I thought Melee was the 4th largest? And what about GG? I thought it was like second or something.
i think ginger was referring to the time atl cpu (joe?) lost to flash metroid in a mm? that’s where she got the idea that flash was better than the “best marvel player in ga” and i think ginger thought that eddie sidebetted for flash to win.
anyways, fun tourney, i hope the third impact will get even crazier =]
dog you cant just get up and go we going to miss you son:sad:
ya it was i believe we had 23 people enter singles gg had like 13 i believe cuz marty lost both his matches so assume what he told me was true he should have gotten last.
1st off good post shadow you make alot of sense with this
i defiantly think if we can have ic3 near a bus or railstop(i say railstop is better) it would help the overall attendance of the atl players my self included.
the top 5 games from what i was told was everything you had minus teeken melee had a good 23 players enter singles im not sure about teeken. well obviously we know what we are not getting rid off and what we should pay more attention too next time.
coob gallery sounds great has anyone ever been there? just how big is it? how many people can it hold?
3pm o hell no that defiantly is a hell no. i believe it said the first set of games was to start at 12:30 pm. the time issue is pretty unnecessary man. next time i would advise everyone show up on time. like bobsmack said start charging mofo late entry fees for their games for one. im sure the staff did not mean too start so late and yes a lil unorganized they were but they defiantly held it down man. they were on top of things so i cant knock anyone but next time we have got to start on time for sure. getting more staff can easily solve simple problems like this one.
i also think alot of people this time around need to pre reg weather they are unsure or not. i remember hearing some one say the brawl crowd caught them off guard cuz so many of them showed AND DID NOT PRE REG.
the games you said for next time sound good if we can get our hands on them. im sure people will play tvc. i would tottaly run that game all day baby.
now the hard part is advertising. we will need all of the atl players fo sho on this one. either by word of mouth or if we all change are avatars to help. we all got chip in for that one homei real talk
final notes man we really gotta get mo tvs this time for sure. we defiantly gotta accommodate the brawl crowd so that they can do doubles as well. its money to be made in that game i say lets exploit it for all its worth.
on a side note what if we add madden? think people will play it?
:lol: you forget about gameplay??? thats what makes a game fun.
If were doing that Brawl should be taken out to keep some of the old games in while allowing more new games to be added. Serioulsy.
But Brawl gets people going to tournies so…
:lol: brawl and melee stay at each others throats.
No only i stay at Brawl’s throat. Well maybe some other people, but I played Brawl competitively at one point…and I never want to do that again. lol
When will the Arcana Heart videos be up?
When will any vids not soul caliber be up? =/
Nicaboy i tried asking mag to add madden but after Coolbreeze posted the rules and the gamplay takes too long and the tournament will last at least 3 days cause of many ppl who entering plus the entry fee will b outrageous and the so does the venue fee.
yo you in lil burn we need to play sometime homei your not too far like the other guys lol. i too wanna see the arcana heart vids more preferbly our matches you have a good maori
just a suggestions it would pull in mad money though
oh ya thanks for the dbz3 save file im loving it :wonder:
Where are you located Nicaboy? I’ve been working on my Saki recently, but my Maori is still ready for some competition. Hopefully we can build up the scene down here some more and work with Nekohime and his group.
Alright, I am back to answer all the questions. The 3rd Strike, Arcana Heart, etc. I am going to try to place up online tomorrow. After going to Seasons beating and everything my weekend has been totally filled up.
Secondly, as far as IC3 goes it will be announced in the tournament events section on Monday and trust me, it will be 1,000 times better. I’ve been talking with Larry and he’s given me so much advice on tournament directing and making a tournament more efficient. Really what truly messed up the time for this tournament was late entries. And we’ve got a plan to deal with that and everything else that went wrong at the last tournament. I will go ahead and confirm that it will not be in downtown Atlanta next time. The parking was way to high and the street were confusing. The only reason I wanted it there in the first place was because it was very accessible as far as Marta went but hotel prices, parking prices, etc. all leave a bad taste in people’s mouth.
Lastly, I want to put this final thing to rest that everyone keeps bringing up. Everyone continues talks about the room only having two outlets and how that was poor planning on my fault. You can talk to Xeonstar, Shadow Ace or anyone else who arrived there prior to 9 a.m. Originally the original room I wanted to rent I had seen months ahead of time. They switched my room like the night before to the room we were all in. The change was so sudden that the staff’s papers were not even updated. Remember Shadow Ace when you first walked into the tournament the original sign directing people to my tournament had a different room number along with the LCD monitors throughout the facility that was directing people to my tournament? It even had my previous room number as well. Xeonstar and a few others were mistakenly directed to the wrong room as well but the room they were directed to was the original room I had rented.
So basically the day before the tournament I am told that I have a new room number. That is where the confusion all began and when I walked in the room the morning of the tournament it as the first time. And the reason for the sudden switch was because security decided they didn’t want me at such a lower level because their security would be stretched to it’s limits had that happen. My original room was three floors lower. So they forcefully moved me to the room you saw because they didn’t want to send security down there every so often. Unfortunately for me, the room only had two inlets. But we still made it work as we hooked up a heck of a lot of extension cords, power strips, etc and on two outlets we had over 14 TVs hooked up.
On another note I’ll fill everyone in on what’s up Monday as far as IC3 goes. And I will get the Arcana Heart videos out and then the 3rd strike afterwards. I have the entire thing on DVD already. I still owe Iceman a copy of the DVD as well. Just check the tournaments and event section. There will be way more free entries this time around as we will need more equipment, more volunteers to help out running brackets and ensuring the recording of matches is on point. I appreciate all of you standing by me during the aftermath of the last tournament and I will not let you down with IC3.
ya man i stay in hampton not too far from atl lil burn has a smasher i know out there so i know where you are i think you are maybe an hour at max away from me.i been talking with neko so uh hopefuly we can get a decent scene out here for especialy with arcana hearts 2 coming out
aw ya i wanna see both those vids man. but hey where ever ic3 is going to be please make somewhere where people can ride the bus out there. regardless i will make it out there anyway. cant wait for the big news and i thought you be back here eventualy since you went to sb3 hope you had fun
Marvel didn’t finish because we (everyone still there) were being asked/required to leave the room.
Tekken DR didn’t finish as well, IIRC, due to the same time issues.
Just FYI, since I saw you mention it.
so them 3s vids aint up yet?
Nothing but Soul Caliber and Barwl (which was uploaded by someone else).
If it would be easier, maybe you (Mag I guess?) can meet someone i know in GA and they can upload the Melee vids…or even other vids I dunno.
so there is no plans to upload the 3s videos from this?
i talk to him he will i know its been 2 weeks lol
Kel here.
The venue was cramped, and the tournaments were haphazard to say the least. But with all the other stuff going on with the venue being changed, I can understand.
What I DON’T get is how the schedule was not followed in the slightest. registration didn’t begin until one or two hours later, and all of the tournaments seemed to have started within 30 minutes of each other. There’s ABSOLUTELY no reason for that!
I showed up about a few minutes after noon, which is right about when registration was supposed to begin, but I sat inside messing around with 3rd strike, before we were all rounded up like cattle and kicked out to register. Why didn’t you just take our money before letting us inside in the first place?! It would have saved ALOT of time in the long run (by NOT having to wait an hour in line before getting in, well except for me, since I cut in line,lol), and people wouldn’t have been darting back and forth between tournaments.
And you have to watch your brackets better in IC3 too. In IC2, I was one of the FIRST people to register for the SCIV tournament, but I WASN’T EVEN PUT IN THE BRACKET. I wouldn’t have even KNOWN if I didn’t ask, and would have just given away free registration money! And then after telling the man in charge, Magnicious, he’s gonna blame ME for not looking at the bracket before the tourney started! I was playing in the KOF tourney at the time! And moreover…
WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO DOUBLE CHECK YOUR BRACKET when I paid cash to get in!? That really pissed me off the most out of everything.
I’m sorry to rant, but I gotta get that out, since I’m still gonna plan to attend IC3. IC2 was my first real tournament, and it was kinda sorta fun, since I’ve got to meet people like ZeonStarr (who’ve I only met on LIVE) and Kyle, among some really good players in VF, SF, and SC. But all that unnecessary bs spoiled alot of the fun. And I don’t want to be reaching in the same pile of fries as everyone else. lol.
no, seriously, I DON’T. that’s DISGUSTING
P.S. I probably shouldn’t mention this, but the VF bracket is wrong. ZeonStar should be second, and I (Kel) came in third. Or at least, that’s what I was told, since I only recieved 3rd place cash—otherwise, you guys owe me some money!!! and LETS SEE THOSE VIDEOS