to a tournament this weekend and got a TON of compliments on it. No one brave enough to play on it, but people were impressed and curious about it.

Yeah! I have some cheap options.

Shoot me a pm is selling Saulabi SPS-1000 for $40 plus shipping from California. From the research I’ve done the site seems legit.