If You're in '09er, before or after, post here!

For sure. Though, that doesn’t address the question/topic that @extravagant was pining for. They were asking how “'09’ers” effected SRK as a community, and how the community responded to that player influx by defining what those new players demonstrated behaviorally in contrast to how the community persisted prior to that time.

This topic has almost nothing to do with Street Fighter as topic of discussion; they’re asking a sociological question about group mentality in the face of social change.

I got into fighting games a few years ago, but not because of sf4. I was getting back into video games again and was researching its history and I came across the G4 Icons episode on SNK. So Samurai Shodown and KOF got me into them. I dont like SF4 at all, but I watch tournaments because of the players and announcers personalities are great. I wish more new people played other games than SF4, but theres the McDonalds Syndrome where people only play the most advertised thing most of the time and barely venture out into other more complex things. :confused:

(FYI Ive been eating more McDonals lately though since its close and Im poor and theyve started making good burgers with spicy things in them lately. I just wish the idiots behind the counter wouldnt raise a fuss if I want the habanero ranch sauce packet without ordering a habanero ranch burger.)

I don’t get the “I’m poor so I eat at McDonalds”-stuff.
I’m poor, too and getting fed at McDonalds is incredibly expensive compared to taking a trip to the super market and cooking something up for real.

King of the Post-09ers here, sup

Time is money. a lot of people can probably do that, but are poor on that time.

I dont have an oven, just a microwave, so its either nothing that needs to be cooked that I eat, or I eat frozen microwave meals. The dollar menu is actually a pretty nice deal sorta. Plus our refrigerator is broken, but the freezer isnt.

Very funny. I chimed in for OP not for myself. Is this some sort of ongoing issue for OP to even post this? It shouldn’t matter what year anyone joins anyone forum or community.

Probably wasn’t me or at least I don’t remember saying that but I get sick of people trying to put down others because got into the game late? Fuck that. Guys who been on this forum for X number of years think they’re some sort of elitest or at least have an elitest attitude. Sorry to say but they’ve been doing this shit wrong for 10 years. This shit doesn’t help the FGC at all.

That’s stupendous Jenny. Congrats.

reading this I feel tempted to say that this applies to all online video games of today

I haven’t see anyone put down anyone as of late. As for the users who been here for a LONG time, they keep themselves in GD, but members who are active in helping and keeping the community alive in what ever game they play 99.5% don’t put anyone down. I’m going end this with what shit happens on SRK doesn’t affect FGC in any shape and form.

*Just remember SRK doesn’t represent the whole FGC, just a part of it.

Usually, you weren’t called out as an 09er unless you did something stupid or annoying, like making a duplicate of a thread that was on the same page and not reading the sticky.

The people who attacked all 09ers would have attacked those posters even if they wouldn’t have had an 09 join date.

@Vestax is legit not only as an ST player, SRK poster, but a good person in general, even though his quick remarks may sometimes seem contrary to the statement. That’s why I depended on him to help me manage my SRK guilds and will continue to do so.

OGs making 09er accounts and trolling the hell out of the 09ers that were causing trouble was so godlike.

I think I remember giving you positive rep, if I remember right you were making insightful posts in tech talk and were contributing to the site.

After that video SRK was worse than GameFAQs. You had the scrubs and then you had gigantic open flame wars with no moderation where even the mods would be calling people dumb f****ts. It had some good parts too like actual tournament players would actually post in the past and troll each other.

You were OG since day 1. Bonus points for playing MvC2.

Fast Food is one of the most expensive type of foods, Ramen is one of the most cheapest type of foods.

You can heat that in the microwave.

Coming in before 09 hit = best tech ever. Stupid Srk should’ve let me register in 05 though.

That one part…I dunno…sounds sketchy…what with how the FGC is today…I’m a little…“undecided” on it.

You also can’t be a fuccboi. Like Sennin was.

I completely agree with you. But I also think that there’s a natural group mindset to chastise and belittle newcomers to the group. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but it’s human nature . . . seemingly.

It’s one of those things where you expect a certain gauntlet upon entry, regardless of the individual in question. The thing about the “'09’ers” stigma, as many people have pointed out, is the attitude of certain indiviuals who, seemingly, put themselves in a position to receive further punishment than the ‘standard’ allotment. How? By making complaints and suggestions that people with years and years more experience have already reasoned are worthless suggestions, and then persist with their attempt to argue the point, regardless of the counter arguments. It’s like the annoying little brother issue: you’re not necessarily opposed to your brother being there tagging along with you, wanting to share in your hobbies, it’s just that your brother doesn’t know when to shut his mouth and take your experience as a lesson; instead he wants to express misgivings with your hobby based on his limited experience with it.


The fact that you can’t even quote in the same post only gives it away even more.

LOL you’re an idiot. Good one. You want to attack somebody, and you can’t even do it right. Good one petty Netty.

Thanks for the words Elder. Yeah I have to admit, replied a little rash, probably rub people the wrong way, but it wasn’t my intention.