Ideas to help revive the HDR scene

Wow. OK. Let’s put things back in perspective AGAIN.

I’m not saying HDR’s netcode is Godlike or anything. But really, when we’re talking about a game where MILLISECONDS MATTER, HDR is infinetly better than any other console option. It’s better than SF4, its better than MOTW, its better than KoF12, its better than BB, its better than T6, I’m not suggesting that we can teleport data faster than the speed of light, but all things considered, it is way better than its competitors in the same space.

I have no reason to attack ST. SF2 is like the lineage from Adam to Jesus. First there was SF at the creation of the world. Then God saw that it needed refinement and there was SF2 and it was good. And then there was a covenant at Capcom to improve what was good, and then came Abraham, then Isaac, then Jacob (Ce, Hyper, Super), then David (ST). David was AWESOME! King of Israel, not perfect, but loved by everyone. At some point, the lineage goes from David to Jesus, I’m not saying HDR is Jesus, please don’t misunderstand, but it somewhere between the testaments and like the time between the testaments, its controversial.

I apprecaite whatever concerns you may have. You beat me… so your point is what again? I play around alot, but I’ve never considered myself to be the master of the fighting game universe. I play, I have fun, I like to improve, if you beat me with Cammy great, but you beating me (i.e. being a better player) in no way invalidates any of the arguements I have made. Not one. You want to trash my league, fine, knock yourself out. It’s had its troubles. If you’re really interested in Season 1 results, go see the Season 1 thread… IT’S ALL THERE. Season 2 is getting ready to start and we have a whole new method of reporting thanks to Damdai and tonamento so that will be a problem for exactly zero seconds.

Let’s talk about what you “hear”. Next time you “hear” something, why don’t you ask. Why don’t we all practice, quick to listen, slow to respond. I probably could have used some of this myself this morning, but the fact doesn’t change, that you came onto a thread, with the title “Ideas to help…” and started with “It’s hopeless”. That provides exactly zero value to the legitament conversation being held here. If the logic is a little much, I understand. I understand it can be hard to value constructive dialogue and would rather declare things hopeless without actually taking on the meat of my argument or actually talking about any of the points I made.

At least Grog to his credit bothered to make a statement saying he belives HDR’s netcode is effectively worthless. I personally believe this has to come from an point of view that says that outside of GGPO (or maybe including it, I shouldn’t speak for him on this) that online play is effectively useless. Nothing is perfect, I won’t claim that it is, but outside of the occassional laggy expereince (and admittely I play on XBL, I do understand PSN is worse) its a fantastic experience.

Blanket statements are universally untrue because they are blanket statements. “fireballs skip all over the place and I can go on” only demonstrates that if indeed fireballs skipped all over the place all the time, no one would play. But, since for the overwhelming majority of the experience, fireballs infact DO NOT skip all over the place, people continue to play… Go look at the WWL’s youtube page, and go back on the results from Season 1, how many matches did people say were really affected by any ‘lag’. EXACTLY ONE. Damdai versus BTC, because Damdai is in New England and BTC was playing in SoCAL. SO HDR is imperfect over 3300 miles? OH WOW! The speed of light is only so fast? WOW! These are the types of revalations which make people’s pursuit of perfection damaging in favor of the good.

You can call my attack uncalled for. I am upset that you have been here one day and started with ‘its hopeless’. You know what, yeah, that really made me angry. I’m not going to apologize for laying out a systemic arguement for the reasons I think your rant was not only factually in error, but grossly out of line in the context of the ettiquite we have established here.

By the way, If you want GeneiJin to run the WWL you have your wish anyway! He has been super helpful in organizing Season 2 and I’m not afraid to say I have leaned on his help to get the website ready for our event on Friday. “Acting high and mighty” has nothing to do with my ability to play, it has to do with my ability to see the facts and respond with the passion this thread deserves. HDR deserves better than one day opinions saying ‘its had a good run’. It deserves better than that from every person who played SF2, CE, Hyper, Super, ST, and HDR. That’s why I am so angry in my response.

I’m sure your a perfectly good person, I’m sure you’re a good player, I have no idea who you are, if you beat me, good for you! I’m sure I learned something from it and got better. I love this game enough to realize my limitations and to grow in them, hence I’ve been trying to use a stick for three weeks with zero success. I’m going to keep trying, I’m going to keep losing, but I understand the limitations of my hardware. But that’s okay. I respect those who play up until a point and are okay with where they are and have fun where they are. The game isn’t dead for them. It’s not dead for me. It’s not dead for the people who are playing and getting better, and learning the nooks and crannies of it.

So you can take your position of “I beat you, therefore, your opinion and abilities are useless” and shove it! You don’t want to play in the WWL because I run it, fine, whatever, if you think that breaks my heart in someway, I’ll be sure to cry a river for you, build myself a bridge, and getover it. But I will not stand here and let you get away with putting a tombstone on a game in a thread, to talk about how to GROW it. I’m sorry. I can’t sit here and let that happen.

So… let’s go over your facts and debunk them.

1.) Netcode blah blah blah.
ANSWER: No, its not perfect, but in comparison to its competition in the console space, its infinitely better.

2.) Can’t find games.
ANSWER: Really? At 3:30 P.M. EST would someone like to see if they can’t find a room to join and play in? I would guarantee its there…

3.) I’m better so you shouldn’t talk.
ANSWER: You being better at the game, clearly doesn’t make you better at responding to logical arguements presented with evidence. Or at the very least providing a counter arguements based on real claims that can be validated in someway. My claims are what they are, I feel they’re justified, if you want to discuss my claims, please do.

4.) The WWL sucks because you run it.
ANSWER: Oh boo hoo! Let’s ask all the people who played last season if they enjoyed it or not and then we’ll talk about if it sucked. Was it perfect? No. Did I learn alot running it? Yes. Will Season 2 be better? I think so.

5.) HDR is dead because blah blah blah.
ANSWER: Refer above.

At EVO last year, HDR was the 2nd biggest tournout behind SF4. About 1200 players for SF4 and over 300 for HDR. All the other games’ entrants were not even a 3rd of HDR. I really hope we have the same type of turn out this year.

It’s gonna be even bigger this year. I’m gonna predict around 500.

@Silver Rain: I hear ya. We seem to be plagued by HDR haters lately. You’ve done a lot to contribute to the community and to keep things hype around here, so keep up the good work! :tup: I can’t wait to see what Season 2 has in store. damdai vs DGV? Afrolegends vs Ganelon? Damn, that sounds good. :rofl:

First, thank you. I appreciate that. I know I’m not the meanest leanest fighter but I do try to spread the HDR gospel where and when I can…

Ummm… Prediction right now… Damdai vs. DGV will probably happen at some point… Last time I saw Afro play Ganleon I was in a 4 player room with the two of them and no one else joined. I beat Afro’s Dee Jay 3 out 10 times, I felt pretty good about that. I beat his Boxer once in like 8 matches. I felt good about that. I beat Ganelon’s Vega ONCE out of 11 or 12 matches. And I remember it was lucky I got the one win… Let’s just say, if / when that happens, the recorders will capture it ALL baby!

I can’t speak for xbox, but PSN HDR’s netcode is the reason I dropped HDR. Every xbox player should be forced to play it on PS3 for an hour at least, just so they really have a perspective on that. Sure you can say how great it is, although how comparable to GGPO idk, but its not a blanket statement, SFIV with its input delay is still better than PSN HDR.

Um. I just wanna put my 7 cents in here.

I bought HDR day one upon release. I got raped. HORRIBLY raped. Then I got SFIV day one and I found myself beating a lottttt of people. Like, my record is 80-something to 120-something, which in reality is no where near alot compared to most people on this board, but for me personally, that was quite good. Here and there between the months and days, I’d pop my head in HDR, and still got the shit kicked out of me. Like, I’d win 1 match out of 10, and that would be against a horrible scrub. Fast forward to the end of 09. Before I left home for my band’s tour which was scheduled for January, I copped SF3S in December. Me and my boy played a lot but that was it. Its been like this for about two months or so, but about 3 weeks ago I bought an arcade stick. I always wanted one. So with the purchase of that stick, I decided it was time to seriously start playing SF and beasting the stick. I thought I could play 3S with my stick, but its not BC with PS2. So searching for a solution led me to these forums (Which I’ve known about forever, just never actually registered or even lurked. I just known SRK existed). That solution was GGPO. I got the ROMs, started playing SF3S and A3 and started to get the hang of my new joystick. Then I went back to HDR and holy fuck my game has improved. I’m using more characters that I thought I’d never touch (Dictator, Boxer, Honda), andd actually started to learn how they operate, while still maintaining and improving my Akuma as my main. Now I’m actually about to switch over to HDR exclusively (I just love how HDR feels. No parrying, no dumb ass air recoveries, just straight up skill and depth) and still mastering my joystick. I’m still getting my ass handed to me constantly but now I just hold my own ground better than ever before, with me having an average record of probably 5/10 hahah. I’m making friends here and there and also getting some relatively positive compliments on my fighting, even if I do lose, and gain a bit of respect.

Sorry, just had to get that out somewhere hah. I just love HDR. However, for the sake of the thread… I’d recommend my friends HDR, but they either have an Xbox (I only have a PS3) or don’t play/suck at fighters.

I did recently get SSF2T for GGPO. That was like going waaaaaayyyyy back to square one haha.

Good for you. I’d still tell your friends to get HDR even if its on XBOX though…

We’ll take all the converts to the land of anti-scrub as we can get!

I’ll try to get them on HDR haha. I’ll join WWL!

… If I’m not too scrubby lol.

Thinks about playing HDR on PSN


xbox live has been much better to play on

Is HDR PS3 really THAT bad? I mean… I guess I wouldn’t know since I’ve played nothing else but PSN. I do remember that HDR used to be completely HORRIBLE like half a year ago. DC’s, not finding rooms, etc. DCs still happen but seems like the issue where I couldn’t find a room are long gone.

HDR PS3 is garbage, funny enough even the PS3 d-pad is worse. I got it for free so I didn’t hesitate to try it, but the difference is very significant. A good way of reviving the HDR community is to take each asshole, rage-quitter, bullshitter, and kick them in the cunt. That’ll immediately allow for a clean ranking system.

As for people (Mr. 3-22-10) doubting Silver Rain… why? Considering the scope of it the WWL was run quite well. It has it’s own website now, tournament results, skilled players, and archived matches on Youtube. Sure, people have missed their scheduled matches but that’s a people problem that doesn’t reflect the coordinator. I’m not quite sure what else people might expect from this.

Speak for yourself. I’ll take the PS3 pad over that horrible 360 pad anyday. And PSN HDR is not so bad. If somebody were to ask me which system is better, I’d tell them that 360 is slightly better, but that they’d be happy with either system. People act like XBL HDR doesn’t have its own problems, like it’s perfect. It’s not perfect, and neither is PSN, but they’re both acceptable. People need to stop shitting on PSN HDR like it’s a fad.

Strictly from my perspective the PS3 d-pad is MUCH worse (I know Jiggly agrees with me on this one). Regardless that it was free, my main reason to get HDR on PS3 was because of curiosity about the improved d-pad. I can’t stand it. As for the online component: well, I actually DC’d at the versus screen before lol. Never happened on 360. I also drop alot and one time it took me about 20 minutes to play 3 ranked matches. Its also a pain in the ass to find matches. If I had to grade both online components:

360 HDR: 7.5/10
PS3 HDR: 6/10

I rarely get lag in 360 HDR. I’ve even been able to play Japanese players with no issues. Here and there I get the “connection lost” which is pretty irritating, but its usually pretty smooth. I would easily recommend XBL over PSN but this is just my opinion. And believe me, I’m not saying this just for the heck of it.

D-pads suck. In general. The last one I probably cared for was an SNES pad but even then you paid for it in blood and callouses.

You don’t even need to get them to play it for an hour. As soon as I loaded it up and heard the sound effects were higher pitch, I knew something was up. Well after struggling to get a game, I decided to create a lobby. Got one match and then shit decided not to load after. Kept trying, no luck. Thought fuck it, went to arcade mode and even that got stuck at the VS screen.

It would have been nice to have a playable version on the PS3 (to tell you the truth, that’s pretty much why I bought a PS3), but it’s such a bullshit port, they shouldn’t have even bothered.

Want to revive this scene? Try to convince the PS3 heads to get a cheap 360 and try to migrate as much of the split user base to just the 360. That’s not going to happen, but at least if it did it would seem less dead and would be interesting to see all the new competition that we’ve never been able to play.

I can only get a decent connection with pacloc and Ktm and NHC, everyone else I lag with.

Rooms still implode, dc bug still exists. I can startup a room hit square to send out an invite, and my room crashes. Xbox may not be perfect, but I don’t hear xbox people complaining about issues that were there pre patch, like they still are in PS3.

It’s gotta be your connnection bro. Remember when we would try to get a game going between you and me? You wouldn’t be able to join my private room, and I wouldn’t be able to join your private room. Yet, out of all the other PSN players, only a handful gave me connection headaches. I only had problems connecting with OG Sin, T3R sometimes, True Old School a couple of times, you and a couple of other peeps. Everybody else, I would be able to join easily, at the most it would take a couple of tries, but I was in. I always wondered why I wouldn’t see you in a lot of SRK rooms. We were able to connect a couple of times, but that was the exception to the rule I think. IDK, maybe it’s our locations, who knows? But I never had as many problems with PSN as you did, I don’t think. I could be wrong but whatever.

The general consensus of PSN players is that “PSN actually let us play tonight!” or “PSN was raping us tonight.”

Yeah, while there is a lot of truth to that, you know that a lot of that is just bitching for the sake of bitching. I used to bitch a lot too, even if PSN was being pretty good. It’s just a way of letting out the frustration that Capcom is not gonna patch PSN HDR. All I’m saying is PSN HDR is not garbage, like a lot of people like to say. And obviously PSN is not that bad as some XBL peeps have gotten both 360 and PS3 and are playing both regularly, like mad possum and Mars.

Well I couldn’t put up with it anymore, there is no comparison between GGPO and PS3’s connections so I went with the former.