Icade for ipad *stick related!


Thank you so much for answering the questions I asked. I ordered a JLF-TP-8YT along with 8 sanwa OBSF-30 buttons. I found the terminal barrier thignin at a local store like you mentioned. I am just waiting for my parts to get here… I end up going with a simlair button setup since I am a huge fan of NeoGeo as well but just some minor changes. I got the 4 neogeo buttons (color) and the rest of the buttons i went with grey and a grey ball top. I cant wait… I’ll put up pics when I am all done. Thanks again!

just to let people know that you can play SF volt with icade now using BluTrol but u need to JB ur I pad

Hey Guys,

I was trying to open the panel today, but ran into a screw that had a weird bit at the end. Anyone know what size it is? I cant take it out without stripping it.

Also, i have a JLF that I am taking from one of my TE sticks and putting it into here. Could I just wire it up directly or do I have to solder for it?

Thanks for any help!

I tried to add a 12" Screen 4:3 and added my old laptop motherboard
Now my main problem is my old laptop is too slow for some game/mame. Celeron 400Mhz…
Next step: Replace all buttons and stick to sanwa!

some photo:

Just found this thread again and enjoyed seeing what people have done with their iCades! I’m thinkging about getting a cheap one and combining it with a PS2 mini (I haven’t scoped the size of it, if it will fit underneath. Cool ideas, and thanks for the template!

If I may make a recommendation. For like $30 you can buy a keyboard/mouse combo from Amazon thats like 6"x2", and you cna velcro it to the side/back. Works using bluetooth dongle. I like your idea - I just got my brubby hands on a free laptop, if I can disorient the screen, maybe I’ll make a custom one of these…can’t stomach the cost for MDF and then replacing the parts anyway.

  • :bluu:

Anyone know of any places that sell the Sanwa-JLF-TM-8T-SK stick? I want to mod mine with this and try some Korean Crown buttons.

I found this thread will googling for icade mods. I’m considering getting an icade and using it as a base for a raspberry pi bartop hack. Rtdzign any way I can get more info about what you put into yours?

Not a skilled carpenter (yet) so I’m trying to ease into it and this seems like a decent starting point

I just modded mine http://screencast.com/t/dAgxKEcZNmr should i do side art or just leave it black