I'm in need of a Necro strategy compilation

I’m rather new to playing Necro, and while I know his basic combos, I need some help actually applying them in a match. After looking through the database and finding no trace of a Necro strategy FaQ, I find that this is the perfect opportunity to compile one, so as to help me and future generations of Necro players everywhere.

Thank you. :smiley:

What do you want to know?

N - Necro video by Mochi-kun… due in mid-November, 2005!

You know, useful normals, useful combos, mixups, crossups, the works.


That’s a bit lazy, innit? That stuff’s all over the Necro forum. I know I’ve personally posted it at least twice all by myself. They’re pretty clearly marked, yo.

Crack that ‘from the beginning’ button open and get to gettin’.


here’s a great list of NEcro Combos, however I can help on other shit besides combos

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Knee Dagger, MP

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Knee Missile, MP

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Electric Blast (HP)

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Necro Upper, Elbow Cannon, Electric Blast (LP)

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Knee Attack, Tornado Hook (MP)

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Tornado Hook (LP), Elbow Cannon, Electric Blast (LP)

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Snake Fang (LK)

When you are in the corner, standing close Snake Fang (LK), Elbow Cannon, Electric Blast (LP)

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Knee Dagger, EX Tornado Hook

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Necro Upper, Elbow Cannon, Electric Blast (LP), Super Cancel, Magnetic Storm

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Knee Missile, MP, Super Cancel, Electric Snake, Electric Blast (LP), Elbow Cannon, Super Cancel, Electric Snake

When you are in the corner, standing close Snake Fang (LK), Elbow Cannon, Electric Blast (LP), Super Cancel, Magnetic Storm

When the opponent is in the corner, Neutral throw, Super Cancel, Magnetic Storm

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Electric Blast (HP), Super Cancel, Magnetic Storm

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Knee Attack, Tornado Hook (MP), Super Cancel, Magnetic Storm

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Tornado Hook (LP), Elbow Cannon, Electric Blast (LP), Super Cancel, Magnetic Storm

Standing close Leap Attack, Super Cancel, Magnetic Storm

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Super Cancel, Slam Dance

Standing close Leap Attack, Super Cancel, Electric Snake, Electric Blast (LP), Elbow Cannon, Super Cancel, Electric Snake

Standing close Leap Attack, Super Cancel, Electric Snake, Electric Blast (LP), Elbow Cannon, Super Cancel, Electric Snake

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Electric Blast (HP), Super Cancel, Electric Snake, Electric Blast (LP), Elbow Cannon, Super Cancel, Electric Snake

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Knee Attack, Tornado Hook (MP), Super Cancel, Electric Snake, Electric Blast (LP), Elbow Cannon, Super Cancel, Electric Snake

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Tornado Hook (LP), Elbow Cannon, Electric Blast (LP), Super Cancel, Electric Snake, Electric Blast (LP), Elbow Cannon, Super Cancel, Electric Snake

Standing close Leap Attack, Super Cancel, Electric Snake, Knee Missile, MP, Super Cancel, Electric Snake

Standing close Leap Attack, Super Cancel, Electric Snake, Knee Missile, MP, Super Cancel, Electric Snake

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Electric Blast (HP), Super Cancel, Electric Snake, Knee Missile, MP, Super Cancel, Electric Snake

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Knee Attack, Tornado Hook (MP), Super Cancel, Electric Snake, Knee Missile, MP, Super Cancel, Electric Snake

Standing close Tornado Hook (HP), Tornado Hook (LP), Elbow Cannon, Electric Blast (LP), Super Cancel, Electric Snake, Knee Missile, MP, Super Cancel, Electric Snake

standing MP is among a great poke, so is 2 x c. LK, c. MK. This will poke u outta range and keep u safe. Use Drill Kicks to get in safe. Dont rely too much on his throw, except his Kara-Throw, cause his throw has like 0 range. Dont use random tornado Hooks, use them when u see a opening or as a counter. His s. MK is a decent low poke. standing MP is also the best to build bar. His Electric Blaster is also a decent anti-air. He lacks wake-up though, u can time a Rising Cobra or Electric Blast, but they have 0 priority, just use his crouching poke. I personally liek Magnetic Storm, due to its vacuum effect, however Elctric Snake is great, it’s good to use even after a blocked Tornado Hook (HP. Cause the opponent might block high & not be ready to block low.

I apologize for being a snobby elitist, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.


Combos you need are: b+fierce, db+fierce
low shortxx jab spinny shit, jab (if in corner)
back strong (hit confirm) electric snake
back forwards, strong spinny shit, electric snake, follow w/ jab DP , db+fierce if in corner
when they’re dizzy do, fierce spinny shit, then the combo above.
oh if you throw them in the corner, do strong to reset
drill kicks = you dead if you use them at unsafe range. on knockdowns, you can do ambiguous crossups w/ roundhouse drill kicks, then when you land do c.short, jab spinny shit or if blocked c.short, do ex overhead kick. use back+fierce when you know they’re gonna try to throw you.
g-product said something about randomly throwing out electric snakes after blocked spinny shits, please don’t do that. if you’re gonna do anything, I sometimes do jab DP after a blocked jab/strong hook, because if it hits them you can hit confirm it into an electric snake.

which normals should necro stay AWAY from?

Maybe I wasn’t clear enough, but I was rather hoping for someone to post something informational akin to this:


If you cpoy/paste that link into your browser, you should immediately come upon a post by Thongboy listing the basics to playing as Remy. If someone could post something similar to it relating to Necro, I would be much obliged.

I hope I don’t sound too much like a pompous asshole.


You might want to explain what your moves are before you post such info. No one knows what elbow cannons, knee cannons, knee daggers, etc. are. The only thing recognizable I see there is the specials.

I apologize for that

Knee Dagger - B + LK
Knee Attack - B + MK
Knee Missile - B + HK
Necro Upper - B + HP
Elbow Cannon - DB + HP

Necro has great pokes, standing MP is great, plus whiffed standign MP’s are great for building bar. standing HP & HK work best from max range, since they are both slow. One of my favorite pokes is a clsoe c. LK x2, c. MK.

Standing HK is a good anti-air, but use Knee Missile. Necro Upper can also be used for this but leaves Necro completley vulnerable.

Necro suffers from good wake-up’s. Electric Blaster (DP + P, press P repeatedly) and Rising Cobra (qcb + K) work well, but u gotta dfo it late to time them on the opponent. This makes them very useless for wake-up’s. Just use close c. LK x2, c. MK or a UOH. Then if UOH is meaty enough, link a Electric Snake or Magnetic Storm.

Drill Kick is a great addition to Necro’s game. It counter projectile throwers while they are stuck i nrecovery. It also helps Necro to gtet in close. His other jump attacks are ok, the last long and if they whiff, ya not very safe. j. LP is good, and j. HP and j. HK have good range. But it’s easy for them to whiff, similiar to Twelve’s j. HP & j. HK.

Tornado Hooks (hcf + P) aren’t always relatively safe, except Tornado Hook (LP. Use Tornado Hook’s when u see opening or to counter. HP leaves the opponent stunned for a moment & backwards like Alex’s Flash Chop (HP). MP can be super canceled into S.A. 1 & 2. That’s it, while LP sets the opponent up in a juggle state.

Flying Viper ( qcb + P)is ok to use to attacks characters who are stuck in fireball recdovery. EX Flying Viper works better for gettin this job done better. I have seen a Flying Viper used in a combo in a vid once as well.

Rising Cobra (qcb + K)is a good over-head and that’s it, it’s extremley slow, while EX is quicker.

Electric Blaster is good to use after a Tornado Hook (HP), excellent damage & many hits. Does good stun damage. It can be used as an ok anti-air as well.

Snake Fang (qcf + K) kinda sucks. If u use it when ya in the corner, then u can follow it up. It works on crouching opponents, after a MP (cant remeber if its sc, s or c I’ll have to get back to u on that). Use this move sparingly.

Magnetic Storm is my fav. S.A. 1 but I’m startin’ to like S.A. 3. It’s a medium sized gauge, makin’ it easy to build up. A few hits will whiff, if u use this as an anti-air. It’s great due to its vacuum effect.

Slam Dance does tremendous damage. The only set-up I know is behind a Tornado Hook (HP), but then the damage is reduced. It carries a long 1 stocked gauge, makin’ EX moves limited. I hear it’s great to use o nChun-Li.

Electric Snake, possibly Necro’s best S.A., two stocked gauges of small size. Makin’ buildin’ gauge easy. It can set-up killer combos, inflicts big stun damage. Not much regular damage though. It has to be blocked/parried low. So if the opponent blocks a Tornado Hook, then throw an Electric Snake, cause they might be ready to defend low.

If any of ya got anything shit that I forget, then feel free to post it & gimme some info if I’m wrong on somethin’ on correct me. :karate:

Sorry, I’m a mook. I’ll totally write something up, but prolly not until tonight, as I’ve got a crazy amount of stuff to do right this second.

In the meantime, look over on the video-opera.com forums. In the “Fighting Game Guide” section there are mini-FAQs for each character with most of the things you’re looking for. I think CJ even did the Necro section.


Ok, this is just the way I play, so it will be very short and biased. I won’t list stuff I don’t use, unless there’s a super-specific reason I don’t use it and it should NEVER be used, in which case I’ll explain why. So, there, then, yet… douzou.

Bebop Dictionary
Elbow Jesus - Back+strong, the GREATEST move ever. It has a huge hitstun but comes out instantly, which makes it almost rival Chun Li’s low mk for ‘combo-into-super-ability’. More in the Wakeup section (tentatively titled 'Knock Their Ass Down and Keep Them There: Why Electric Snake is the Best)

I use oldschool terms for buttons infrequently without noticing, so…
jab = LP = Light/Weak Punch :lp:
strong = MP = Medium Punch :mp:
fierce = HP or FP = Hard Punch :hp:
short = LK = Light/Weak Kick :lk:
forward = MK = Medium Kick :mk: (Yes, back in 19dickety2 we called it forward. I don’t know why they named it so retardedly.)
roundhouse = RH or HK = Hard Kick :hk:

UOH is Universal OverHead. MP+MK.

Denpa is the electricity move. :dp: :p:

MagStorm, ES, ElSnake, are all references to supers. If you don’t know which ones, this guide won’t be much help to you.

Most of these you can start with a Fierce Hook first

low short xx jab hook
back+mk xx strong hook xx SA1 or SA3
Back+Roundhouse, (link) standing strong xx SA1/SA3
back+mk xx EX Hook
Elbow Jesus xx SA1/SA3 (late cancel)
back+lk xx strong xx SA3

Low strong - Do it early, at the top of their jump. Even if they parry it, you’re safe
Back+fierce - Only when they’re above you, out of range for a counterattack. This is NOT safe when parried
jab (parried)xx jab denpa - This is decent at max range, because Necro moves backward quickly after the move finishes. So even if it’s parried, he’s quickly out of range and ablt to move again. Sometimes when people jump in deep on me I do it and get parried, but I can throw them or break-throw as soon as they hit the ground.
Jump back with strong - It’s dumb, but it works.

Standing strong - Cancels to super like nothing if you’re paying attention, and it has dope range. Abuse it.
Snake Fang (The command throw :hcf: + :k: ) - It’s fast, and if they’re just walking back and forth it’s handy because many people don’t block down outside of sweep range. Also causes projectiles to go through you if you grab them (the opponent) before they hit you, so rock that ish like you’re invincible.
Back+fierce - It sounds dumb, but for characters like Makoto that may dash in at any second and throw you, it works. It’s fast, and you can juggle with a down-back Elbow on them afterward.

Notes: New post, coming soon.


Ok, and then… Supers. Skip to the third section if you only want the best bit.

I use SA3 - Electric Snake. I don’t like SA1 (Magnetic Storm), because I don’t think it’s nearly as useful as the other two. It does decent damage, but nowhere near ShinSho or anything. It’s useful for wakeup (but I feel SA2 is better) and ok in combos (which I think SA3 does better). As a beginner, it’s nice because it’s safe if blocked and invincible on startup. Personally, I think it’s poo, but only because the other two are better.

(EDIT: As I was reminded by GRAND HIGH POOBAH OF CORRECTING THONGBWAI, THE GRAND MASSUH SLIMX, Slam Dance actually has a bigger meter than either of his other supers. It just feels small because I build meter so quickly by the way I play when I’m using it. I dunno, I’m a big weirdo who sits on supers forever and never uses them, so it feels really freeing to have one you can just throw out as soon as you build it. Do a lot of drill kicks and other safe blocked strings and you can pull like 3 Slam Dances in a round, seriously.)

SA2 (Slam Dance) is great. It has a tiny bar that you can throw away like Genei-Jin and, under the right conditions, it forces damage and a knockdown on the opponent. That’s right, almost completely inescapable damage. Free. How?

In the corner, knock down the opponent. Wait for them to wake up, and throw out SA2. If they do anything but jump, they will get thrown. If they jump, do [back+fierce, fierce elbow]. The super recovers nearly instantly, so 9 out of 10 times even if they see it coming they will screw up the parry and get hit. It’s silly, and sounds like bollocks on paper. But it works.

Also, it makes your drill kicks almost totally safe. You can drill kick all day long on people, and even when they parry they’ll be afraid to follow up. Because as soon as you land, you can throw SA2 out and eat anything they do. It’s like Shinsho or Gigas Breaker with a smaller bar. It’s not always about the super, but the THREAT of the super that makes it good.

(Complete Bias)Electric Snake is the best Super. Period.

It does solid damage, outrageous stun, and combos off of a lot of REALLY good stuff. I could go on all day about ES. Much like Ryu, Necro is built around stun. His throw does more than other characters’, and many of his normals add large chunks. The hidden benefit of landing an ES combo (outside of the solid damage) is that the opponent KNOWS it’s only going to take you another hit or two to finish off their stun bar, and after that the round is yours. They’ll be a hell of a lot more cautious from then on, and they might even start to run away. This puts the ball completely in your court.

Ways to land ES:
back+mk xx strong hook xx SA3
back+short xx strong xx SA3
low short xx SA3
Elbow Jesus xx SA3
standing strong xx SA3

It really just goes on and on. And after you land one, the match is half in the bag. It’ll make a lot more sense in the “Wakeup” section (ya ya, I’ll get to it soon) but ES is such a great all-around super you can’t help but pick it. Too good.


Small thing that should be noted about the Snake Fang is that it’s not parryable. So make sure to use it when your anticipating that someone’s going to parry.

just so people know the Magnet Storm SA1 is not safe if blocked. The only thing that makes it a little safe is you don’t have to mash if you don’t want to so you can make the super end faster. But still you can’t just throw that shit around.

Good mixups with the snake fang are, LK, LK Snake fang or do LK, UOH, SA 3. Nice high low mixup.

Some character specific things. ALEX can be juggled on top of the electric snake for all three hits. And then you can pretty easily DB+ Fierce him. Or do jab denpa or do light tornado hook as long as your in the corner.

Other stuff, In the corner HUGO, ALEX, Urien can all be juggled by up to 6 db fierces depending on the juggle count. So any setup that lets you hit them with 1 DB+fierce you can then follow it up
with more db+fierces. Some common setups are Lp. Tornado Hook, which lets you do up to 3 db fierces. Of course the timing for this is pretty tight. Another setup that works only on Hugo and ALEX is Nuetral throw, DB fierce. Doesn’t work on urien cause he falls wierd from being thrown

There is alot of other stuff but you should really learn you own play style with necro. you’ll figure it out eventually.

another piece of art TB, good work.

oh and if you use jab denpa as anti-air follow up with standing fierce it is sort of hard to time but it works.

Oh and another good footsie is his ducking foward(MK).

If u want to kick ass with Necro, use him against Akuma players. He’s easy to juggle since he’s a shoto and u can stun him in no time!