ive been thinking about more frame traps lately and ive come up with some old ones and some new ones as well as some general theory on frame traps:
general theory:
there are 3 primary spots to frame trap with EVERY character:
immediately after a jumpin (j.lk “delay” st.mp,cr.lp,F+l xx raida or something like that)
after your first blocked weak attack (j.lk,cr.lp “delay” st.mk xx mk tsumuji)
after your second blocked weak attack (j.lk,cr.lp x 2, “delay” st.mk xx mk tsumuji)
now theres one problem that alot of characters have here that ibuki doesnt, namely alot of characters need to be point blank in order to frame trap with anything good, plus those characters can get predictable with there frame traps cause of that. like chun only has 1 good frame trap normal and its her close hk, she doesnt have any other worthwhile frame traps besides that, and the kicker is that her close hk has very little activatable range. another problem that occurs is that other characters are " out of offense" if there frame trap gets blocked… but ibuki doesnt have either problem in the slightest. going by frame trap 1 ibuki can do a close st.mp,cr.lp and hit confirm those into a F+lk xx raida or she can stop at the cr.lp and instead walk forward for a throw or do a delayed F+lk xx mk tsumuji fishing for another CH after having already tried one. THAT IS VERY POWERFUL.
and the kicker isnt just those couple of strings, its the fact that those strings combo on regular hit also plus they give mad stun and setup a nice ambiguous crossup or safejump.
the other thing that ibuki has going for her in the EXTREME as far as frame traps go is that she isnt forced to frame trap with like one or 2 normals unlike other characters. almost all of ibukis normals have something VERY good about them that can only be done on CH:
CR.lk on ch gives plus 5 and combos into itself easily and thus combos into lk tsumuji for decent damage.
cr.lp on ch combos into st.mk easily and thus into mk tsumuji
far mp on ch combos ALOT easier into st.mk xx mk tsumuji
cr.mk on ch combos into an easy to plink 1 framer into st.mk xx mk tsumuji
F+lk on ch combos into mk tsumuji for the knockdown from a weak attack
and the kicker is that almost all of those can be used after a jumpin after 2 blocked jabs or closer. which gives a fuckload of options to the ibuki user.
so she could do something like dash in cr.lp anticipating the block and then delay st.mp into st.mk for really nice damage.
or if confused she can dash in and do cr.lpx2 looking for the hitconfirm and if blocked she can take a step forward and do F+lk xx mk tsumuji or on hit so that she doesnt have to change her buttons she can just combo the F+lk into raida.
lots of options for frame trapping those crouch techs and if the opponent stops crouch teching, she has F+mk to deal with high techs.
if they let her throw them, then they are assed out cause ibuki has some of her nastiest 50/50’s from both of her throws.
but in the end what really gets me excited is st.mp,cr.lp,st.mk xx ex raida
it does 430 stun!!! (262 damage) from a ch. if you add on the stun from the ambiguous dash crossup to close hk dash cr.fp it does a total of 830 stun and then if the opponent guesses wrong on that reset they are stunned. so basically one frame trap and 2 wrong guesses and ibuki wins the round.
oh and if that werent good enough… THIS SHIT IS A 2 FRAME LINK IN AE!
yeah boy.
oh yeah the total stun if ibuki gets all the guesses in a row and does her most stun combos after the reset j.hk, 4 hit tc4, xx ex neckbreaker is 1352 so basically any character in the game is stunned here.
and if ibuki gets a punish 4 hit tc4 xx ex neckbreaker, she can stun most characters in the next combo with j.lk, 4 hit tc4 xx neckbreaker. just lk dash and then superjump afterwards to make it crossup on most characters.
i have no idea why i havent been playing her for stun this whole time… i didnt realize that close hk xx dash to cr.fp did 400 stun. now that i know that, im going to always be on the lookout for it after neutral throw to instant kunai to close hk> cr.fp is already 560 stun plus a resest into atleast 400 more stun. so she can basically win off of a neutral throw as well if the opponent guesses wrong, and if they dont, we have those awesome frame traps to fallback on.
now i just need to implement this stuff… easier said than done.