No, Bill Nye what is wrong with you srk?
Evolution is about life changing over time. The theory doesn’t address how life began.
Creationism says that some higher power created existence. It doesn’t address the concept of life changing over time.
In other words, they are not diametrically opposed to each other. It is possible that life was created and then changed over time.
So people making Evolution vs. Creationism arguments are retarded.
Derp! complicated! i’ll just stick with magic fairytales and voices from the sky.
Like i said on the science thread
As a salesian chatolic priest on the school that i went, just because we believe in god that doesn’t mean that we should ignorant idiots ,this was when someone asked why in the school they taught on a catholic school the evolution theory and the big bang theory.
The big bang theory contradicts what we know about science.
The time-space continuum says that we cannot have time if there is no space for events to occur in. However, before the Big Bang there was no space. Everything that exists was crammed into an infinitesimally small singularity. So how could an event occur in which there was no space to occur in? How did all that matter get crammed into such a small space to begin with?
We don’t know. Some unknown mover that exists outside of known time and space had to exist. Or at the very least, we don’t know enough about time and space to know for sure how to unravel the paradox.
So the first thing science asserts to have occurred in existence as we know it is a paradox. Not a good start.
Now I’m not saying science is useless, but the arrogance that science and human logic can somehow comprehend the expanse of reality is simply childish. For everything you can mock religion with, science ultimately is built on the flawed senses of empiricism. And until human senses are perfect, empiricism will never lead to omniscience.
So even in science, there are things we simply have to take our best guess at. There are things we simply have to put our faith into and hope for the best.
- Steps in thread holding the religion thread championship belt on shoulder
Damn. When will people stop thinking that “no-evolution” is a theist thing or that Creationism and Evolution are opposing theories? Wasn’t it shown in the academics that the first idea of Evolution began with St Augustine, he had a book about that, didn’t he? Theism believes that evolution is part of the creation theory. Things were created first then evolution came into play, too us it’s a designed mechanism. Just like how technology evolves under the power of intelligent men. Everything in existence evolves to help us adapt to changes with in our world to assure that life goes on.
@Hecatom, the reason why catholic schools teach evolution and the big bang is because those theories started from priests, first.
I don’t know if I’d say empiricism is flawed as much as limited, especially when the only alternative is just making shit up.
Evolution does not address the origins of life, it explains the diversity of it. That’s not the reason why the bible people flip out over evolution. Religious people flip out over it because it directly contradicts Jesus’ Genesis account, offering an alternative point of view.
You are wrong in that the bible clearly makes no mention of life evolving over time. It certainly does not make any mention of simple things becoming complex over long periods of time. It says that God magically created complex life forms from scratch. The diversity of life on earth was created by God and did not evolve over billions of years by natural selection, that is a start contrast.
Faced with this contradiction what do science-educated Christians do? They do what you do, downplay genesis as metaphor or add it to the growing “shit we need to ignore” pile. Make no mistake, genesis and evolution are mutually exclusive and no amount of stretching or mental gymnastics can make genesis account conform to evolution as we know it today.
You should of stopped at “we don’t know.” That’s the only honest answer we have, not arrogantly claiming you have the answer that “it HAS to be the God of the gaps”
If God created the universe who created God? If your answer is “God always existed”, then it’s actually much simpler to suggest that the universe started everything and had always existed. Saying that the unknown mover started it all and then calling it your God doesn’t actually solve any of the questions. If anything it creates more questions and more idiotic answers.
The most laughable part of your post is where you hypocritically downplay the value of science from the comfort of your seat, table, computer and internet connection - all of which science had a direct hand in providing for you.
This isn’t about whether Evolution can exist with Creationism, this is about some backward retard thinking the earth was made in 6 days and the universe is only 9,000 years old… and he’s a congressman that also sits on the House Committee for Science, Technology, and Space.
He can believe want he wants, but he definitely doesn’t belong in that position with those views.
the book of genesis has always been known to be in metaphorical format in message, ever since 100-something AD, even St Augustine and other church fathers of late 300ish time said so and just remember that the Canonical Bible was just released at the 300’s.
During the time of ancient BC where many religions where around the area, the book of Genesis was made to show a contrast with the god of the Jews and the gods’ or goddesses around the region (babylonia, etc), since most of the early religions had their creation stories start out from war, the book of Genesis was to show that God created the world through peace. Words. No war. During Ancient bc, people had worshiped the stars, sun, animals, plants, water, blah blah… in the book of Genesis, it messages that the Jewish god made the animals, stars, etc… that those things that others worshiped were not beings or living things (exception to animals). Other religions taught that some of their animal gods give this, or that to man but the book of genesis messages that man is superior in authority than animals. Man being the being that named the animals and being given the highest dominion on earth over the animals.
That was what the book of genesis was truly made for and that is what it was. Moses never intentionally made genesis from watching some supernatural vision/dream in his head or because God sent his ass on time travel. It was a book made to contradict the other religions that existed in his community/knowledge during the time. To show/teach them that the world was not created through a heavenly battle of the gods, that animals, stars, and the 4 elements re not entities or superior to man. The message of Genesis is that there is only one god, he created it all peacefully and not through war like the other gods, and Man is the highest being on earth because God gave man that authority.
Science isn’t perfect but with all of its faults it still makes more sense than any religion i’ve ever heard and that is mainly because if something is wrong or doesn’t make sense in science its because people haven’t completely figured it out yet, not because its just false(though things can be completely figured out to be false).
It’s not simpler to suggest the universe started everything because by suggesting that, you are forced to debate as to why Eistein’s shit is wrong. Einstein and allot of the legendary scientists have claimed as fact that the universe did have start. Asking “who/what created God” is suggesting that God is a part of matter because Matter is subjected to time, being inferior or just equal to the natural universe that is scientifically proven to have a beginning. The right question to ask is, if God does not exist then who/what gave the energy to build/begin the universe and set everything in it in motion? Since physics has shown that energy before our universe was transposed to form our universe.
If the book of Genesis is to be rationalized as a metaphor, then why not the whole Bible? God as a metaphor. Jesus as a metaphor. The miracles as a metaphor. The creation as a metaphor. The end of days as a metaphor. Everything in between as a metaphor.
Some of the moral messages are batshit insane, but I won’t deny that some of them have some value to everyday life. They still have this value without people having to insist that they’re true in all their obscurity and implausibility.
Young Earth creationism–in other words, creationism that takes the book of Genesis literally–states unequivocally that our planet, everything on it, and all the rest of existence popped into being within a week, about six thousand years ago.
And this is what this motherfucker believes in.
An educated man. A man with a position of leadership and authority regarding the sciences in our society. He believes this.
This doesn’t need to be made retarded, because it’s already plenty retarded on its own.
yikes another bash religion thread on srk…shocking. always starts the fuckin same and always ends the same.
matriarch once again showing she doesn’t know shit. Keep to your grade school psychology books.
on a serious note, does there have to be a reason to be? Do we really need an answer to, “why are we here, why where we made?” Why can’t it just be?
We get that help from scholarly, scholarists, knowledge and consideration of translations and terminologies.
*holds religion belt.
Some scientists are guessing that it our universe branched off from another already existing universe. Of course, none of these answers can possibly make people like you happy. What you want to hear is that the gap in our knowledge and it can be filled with a God, specifically your own God (and not Vishnu or the other polytheistic gods). People have been doing this since the beginning, attributing things we do not understand to Deities and gods, you are not any different.
I just looked through the whole thread and the only religion bash I saw was by Manx, who self-identifies as Christian.
Maybe you can point me to the parts I missed.