First, super cancelling… easy, since I can do it in most games, but the problem is that in most games, I understand the mechanics of it (Example - Super Turbo, Cammy’s would be :qcf:, :d:+:mp:, :df::r:+:k:, and you call this kara cancelling)
This game, I understand it to a point, but let me elaborate on my problem here.
I use Blanka, and to get his:d:+:mk: ~ electric ball super, I can’t always get it consistently, and my inputs are this:
:db:© + :mk:, :r:, :l:, :r: + :p:
Now in Super Turbo, you can SOMETIMES avoid having to kara cancel, but it’s not as reliable. Is there any trick to making this work 100% of the time in this game?
Same with Ken’s c.:mk: xx shoryu reppa. I have a hard time getting it consistently if I go: :d:+:mk:, :df::r::qcf:+:mp:
Now, about roll cancelling, I know this has been gone over a million times, but I want to make sure I’m getting this entirely correct, so my practice isn’t in vain.
Cancelling for Blanka’s electric would be…
cancelling for a hadoken would be…
cancelling for an SRK would be…
and for Blanka / Chun’s charge supers, it would be…
EDIT: Nix this - I found out you can’t RC a super.
I’ve been trying all this stuff, and the only one that I can see to get consistently is Blanka’s ball… I love pissing people off when they throw fireball, I smack them.
but other than that… no can do…