In need for the UMK3 CPO photoshop file!

Can someone please, PLEASE give me the photoshop for the UMK3 cpo panel for the MK TE. I need it for my UMK3 stick project. I found the link for the files, but unfortunately MEGAUPLOAD.COM got taken down. So if any of you guys have these files, or know how to make one on photoshop. Please post the file here. I need it for the layers. Here is the link.

maybe this will help?

I seen this one already, but yea man that file is on megaupload… was taken down by the government. I need someone to give me the file if they have it.

ah shit. I didn’t realize. I have one, but its on my other laptop, and it doesn’t work at the moment. :frowning:

you try asking at

I sent the creator of the files a message. He responded, but said he won’t be home for a week due to vacation. I’m hoping this will happen, but if anyone has this file to please give it to me.