I'd like a better explanation about two things: RC and Super Cancelling


First, super cancelling… easy, since I can do it in most games, but the problem is that in most games, I understand the mechanics of it (Example - Super Turbo, Cammy’s would be :qcf:, :d:+:mp:, :df::r:+:k:, and you call this kara cancelling)

This game, I understand it to a point, but let me elaborate on my problem here.

I use Blanka, and to get his:d:+:mk: ~ electric ball super, I can’t always get it consistently, and my inputs are this:

:db:© + :mk:, :r:, :l:, :r: + :p:

Now in Super Turbo, you can SOMETIMES avoid having to kara cancel, but it’s not as reliable. Is there any trick to making this work 100% of the time in this game?

Same with Ken’s c.:mk: xx shoryu reppa. I have a hard time getting it consistently if I go: :d:+:mk:, :df::r::qcf:+:mp:

Now, about roll cancelling, I know this has been gone over a million times, but I want to make sure I’m getting this entirely correct, so my practice isn’t in vain.

Cancelling for Blanka’s electric would be…

cancelling for a hadoken would be…

cancelling for an SRK would be…

and for Blanka / Chun’s charge supers, it would be…
EDIT: Nix this - I found out you can’t RC a super.

I’ve been trying all this stuff, and the only one that I can see to get consistently is Blanka’s ball… I love pissing people off when they throw fireball, I smack them.

but other than that… no can do…

i can’t help you much with the super canceling because I’m not a huge ST fan. But roll canceling I can somewhat help you with. the buttons you have down for your moves seem right. It’s just a matter of practice. RCing a DP isn’t too practical, but its nice to be able to RC a DP motion for people like Yamazaki. For blanka, you should RC the HP electric because its safe. buttons would be :lp::mp::hp::lp:+:lk::hp: you would wanna buffer it using the jab or a dash or even on wake up, just not too much. to practice, what i did was if you have the game, go to practice mode and have the opponent throw fireballs, then try to RC through them. It’s going to take some time.

be sure not to negative edge certain things. like for the super cancel.:d:+:mk: (hold mk), :df::r::qcf:+:mp:(you can release mk after the super comes out) its the same idea with blankas super, hold the mk until the super is out or it might screw with the input

so just like in Super Turbo then?

alright, I’ll try that and see if I have better luck with it.

I don’t think that’s kara canceling. If you’re hitting with the forward kick, it’s not kara canceling, it’s just canceling. “Kara” means “empty”. It’s also the same kanji for “sky”, so think of it as “you’re hitting nothing but air”. Canceling a WHIFFED move is kara canceling.

You can RC a super, you just don’t get added invincibility for it because the frames for the super flash eat up the frames of invincibility. It’s still technically a good idea to RC 720 moves, as the roll keeps you from jumping. However, I’ve only ever seen one person (Tokido) do this, and I may have just mistaken it for something else.

As far as RCs go, they are by definition kara cancels, as they aren’t hitting anything. The roll has to be canceled almost immediately, so as a rule of thumb just think of putting the roll input at the second to last input for the special (the last input is what tells the game to do the special, but you have to tell it to roll right before that).

RC electricity motions are:

:lp:, :mp:, :hp:, :lp:+:lk:, :hp:


:hp:, :mp:, :lp:, :lp:+:lk:, :hp:

depending on which way you feel comfortable piano-ing the buttons. I personally prefer starting from :hp: as it’s easier to drum the buttons back and forth rather than in the same direction twice.

Thanks Noodleman

The kara thing I was referring to is in ST.


It’s so that you can do this combo with Cammy -

c.mp, c.mp xx super

you would go…

c.mp, c.mp, qcf, down+mp, d/f, f+kick (at least how I do it, another way to do it is just … c.mp, qcf, c.mp, qcf+k which is sometimes easier)

Re-read the wiki because the kara super cancel was only used in ST to get around the limitation of 2 CHAINED moves not being able to be canceled into super. So for Ken, you did 2 c.shorts and supposedly can’t cancel, but you chain another and before it comes out you cancel it with a super. There was a built in limitation on the second chained short, but none on the whiffed/didn’t-even-come-out short. For Cammy, c.strong doesn’t CHAIN into c.strong. It LINKS. You shouldn’t have to hit c.strong three times for that combo.