October 7, 2012, 6:04pm
We know that NOW due to biology (which only discovered/hypothesized warm-blooded dinos less than 30 years ago, if I recall properly), which they didn’t have then.
October 7, 2012, 6:05pm
That water to wine trick probably got him some mega easy pussy back when puberty kicked in.
Also, he did lots of crazy shit in the deleted parts of the bible:
Some do believe in dinosaurs. Dr. Joe Barbera, and Dr. William Hanna taught them all about it.
October 7, 2012, 6:09pm
And you know DAMN well he indulged. I don’t care HOW divine your ass is, if you’re single, but don’t dive onto free booty in an age where there’s no stds or rampant over-breeding, there’s WAY more wrong with you than your Back To The Future-style conception.
October 7, 2012, 6:11pm
Well if he put it on an ipad nobody would be able to read it until now.
I think one of the issues is that people confuse evolution with Darwinism. While connected not necessarily the same.
As far as scrutinizing evolution we have come to observe that evolution within a species does exist, because frankly it can occur in a relatively short amount of time. Transmutation of species however is almost impossible to observe since it takes so long and thus the evidence of such isn’t exactly clear. Unlike other sciences where theories can be immediately observed, recreated in the lab or proven mathematically many aspects of evolution are practically impossible to verify.
One of the aspects of evolution that “creationists” are against is specifically man from ape, (and potentially life from non life) which to be honest is cloudy at best. With evidence that civilization is far older than previously believed and possible evidence that modern homo sapiens may have existed in prehistoric times I can’t blame somebody for questioning the accuracy of some aspects of the theory of evolution.
That said pretending evolution does not exist at all is completely ridiculous.
Qualify what you mean by prehistoric times.
Because of course man existed before written records of his existence did.
Are you talking The Savage Land, here?
Blue ball comes slowly.
I was correcting you, not the ‘story’. You specifically said “4 legged reptiles”. You didnt attribute that quote to the story, that was your phrase. My correction still stands.
This thread has the potential to become as infuriating as the algebra thread. Somebody already said that evolution is just a “theory”. >:(