Based on the amount of mods people make, I’m pretty sure more than a few people would be happy to have their designs included as part of an official costume contests or similar.
Ok sorry, it wasn’t clear to me what you meant from your first statement.
After thinking about it, they don’t really need valve to deal with the cross platform support of the sold DLC which is the only stuff where there would ever be instances of the other player NOT seeing default outfits.
Free Mod outfit = other person (regardless of PC or PS4) sees default outfit.
Paid DLC outfit = sold through the PS4 marketplace or steam DLC stuff. Once something is sold from the workshop it’s no longer on the workshop. Those things are taken down, often times then they are tweaked slightly before the official release. When it’s not on steam workshop Valve no longer has any rights (as per their EULA) and thus Capcom can simply contact the creator, work out a deal, modder takes stuff off workshop, DLC is tweaked slightly and probably improved to further insentivize purchasing it (maybe custom sounds or just some better polish though none of this is required of course) then capcom sets it up to be compatible with the core game and sends the DLC patch off to PS Marketplace and Steam marketplace as downloadable content.
Valve doesn’t have to even be involved because the content is just added to the core game as a DLC package.
All this talk about mods also has me hoping they have an option to disable the displaying of any chosen mods, costumes, et al.
I’ve removed the new stages from SFIV (replacing them with repeats of old stages or favoured mods) and likewise for the recent costume release (defaulting them back to the originals).
Think of it like in Quake 3 where you can choose to override your opponent’s chosen model and skin irrespective of what they choose. This is a feature I’d really value.
Make it happen, third party, sub-sub-contracted, third world development team!
I’ve mentioned a few times now, mods only are client side. Unless they setup a system for you to download the opponents mods (highly unlikely as it’s P2P AND the time constraints issue, people don’t want to be stuck DLing stuff for 1 match) then you wont ever see the other persons mods.
When you play SF4 on PC you have no idea if the opponent is playing with custom outfits / sounds / hud / stages because that is all client side stuff since it overwrites existing files. You don’t actually create a whole new selectable stage you just change the look of an existing stage for instance and only you see that.
The only mods that affect both players are gameplay mods, and those kind of mods cause a desync if the opponent has different files than you then you get disconnected. This prevents cheating.
As for the ability to disable specific costumes? I TOTALLY back that up. I think that they should include that option in FGs, especially games like SFxT and CVS2 and KOF13 where there is custom color options. It should be disabled by default so that the average player sees the custom stuff (because a lot of people in my experience will never even venture into the options menus in a game). However if you are willing to go there you should have an option to disable costumes / and custom colors and only see defaults.
No way. A costume is an expression of the person you’re fighting against and you should not have the option to take that away. Instead you should learn to deal with it. Just like with taunts. Maybe you would like an option where the opponent would just freeze instead of taunting so it doesn’t bother you? No ain’t gonna happen, and neither should an option that makes all costumes generic.
I second Eternal proposal of turning off custom colors. The neon colors on SFxT pissed me off so much. The brightness of the neon may things difficult to see like the hit sparks and the colors themselves were highly obnoxious.
Except you’re not taking anything AWAY from them. Unless you tell them then they’d have no idea you have costumes disabled. As far as the person wearing the costume knows you have everything turned on.
Besides, it’s much more important to express yourself through your actions rather than your outfits. Both in game and in real life.
Best thing ever. The amount of times I’ve seen people go for something, or a setup and completely whiff. They’re like “Fucking costume, I misjudged the fucking distance”.
Also, I think it’s 3 (not that it matters).
I agree with Eternal, I see 0 emotion through costumes. Example:
More responsive menu navigation. I want to fly through the menus and get to testing recordings as fast as possible.
Longer recording time. Some ultras take up the entire 10 seconds due to the cinematic. Impossible to thoroughly test / explore setups after some ultras by yourself.
Option to show inputs for player 2 side. ESPECIALLY when recording the dummy and during playback.
Option to start in either corner (like Marvel), along with a faster restart. “READY?!.. FIGHT!!” gets really old. SF4’s memory option is meh.
I’m late for the “1 frame sucks donkey ballz” topic but I’ll give my opinion anyway.
Combo are easy in any game. You can do 4/5/6 hit combo with pretty much any character without problem in sf4 but if you want to maximize your damage, combos will get harder just like in any game ; in some game you’ll have to delay a juggle, in some you’ll have to instant airdash at some stupidly hard timing, in some game you’ll have to do a feint cancel then dash or whatever the hell people will find etc.
Secondly, if you remove 1 frame in sf4 with a buffer, some of the must damaging combo become way too easy. If with chun li my cr.hp xx hk.legs + mk follow up loop become mad easy… you better never whiff a dp because you’ll eat a 300+ every single time meterless. But not just me who practiced the loops for weeks when I started playing chun but for every one (hell even brolylegs could do that with his magical tongue !). What about dudley ? the character does a crap ton of damage without just frame already, but if any random can do his 450+ damage finger in the nose 100% of the time then what’s the point of the easiest bnb ? how about E.ryu with his quadrillion damage hardest bnb, should it become super easy to do because “fuck just frames ?”. Then what’s the point of the easiest combo once again ?
Harder combo =/= a good game indeed, but super easy and extremely damaging combo = a very bad game (sfxt anyone ? same combo over and over again because it’s just easy to do the max damage every single time).
Look… even top players choose to go for an easier combo or safer finisher from time to time because they don’t want to take the risk to fail. If the execution is not a factor anymore, you’ll see the same combo every single time no matter what, no matter who, no matter when, no matter how drunk or high anyone is - plus what will sako do if he can’t show the world how godlike his execution is ? !Kappa.
Hard combo =/= a good game (déjà vu ?) but it’s never a bad thing. It adds diversity in a match by forcing the players to make choices : easiest combo for guaranteed damage or the hard but better punisher ? how about a lk.knee press ender instead of the hk.knee press just in case ? etc.
All of this without talking about the drops because yes… dropping a combo changes a match completly and it’s a good thing to have them too for diversity sake.
You have to remember that these things are the result of the IV system and that V will likely not have the same things (in the same way that 3S did not have the same things).
Also, 300+ meterless is actually pretty fair considering it means 3-4 combos to kill which looks to be a pretty decent paced game. More importantly, easier access to damage means a more fundamentally focused game. This is because you’re forced to up tour footsies and fundamentals because you know that a single stray hit could lead to lots of damage. You’re not hoping that your opponent drops a combo, instead you’re trying your best not to get hit at all.
I usually avoid all caps, but is just needs to be emphasized, THERE IS NOTHING FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG WITH THIS!
Every competitive fighting game revolves around people finding and optimizing the best stuff at high levels. There’s a reason we have BnBs.
Saying that people going for the best combos everytime is bad is like saying that multiple great fighting games are bad. That’s like saying that MvC2 is bad because Cable will also try to hit 5 AHVBs in a row, or because Iron Man players all go for the infinite. It’s like saying that 3rd Strike is bad because Chun always goes for cr. mk into SA2 or b.hp into SA2.
There’s no rule that says combos should be easy and reversals should be hard, but if you break down that statement, it’s simply saying that offense should be easier than defense.
But fighting games are never just as simple as that. Consider Millia in Xrd. They tried to make her harder to use by remove air dash cancelling off some of her jumping normals. So now it becomes slightly harder to use her because you have to IAD instead. The paradox? She’s now super brain dead because the IAD combo leads to the optimal situation in most cases. It’s almost never worth it to do anything else.
In previous versions the optimal route was never 100% clear. The combos may have been easier on a superficial level, but the character was way more fun to play because you decided your own route into oki. Now, everyone just uses the default combo route into discs or orb.
So, what did the designers really do here? Did they make her offense easier or harder? Is the character more or less fun to play now?
In theory, design can be broken down into basic principles and guidelines. In practice, it’s never that easy.
Or Millia’s design could be just another one of the weird decisions regarding execution that don’t seem to make sense. Mike already called out a few of these in his blog post.
Swinging back to SFV, Mike also has some rules in terms of motions that I hope they apply to it.
Stuff like, no half-circle motions unless all corresponding quarter-circle motions are already used up. And added to this, no TK motions unless all possible quarter-circle, half-circle and DP motions are used up. Also, no overlapping motions on the same button.
And once again I totaly disagree with this. Now what, half circle is hard to do or something ? no it’s not, it adds diversity to the specials, I see nothing wrong with this.
If everybody had a couple of “236” and that’s it, you remove the feeling of playing characters concerned by this change.
It’s like the remark I did a couple of weeks ago aboutt chun’s piano input : in theory it doesn’t change anything to simply do a motion instead of the piano, but the feeling is not the same stick/joystick in the hand ; does it changes anything if chun’s hazanshu is a qcb instead of a hcb ? no, it’s just a tiny bit faster to do. Is it necessary ? IMO no, it adds diversity to the specials motions. It’s a good thing to have this.
Diversity guys, it’s really important. We all play fighting games, we all enjoy moving our stick around ( if you see I mean ) ; to add a little of diversity in the motions is as important as adding diversity in the gameplay : it keeps the game fresh longer by adding diversity wherever you can.
I mean, if diversity is that useless let’s remove charge characters too because you can do everything with motions already anyway (I’m pushing this idea of decreasing diversity to its paroxysm there… take this last sentence with a grain of salt).
Fundamentally no, but after 1 years of watching the exact same thing every single time it’s punish or confirm time… it slowly starts to be super boring watch a long set - especially if combos take 10 seconds or so to do the max damage. Cross tekken became boring to watch quite fast partially because of this (not only because of this but it didn’t help).
You already see a lot of sequences repeat themself in fighting game, let’s try to diminush this factor as much as we can for the casual viewers - because yes ! it’s important to be enjoyable to watch for the casual viewers too, how else will they think a game is fun to play if all they see is the same thing 3 times a round ?
Oh yeah, did I say diversity in this post ? I’ll tell it just in case : a diversity of situation/combo/motion is a good thing, it can never be otherwise.
Sorry for my bad english.
Bugs me to no end that white health regenerates for the attacker during a throw / cinematic. I wouldn’t mind a set amount regenerating but when you got like Blanka’s forward throw that takes a full 3 seconds and always regens all white health.