Incoming Mixup Strategies

For LTP, Caveman, Borowserboxer, El Gato, or any other prideful M.O.D.O.K players out there that can provide insight on intuitive incoming mixup options.

I’ve watched LTP’s video’s numerous times and am familiar with the midscreen variations involving a mixup with light “watch your step” balloon bomb.

In your experience, just how effective is this? Is the best way to confirm off of Cr.:df:H: an instant up forward dash j.:S:?

I’m trying to capitalize on corner snap backs in particular. The goal is to jam the entire enemy team (what a life, right).

So both assists become available again after the snap, we’ve got about a second to drop as much crap on the screen as possible. Grounded medium cube seems tricky, since the attack instantiates mostly off the screen (I know it’s there, I can see the edge glowing). If this HITS, what’s the plan? If it’s BLOCKED, is the goal to set up the self unblockable with a flight canceled slime puddle? Maybe it’s just me, but God tier Virgil always seems to throw me or land helm breaker when I try to hit him coming in. I want us to discuss our most OPPRESSIVE incoming mixup options.

I use Unibeam (a) and Hyper Gravitation (b) as my assists. Can Someone tell me my optimal setup and how to react accordingly if I am blocked until opponent lands, opponent air dashes upward to escape, or opponent gets opened up unexpectedly by one of the options i’ve mentioned above. Many thanks and good luck jamming, don’t forget to watch your step.

Haven’t posted in a while but I can give u some fundamental advice. Use setups based on your opponents options. For characters that can air dash out of pressure like magneto, u want to have a meaty setup like M cube +3H. This is to prevent them from air dashing away. It’s also pretty easy to hit confirm.

For characters who have a risky option with huge payoff (ie Vergil helm breaker or doom footdive) u want a more defensive tactic like big barrier.

Ideally u want a setup that is meaty and that u can visually confirm push block attempts to guard break them. For instance something like, 3+H and doom missiles into HPB, the missiles hit when the HPB ends giving u an opportunity to guard break your opponent. I believe el gato shows this in one of the videos.

Perhaps there is a similar meaty setup with hyper grav? Idk