Is anyone making use of Thor’s TAC glitch in combos to extend them.
Alright, after skimming the FGTV archives for about an hour, I FINALLY found Abegen’s set with GCYoshi, and thus his Side TAC.
It’s at 11:22:40 (start at 30 seconds so you don’t go directly into it).
From what I can tell, notation is…[RDP+L (full charge) xx QCF+2A (you have to input this in reverse since Thor will switch sides), ADUF, j.L, j.M xx M Spark, S]
UPDATE: After testing in the lab, I understand it.
Mighty Strike must be done as quickly as possible to allow the cross under then the Mighty Tornado must be done as soon as you do that cross under.
The best part is that you can apply the combo after Mighty Tornado to any of Thor’s TAC combos from before (only with Tornado replacing a Spark). Damage becomes higher, but obviously you lose out on some meter gain so it’s up to you to decide when it’s right. However using Tornado within seems to add around 150-200K of damage, so it is worth it to eke out that extra damage when needed.
By the way, you can link directly to the time stamp by adding ?t=xhxmxs to the end of the url where x is the number of whatever hours/minutes/seconds.
Thanks and done.
Thanks i was looking for that too, Thors TAC combos are so damaging especially his M Strike one.
That TAC combo was VERY nice. Basically use the same concept of triggering a Tornado while the character is below Thor and cornered so that there can be follow up. I think Thor might be able to use two Tornados and one spark M in one TAC before of landing.
Yeah, but without an Air Dash you won’t be able to knock them back down with an S after the second Tornado (you’ll burn up the AD after the first one). In other words, only worth it if you don’t have an OTG.
Yeah, OTGs really improve Thor TAC damage. The side TAC i’m using is Mighty Spark H, dash up-forward, j.L, j.M, Spark M, Mighty Tornado.
BTW have you guys found the optimized version of the TAC combos using Doom missiles?, theoretically it should lead to crazy damage, havent tested since i dont play Thor/Doom that much. With Ammy Thor can’t follow up due to the hitstun decay u.u Coldstar drops.
That’s why I have Viper on my Viper/Thor/Ammy team. In case of hitstun problems.
As for Doom missiles…how would you even work that in?
When Thor end a combo in the corner you jump up-forward and call missiles, the first missile will OTG regardless of the delay you use with the j.S (missiles have fixed hitstun -.- ). My optimized combo with missiles is jump up-forward, call Doom, airdash backward, fully charged Mighty Strike M, land, Mighty Smash L (i think i throw first a cr.H, but shouldn’t work after a TAC), etc. I will make some tests later…
I’m so mad I can’t find the thor combo that I’ve seen people doing. Like the ground series air series and I think they relaunch with :dp::h: charged but I can’t do it. Someone please save my noob ass.
c.L, c.M/c.H, S, j.M, j.M, j.H, j.S, Full Charge H Smash, S, [j.M, j.M, j.S into whatever on the ground] or [j.H xx L Spark xx Tornado].
Pretty much just that first part.
I can’t manage to get the relaunch any advice.
Do the launch earlier than you think you can.
I have been using Vergil with Thor, M Punish in to Spiral Swords so so good and after Thors TAC combos the I like using Vergil Rapid slash assist to get the spinning knock down to get enough time to charge mighty stikes which pretty much kills a huge chunk of the cast with no meter cuz this does a little over 1.0 mil dmg
When you do doing the air series try to delay the j.:s: a little bit after the j.:h: this put Thor a little below the opponent so he lands first so you can fully charge the M Smash. It takes a little practice to get the timing but its not bad.
He’s having trouble with the relaunch itself, not getting the H Smash Full charge.
No lol I can’t get the h smash not that :s: but thank you very much does :h: even work.
Thanks but I don’t think M works. Does it?
Oh, my bad lol. Only H smash works.
But follow his advice. Delay the S after your air series, you’ll make it back to the ground with enough time to charge.
Oh im sorry dude when I said M Smash I should have put :h: M Smash for the ground bounce, i could see where that got confusing. Just remember the properties of the Mighty Smashes :l: version Gives you a hard knockdown, gives you an OTG and :h: gives you the ground bounce.