Fei does stand fierce = not much you can do, whiff counter with low strong = fei goes wtf
Fei gets close = do NOT back dash cause that’s a free rekka combo = death
Fei tries to safe jump = Upball trade every fucking time
Fei does meaty fierce/low fierce etc. = block and techit and block some more. low fierce low fierce xx rekka = all your life
Fei corners you = do NOT Horizontal ball = free rekka combo if you do.
That’s about it.
ya low strong/low jab/low forward mashing dj’s with the counter hit your walk/whiff buttons with max out, upkick if you jump dj’s are hard.
hum. crosshim up = free = kill or be killed
bad maxouts = free slide = mostly useless
low forward and low strong from max range will beat/counter hit the low strong/jab and will whiff punish low forward. Doesn’t really stop them though. just let’s them figure out what you’re doing and they’ll start throwing max outs = you need to bait the max out and jump.
sort of a setup game to setup another game
dj does low strong/low jab BS
you get close
he keeps mashing = you counterhit low forward him until he starts throwing maxouts
once you notice maxouts, bait and psychic jump. = try and kill him
some things i’ve noticed. psychic ball beats low roundhouse BS.
if they cant’ throw max outs right, just slide them all make them scared.
this match is crazy stupid.
Balrog is also crazy stupid.
I don’t recommend abusing slide too much. It’ll beat TAP and high rushes and low rushes if they do it second.
But it’s also a free sweep/LRP if they block it. or headbutt if you get predictable.
This match is 100% decided by your ability to psychic counter something with sweep/slide and then non crossup safe jump into mixups.
I like back dash when I’m scared. It’s hard to punish if you’re not cornered.
learn to reaction punish whiff headbutts. I use upball. It’s safer then guessing the high/low and stand block punishing the headbutt (except on safe jump there’s no guesswork ya?)
what else works. random low forward stuffs the LRP if it’s extended before he gets in. This is hard, but works against peeps who don’t know wtf is going on.
I’ve won against some balrog players by just pressing it non stop. Forces them to space themselves to get the positioning right such that LRP will beat it. At this point you should have lots of space. Doesn’t really buy much, unless you change position. try and set up jumps like this.
There’s no real strat against balrog. He just straight up owns you. it’s your shenanigans and a lot of praying. low sweep low forward LRP coupled with his annoying grab his annoying super annoying frame advantage providing TAP and annoying whiff headbutt shenanigans kinda own you hard. Oh and his short jump can be hard to stuff (s.strong beats it clean if you react to it) but blocking it leaves you in an awful position.
I used to randomly press s.roundhouse to try and hop punish the low forward. It’s fatal on whiff. Much like slides are fatal if whiffed.
I think all balrog has to do is just low strong low forward low rush punch and it’s basically a risk free lockdown in the corner. sweep also owns you for free.
this matchup sucks. I tend to rage quit these a lot.
I’m so flattered. My blanka tricks are pretty mundane. I keep it pretty basic. I’d say watch Mixah/real decoy for tricks. Harmless has solid basics from what i’ve specced, but I’ve beaten his honda with my blanka. So I’m not sure how he stands on matchup knowledge.
If you ever watch me play, and I’m playing to win (and I hardly ever am on GGPO with HDR out), but it’s all basics. i tick grab less than once a match. My whole game is based around its fear. Unless the character I’m playing against owns me hard (which has yet to be seen in HDR) then my style is Kuroda. I play safe. I counter hit all your whiffs. I anti air all your jumps. I only jump when it’s free. I only use tricks when I’m desperate or to test your skills.
I used to be all about the nagehame. That was when I started, and discovered that I could beat people by just j.short grab xN. then I learned fancy ticks. Now I like making people whiff grab/uppercut/sweep and win by doing purely that.
Awesome. You just saved me another page of writing. can’t wait to hear the dj/fei match from your perspective.
yes but it sucks balls. I can’t think of a reason you’d ever do it except against another blanka player.
on that note of wakeup options. I always ALWAYS and NEVER FAIL to reversal wakeup ball on safe jump attempts. This is always the best option ALWAYS. Trade is ALWAYS in your favour. your damage off the trade is always higher, and your wakeup game is always stronger.
Actually I take that back. wakeup ball vs. gief and hawk and honda are nono’s cause they’ll kill you. I wait and reversal the ticks instead.
Oh and I like to reversal horizontal ball against meaty low pokers if it’s casual. Makes people go wtf a lot. fear and hesitation are blanka’s best tools. Its important to keep them scared. Either they’re gonna press a lot of buttons, which you can counter, or they’re gonna block which you can grab.
at his stage, I think you’re a better tutor because you know the basics. I just kinda jumped into playing and I don’t know matchups too well. I just kinda take it as it comes and try to figure the match out as I go. I’m more like a shitty komoda impersonator than a blanka player. lol
Slide punch anti air works great against Sagat. Gives you a nice cross up chance. The only wins I’ve ever taken on Justin’s O.Sagat were when he jumped in and I used slide punch anti air and then converted on the cross up chance.
Cammy, Vega, Chun Li
Shotos, Mirror Blanka, etc.
Vs. most of the cast slide punch will work IF they attack early looking to beat a standing strong or vertical ball. Again, you win a nice cross up chance. In a mirror match if they jump in with jab looking to beat a vertical ball, slide punch works there. Risky though 'cause you’ll get beat by medium kick or whatever and might eat big damage.
Yes but
I think anti air slide punch beats hawk’s jumping jab. Not fierce, though. And you’re better off doing low forward (-> low forward) -> ball vs. the jumping jab.
Here’s what I got for DJ.
vs. DeeJay
The main play vs. DJ is to land a crouching roundhouse (trade = OK), strong ball to get close then cross-up trap and/or tick. Getting hammered along the way with max-outs and various crouching punches is more or less unavoidable. Slide punch under max out -> knockdown -> ball -> etc is also nice but you’re going to eat a lot of attacks while you look for it.
From full screen you can usually slide punch under fireballs just to move forward and he won’t be able to reach with a slide kick or whatever. Or jump when you see the FB then fierce to beat anti-air slide kick or jab to try to beat other stuff.
Once you get closer you’re going to start getting out prioritized. Keep working on scoring that knockdown for an okiseme chance. If he tries to use a short sobat to beat low rh you can hit him with crouching fierce. Since sobat counts as airborne he’ll fall down and you might get a mix-up chance there. It’s a little flakey. Stand jab also beats sobat but it doesn’t really accomplish anything. Crouching short beats slide kick too but that doesn’t accomplish anything either.
IMO you must hit reversal vertical balls when DJ knocks you down and goes looking for a cross up. Hammer on all three buttons doesn’t matter which one comes out. Even if you block DJ’s jump medium kick you’ll get bullied with a mix up after he lands. I got knocked out of SBO Qs by a couple DJ cross up forward combos. I was annoyed about not concentrating and nailing the reversals but don’t regret looking for them in the first place.
Crouching MK beats T.Hawks jumping jab? So you eat the jumping jab, but low forward him before he throws you? Or do you hit him out of the air, he air resets, and you low forward him again as he lands and Blanka Ball him?
No Hawk’s jumping jab just misses completely. You hit him as he lands it’s a ground hit you can link another medium kick (or standing jab) then cancel into ball. The link is easier than normal since you can do the first kick early.
Practice this against CPU Fei Long. I’m serious. (training dummy can be set to computer control, right?) Just keep doing crouching medium kicks he’ll jump at you. Stick another low forward out right before he touches the ground and combo into the other stuff. Not actually useful vs. human fei long players but it’s a good technique to use vs. missed dragon punches or whatever.
I usually back dash/b+strong (headbutt or swipe both anti air well) against hawk.
I know the match has changed in HD, cause I used to just wait and do blanka ball vs. blocked dive and whiff uppercut and for reversals.
just learn to use s.strong. beats everything.
thawk’s dive hasn’t changed in priority. I know sim still beats his jump anything with hand of doom. therefore I assume that blanka’s s.strong works just like ST vs. him. i.e. free everytime he jumps (except for you know like jump traps/setups/crossups etc).
If he’s diving at your feet. I’ve discovered that s.forward and s.short have the perfect angle and equally beasting priority and maintains your charge. too beast.
hawk gets raped. but I haven’t played new hawk. I can’t see where the matchup might change. I’m not sure if blanka still gets free horizontal ball on blocked dive. If he doesn’t, just means you need to learn to counter it legitimately.
I also do random rainbow rolls a lot vs. hawk in ST. Just to see if people knew how to counter. gets over the low jab rapid fires. really good vs. gief in ST too, since on block it’s safe, and would go over the lariat arms and hit gief in his noggin.
shouldn’t talk though, all my HD experience is vs. sagat ryu and honda.
Is the rising part of Blanka’s super invincible? I turned on the “show hitboxes” mode and I can’t spot any blue one while he’s going up, but I have a bad eye for this sort of thing and it’s really fast. Does that mean with good timing it can go through fireballs and get in on the opponent for free, if not 4-hit them? How the priority of the horizontal part? I’m p sure that there’s a square you can hit in his horizontal moving part of the super, but it’s tiny. Can deep long range normals hit it?
super tends to be too slow to punish fireballs from furhter than half screen. most players will probably just block, but a good one will uppercut you as the super comes in.
are we talking about his FP grab?
there’s jump start up frames, usually 3 or so, that are grabbable. this means yuo cannot jump out ticks. this has been the case since WW.
Even then, blanka’s grab is with FP, so even if you did jump out of a grab (say blanka is trying to counter grab and you jump) the FP will probably tag you anyway.
I had a question about blanka’s close standing forward. is it airborne instantly? is it airborn at all? I was just experimenting with the trick Mixah mentioned with crossup short s.jab rainbow roll. and was wondering if the s.forward works as a counter counter grab trick by being unthrowable.
i also just found out that the first hit of blanka’s f/b+strong does basically no dizzy, and all the dizzy is on the second hit.
Man, I was losing badly to a Honda player today when I realized that jab zapping pretty much beats his everything. especially true if I space so that I’m right in his face but not hitting him during the electricity.
So I ask, is there any way I don’t know about that can let Remix honda beat my remix eletricity?
also, does it make a difference what punch button your press to get the zapping?
Honda’s low anything will beat it from a distance for free. If you are going to use electricity against Honda make sure it’s after you’ve conditioned him to throw out headbutts or jump at you or something else risky like that. Good players know that low attacks from a distance beat electricity no problem. Honda’s f+HK sweep reaches half the screen length and will trip you right up out of the electricity. Luckily you’ll have to fight a good Honda player before you’ll have to worry about this. Most Hondas online that I’ve played were scrubs who couldn’t get past my j.LK antics.
You are right in that electricity right in front of Honda on wake up is pretty useful. Just don’t do it from a distance against good Hondas cuz you’ll get swept right out of it. Crap Hondas will either jump in on you or hope their headbutt will trade with it. Sometimes you flat out win sometimes it trades. As long as you have more health that’s in your favor too. Free knockdown to cross up j.LK FTW.