Ok, so when it comes to ST, I’m more of a “best in my little area” player. I’m good, but not good enough for evo. (or at least I don’t think so.) I can block, cross up, I know the differences and nuances btw the different attacks (except ken’s special kick commands or the blanka jungle jump, of which I’m not accustomed-started on ww, y’know.), save for a few exceptions and I can 2 in one and therefore I geuss “buffer” supers, which has been kinda easy for me since I used to do it on accident anyhow- fast fingers. I’m not so clear on st/fighting game buffering, not everyone in castle hayne is an sf nu- it’s actually quite unpopular outside of srk, most go for tekken or mk if they like fighters, but many just seem to play halo 1, 2, 3, 0tsd/4 and halowars, gears/g2, counterstrike, CoD1, thru like, twenty, (COME ON!!!); and whatever the current fps of the moment is… (Random Man I’ve never seen in my life: “Uh, RE 5?”)
Ignore paragraph above if you like…
**Whatever, enough ranting what I’m trying to say is that I want to get better at SF and find some people in my area that actually play sf. Can you tell me some intermediate to advanced stuff about fighters, like juggle combos and buffering? What should I do in training mode so I can get up to tourney level? **
my “mains” are ryu/ken and chun li, but I like to use almost every ch. (Used to like vega when I was younger, but never learned how to use him correctly. Don’t like 'rog too much-“What’s a kick?” pft.)
Read up the tourney and regional sections to see if there are ST competitions/casuals going on in your area
Watch Sirlin’s videos for ST basics
Read the ST wiki to get some more understanding about the game and character details
Pick a character to main
Play on GGPO (don’t expect to consistently beat anyone until after playing a couple hundred hours)
Read every topic on this board about your character and how others counter your character (yes, including the monster “in the house” topic that NKI started that’s stickied at the top)
Watch every Japanese video with your character to learn how to deal with matchups
Google or search here on anything you need more info on
Post in the respective topic here on anything else you can’t find after searching all above avenues
Create a new topic only if you know you’re starting a new subject
So to summarize: play on GGPO, read up, and have persistence. Good luck.