I'm gonna bite your FACE! (official blanka thread)

Once someone gets hit by it?

The first few frames of the move, when they hit, it will just keep going. Once Blanka rolls up into a ball, finally, it’ll bounce off.

Do this for fun (if it still works in HD Remix)… go to Training Mode and pick Blanka vs. Dhalsim. Have Dhalsim walk into Blanka and then do the Short Rainbow Roll, I believe. It’ll hit like four times. :slight_smile: if that doesn’t work, try the other strengths, I don’t remember which one it was. Again, it might not work anymore in HD Remix, but it worked in regular ST.

  • James

I’ve seen that before.

in other news I feel that the sim matchup is finally on par or 6-4 in our favour.

accordint to this: http://curryallergy.blogspot.com/2008/09/super-diagram-turbo-version-2.html

two of the best american blanka players feel that blanka loses in classic to sim 6 or 7 times out of 10.

I now feel that blanka has advantage in this matchup. keyly anti air super being sim’s only really damage and anti air in ST is gone, cause you can hit him in the air every time. and counter grab noogie will never happen.

safer rolls are a bonus, but they’re still punishable.

Hmm… gotcha, thanks.

A few questions if no one minds. I think my Blanka is pretty decent, pushing 400 wins and 100 losses, still a lot to learn. For the most part I don’t have too much trouble with the exception of Fei, Dee Jay, Balrog and a good Guile. I’m convinced Fei is just a horrible matchup, I find myself clueless against him and I learned fast to not use any specials against him. Dee Jay can be quite frustrating at times as well, I typically lose the majority of matches to a good Dee Jay.

Anyway, my question is in regards to those that turtle. Good people that really know what they are doing turtling, especially Guile (sometimes a good Ken). Patience is obviously key here, but I find myself always getting beat. With Guile I try to keep pressure and keep a short distance and forward slide under sonic booms and charging down/back for an upward ball. In the long run I can’t ever get in close without getting flash kicked. It’s like my only strat against a good turtler is to constantly slide but they catch on quick and it goes horribly downhill. I either slide under endless barrages of sonic booms and have him block or I get my health chipped away, and getting close results in flash kicks (with the ocassional slide knocking him down in the corner). I can bait many Guiles into flash kicking, but they also generally aren’t very good. I’ve played a few GOOD turtling Guiles the past 2 days and I’m clueless.

A good ken can be fairly annoying as well with well timed fireballs and shoryukens, but I rarely bump into them, so it’s not a big concern for me. A solid Guile, Fei, DeeJay, and Balrog, the majority of the time I can’t beat them, I’ve pulled out wins here and there but the majority are in their favor. Are there any general strategies against these guys or is it simply bad matchups for Blanka?

Good shotos are rough.

Fei, we’ve gone over in this thread a lot. You have to be very careful, and know how to punish his stuff a lot.

DJ, I think is Blanka’s worst matchup, so it really comes down to you needing to know a lot about the game to win this match constant.

Boxer… slide… a lot… I get a lot of free hits with slides and sweeps. electric also counters hk charge punch into throw and if you bait headbutts into them for free, that’s good too.

Guile should be a lot easier… he SHOULD be like fighting DJ with more punishing options. If you’re having a hard time with guile, then dont’ fight DJ’s and expect them to be easier.

Slides and bites are really the only two things you need to beat guile… crossup lks will beat flash kicks as well.

With Balrog all I pretty much do is slide while charging, works great on most but I’ve had a few flat out destroy me. I’ll definitely read up on what has been posted about Fei.

Most Guiles I can easily beat, it’s the ones that turtle in a corner and are damn good at it that shut me down. With most turtlers of any kind sliding, and hop into bites then cross ups slaughter them. But those damn corner turtles…

The only thing I find myself able to do is get just outside of flash kick range, and try to time sliding under sonic booms for a knockdown, or jump just as he begins to sonic boom. Overall the end result for me was tons of flash kicks.

corner turtle guiles… just slide into him and wait til they do something dumb. if they don’t… walk up bites… bait them with rushing down. it takes rushdown control. you have to control your rushdown all th etime.

don’t jump in too much. that is all.

balrog isn’t a match in blanka’s favor at all… so losing is what you have to deal with a lot… unfortunately. just hold tight and take some time… watch real decoy play… watch khiempossible play… they’re two of the best blanka’s that I’ve seen on ggpo.

they will teach you the fundamentals. don’t just go to youtube… watch all their matches… watch a whole set. you’ll learn a lot.

Will do! Thanks for the great advice and quick replies! Greatly appreciated!

oh, and watch komoda’s matches for inspiration. realisitcally, you probably wont get to be as good as him… but he has a LOT of shit that you can learn from… Komoda destroying the fucking shit out of everybody with Blanka… he inspired me

edit check12

Sup. I’m bored with that akuma thread. I don’t actually play remix but I thought I’d try to help here anyway. I’ll post Fei, DJ later. Here’s some Guile.

vs. Guile
Blanka-Guile is much closer than popular american opinion would have it.

Vs. Guile it’s possible to slide punch on reaction under sonic booms yes BUT the window (in terms of spacing) for this is very small. When you’re at about round start/a hair farther than round start sliding under sonics on reaction is doable but just a shade closer - not so much. So like you say you have to guess and when you get predictable you get punished.

A good guile player will be aware of the window I mention above. Both generally and, if they play you for a while, your personal “slide under boom on reaction” distance and they won’t throw any damn booms from there.

So this is what it is. You do the best you can. A key thing here is to make an attempt to convert the slide punches you DO hit with into something more. After the knockdown use a ball to get right on top of guile and then look for a mix up. Something like:

  • low forward, low forward, ball
  • low forward (or short) -> bite
  • nothing (block wake-up flash kick) -> punish
  • cross-up jump short. Even if guile’s in the corner jump towards the wall with a short you can usually beat flash kick. If so make sure to jump again with another short and go looking for a tick.
    When slide punch hits late you can generally get:
  • jumping jab -> yadda yadda

In general vs. guile or any character (less zangief+hawk) if you land a knockdown and you don’t then move closer with ball and go looking for big damage you’re fucking up.

Other things:
When he’s just sitting there not throwing sonics, you can hit his low medium kick with your low medium kick. Even well out of range of your kick you can kick his foot.

Beat his standing roundhouse with a standing jab. Guile doing two standing roundhouses in a row is tricky for some reason (it’s weird I can’t resist the urge to slide punch after blocking the first) but you can discourage this with the jab.

If he starts to do standing shorts looking to beat a slide punch react quickly to him giving up flash kick charge and jump in.

When jumping from a distance use jab if he’s going to go air-to-air, late fierce if he tries to low medium kick/roundhouse. Jump roundhouse vs. backfist (if his timing is really good this won’t work at some distances, similar to sagat standing fierce, try jump jab instead)

A comment about videos. In my opinion watching the top guys isn’t going to be very educational. Komoda videos are entertaining but he gets away with weird shit that won’t work for you if you’re just trying to learn the game. Try these:

It says unknown players but I think that’s Nomura (Guile) vs. Shinryu (Blanka). Two of the top guys in Niigata part of Japan. Nomura plays on GGPO I think. yuuai? yuuki? Not sure. You can see all the key elements there. Nomura uses standing rh really well. Great air defense, too. Monday morning quarterback sez: Shinryu gets a few blocked jump ins where he might as well have gone looking for a tick. Always be biting!

Awesome, awesome post Nohoho! This will definitely help out, thanks for taking the time to post that! Greatly appreciated!

in what situations is anti-air slide ok? ive had mixed results with it

Really good stuff. Also the walkup bite into walkup bite in the last round is too hilarious.

They must land in your belly or higher. attacks that go down will trade or wont be affected by it.

Quick question, is a wake up electricity possible? I’m 99.9% positive that it is, and I just suck at mashing, but I just want to check to further my Blanka game.

Yes but there’s some start up time. I don’t have frame data unfortunately, but I believe fierce elec has frame advantage over the weaker ones.

Your best wake-up is d,u+lk - That ball hits on the first frame. Worst case scenario is trading hits on a meaty-jump in, which can be preferable to get out of situations.

Ps. Hop-back has some invincibility. It’s also good depending on the situation (like typical tick-command throw setups)

that’s true about the vertical up-ball

wake-up electricity… if you’re just having a hard time executing it, rapid fire HP’s. This isn’t CvS2 where you can piano his electrics.

Awesome. Thanks guys. Both posts were very helpful.

LP-electricity has the shortest startup (3 frames), use that if you are going for wakeup.