INCEPTION - New film from Christopher Nolan - MUST WATCH NOW - SRK APPROVED

I saw it twice this week, once on Monday night, once on Tuesday night. The theater was packed to the gills both times. That must be a sign of excellent word-of-mouth. The fact that it’s doing so well is a good sign that thoughtful, well-crafted cinema can still be profitable.

If you were going to extract one point from Inception that makes it stand above other movies I’d say it has to do with familiarity. Oliver Stone can achieve a similar effect by making topical movies. Making a movie about 9/11 a few years after it has happened is a good way to develop a ‘natural draw’ with the audience. What this movie did was isolate common themes in dreams that most people have. The plot is actually some what convoluted and in terms of definite answers I feel there are few…but it ultimately ends up not mattering. After all, dreams are always interpreted, never full explained.

Nolan is a beast. He juggles 5 different threads of reality all at the same time and Micheal Bay can’t handle fighting robots.

This film is worth double posting about.

Seriously the only reason it’s recieving some less than perfect reviews is because the reviewers are idiots and couldn’t follow the movie.

This is one of the biggest films you will ever watch in your life. No lie. No exaggeration. I know what the fuck is up.

Go. And. Watch. It. You. Bitch.

Yeah, Nolan is doing pretty well for himself. I’ve haven’t hated any of his movies.

Just for fun, heres Nolan’s student film.


The entire feeling of this film is so entirely different to anything I’ve experienced from any other movie before it. You feel like you’re in a dream the whole way through, your mind is gone, just filled with the world Nolan wants you to see.

This film was beyond overated. It was so boring (not the concept) but the way it was made.

Saw it about a week ago and really enjoyed it.

Liked reading different peoples’ theories about the film in this thread, I’ll be seeing it again in IMAX on Sunday and will definitely take those theories into account on my re-watch.

You are either a troll or a philistine. Pick one and get out.

I went in with no hype, zero expectation. I didn’t look at pre-reviews or previews, just 1 trailer that I’ve seen in another movie. Without going into a super ultra depth movie rating, I give it a 10/10. If after the fact and I compare it to the greatest movies ever made in my book, 8/10. Well worth the 9/10 if I wanted to balance it out. I still give it a 10/10 especially with all the shit movies that’s been put out.

I wish they hyped this movie up more. Or at least to a group of audience like me with not so much interest in movies.

I felt like there was a ton of hype. WB spent a fortune on the marketing (which is paying off). I saw commercials for it on almost every channel.

Anyway, this will blow your mind.


Saw it and loved it. Best movie Ive seen in awhile

So he gets yelled at for necroing that thread or yelled at for making a duplicate. Cool story bro

This is where the first architect ended up lulz:

One of the best films I’ve ever seen…

Truth. Not only are there 5 different threads of reality, but there’s shit blowing up left and right and it looks better than the crap Michael Bay puts out.

Wow, great film! I don’t think there is something from me to be said that hasn’t already by other posters but…is it me or Nolan greatly improved his directing skills for action scenes? They are fantastic in this movie, so people that used to say “Nolan can’t direct action” you better think twice now…oh and as if it was needed to be said, Marion Cotillard is a thing of beauty.

[spoiler=]I understand that if they die in the dream while sedated they go to Limbo, but wouldn’t that only be if you die in Level 1 (like Saito) since your body can’t wake up?

When Fischer Jr gets shot in the snow level why did he go to Limbo instead of back up to the hotel - like at the start of the film when Arthur dies on level 2 he goes back to level 1 rather than waking up?[/spoiler]

Great movie, not ‘one of the best ever’ though, sorry guys. I can safely say I was astonished that this topped Memento in my mind, despite my smear campaign of anti-hype.

i laugh at all the dumbass reviewers who ‘got lost.’ how the fuck do you get lost? everything is painstakingly explained in the exposition.

[spoiler=]Since they were sedated, dieing while dreaming would send them to limbo. Period. Which is where the “Kicks” come in. The only way to be brought back down a level was through a kick. In Fischer’s case, a resuscitator (In the snow compound) and the kick from Limbo was enough to bring him back to the Snow Fortress.

Please correct me if i’m wrong.[/details]