If it will please the jury: the phoenix wrights team thread

The second is better, but it’s not a good idea to play pw on point.

You could play the first team with doom missiles over hawkeye.

I play point Wright, but I do switch to point magneto if Wright vs point character is bad, like against with super skrull

Sorry for the double post but was wondering, outside of Doom who would be a good anchor for Haggar/wright?

Probably Strange would be ideal. If not… Hawkeye or Vergil??

It’s been a long time, but I’m back in the Marvel groove, as it were. I’m still playing the same team, but in a different order, Frank West (Shopping Cart)/Dante (Jam Session)/Phoenix Wright (Get’em Missile). I also have plans to make an “actual” Wright-based team. Still not sure how to construct it, though. I do have some characters in mind, though.

Spencer: The classic BFF. Not very good with Spencer at the moment, though.
Akuma: Good neutral assist, and it hasn’t been too long since I’ve used him. Not quite as good an anchor, though, as…
Vergil: The better brother. What else is there to say? (I need to learn how to do loops, though…)
Dante: The other brother. I need to get an actual Dante, but the assist is pretty good cover.
Doom: Good assist, good character.

Any advice? I’m thinkin’ maybe Vergil/Wright/Doom or Spencer/Wright/Vergil or Spencer/Wright/Doom as my final iteration of the team.

Spencer/Wright/Doom or Anchor Dante would be your best bet,

What are the combos that let you set up the classic standing stun? I’ve seen them before, but I never learned them.

I honestly don’t know I don’t play spencer but I would look up Uglywhen to see how he does them